Publications of Thomas Prior


  • Prior, Thomas. A list of the absentees of Ireland, and the yearly value of their estates and incomes spent abroad. With observations on the present trade and condition of that Kingdom. Dublin: printed for R. Gunne in Capel-Street, MDCCXXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. T82048. Grub Street ID 302662.
  • Prior, Thomas. A list of the absentees of Ireland, and the yearly value of their estates and incomes spent abroad. With observations on the present state and condition of that kingdom. Dublin: printed for R. Gunne, 1729. ESTC No. T169375. Grub Street ID 207223.
  • Prior, Thomas. Observations on coin in general. With some proposals for regulating the value of coin in Ireland. By the author of the list of the absentees of Ireland. Dublin: printed by A. Rhames, for R. Gunne in Caple-Street, MDCCXXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. T983. Grub Street ID 317599.
  • Prior, Thomas. A list of the absentees of Ireland, and the yearly value of their estates and incomes spent abroad. With observations on the present state and condition of that kingdom. Dublin: printed for R. Gunne in Capel-Street, MDCCXXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. T1665. Grub Street ID 204722.
  • Prior, Thomas. A list of the absentees of Ireland, and the yearly value of their estates and incomes spent abroad. With observations on the present state and condition of that Kingdom. London] : Dublin, printed: and reprinted at London, for Weaver Bickerton, in Devereux-Court, near Temple-Bar, M.DCC.XXX. [1730. ESTC No. T78178. Grub Street ID 300060.
  • Prior, Thomas. Observations on coin in general. With some proposals for regulating the value of coin in Ireland. By the author of the List of the absentees of Ireland. London] : Printed at Dublin: and reprinted at London, for J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, 1730. ESTC No. T83392. Grub Street ID 303799.
  • Prior, Thomas. A list of the absentees of Ireland, and the yearly value of their estates and incomes spent abroad. With observations on the present trade and condition of that kingdom. To which is added, A Large Appendix, containing a farther List and Observations. The third edition, corrected.. London : printed for Weaver Bickerton, in Devereux-Court, near Temple-Bar, M.DCC.XXX. [1730]. ESTC No. T86134. Grub Street ID 306391.
  • Prior, Thomas. A list of the absentees of Ireland, and the yearly value of their estates and incomes spent abroad. With observations on the present trade and condition of that kingdom. To which is added, a large appendix, containing a farther list and observations. The second edition, corrected.. London : printed for Weaver Bickerton, in Devereux-Court, near Temple-Bar, M.DCC.XXX. [1730]. ESTC No. T11314. Grub Street ID 165089.
  • Prior, Thomas. Observations on the trade between Ireland, and the English and foreign colonies in America. In a letter to a friend. London : [s.n.], Printed in the year M.DCC.XXXI. [1731]. ESTC No. T186094. Grub Street ID 222258.
  • Prior, Thomas. A proposal for erecting granaries in the city of Dublin, and other parts of the kingdom, to prevent any scarcity of corn for the future. Dullin [sic]: printed and sold by A. Reilly, 1741. ESTC No. T179005. Grub Street ID 215835.
  • Prior, Thomas. A list of the absentees of Ireland, and the yearly value of their estates and incomes spent abroad. With observations on the present trade and condition of that Kingdom. By Thomas Prior, ... Dublin: printed for R. Gunne, 1745. ESTC No. T77742. Grub Street ID 299778.
  • Prior, Thomas. An authentick narrative of the success of tar-water, in curing a great number and variety of distempers, with remarks, and occasional papers relative to the subject. ... By Thomas Prior, Esq;. London] : Dublin printed London re-printed, for W. Innys, C. Hitch, and M. Cooper; and C. Davis, 1746. ESTC No. T9540. Grub Street ID 314908.
  • Prior, Thomas. An authentic narrative of the success of tar-water, in curing a great number and variety of distempers; with remarks, and occasional papers relative to the subject. ... By Thomas Prior, Esq;. A new edition, complete.. London] : Dublin printed, London re-printed, for W. Innys, C. Hitch, and M. Cooper; and C. Davis, in Holbourn, 1746. ESTC No. T9541. Grub Street ID 314917.
  • Prior, Thomas. An authentic narrative of the success of tar-water, in curing a great number and variety of distempers; with remarks, and occasional papers relative to the subject. To which are subjoined, two letters from the author of Siris, shewing the medicinal properties of tar-water, and the best manner of making it. By Thomas Prior, Esq;. A new edition, complete.. London] : Dublin printed, London re-printed, for W. Innys, C. Hitch, and M. Cooper, in Paternoster-Row; and C. Davis, in Holborn, MDCCXLVI. [1746. ESTC No. T125698. Grub Street ID 175796.
  • Prior, Thomas. An authentick narrative of the success of tar-water, in curing a great number and variety of distempers, with remarks, and occasional papers relative to the subject. ... By Thomas Prior, Esq;. London] : Dublin printed, London re-printed, for W. Innys, C. Hitch, and M. Cooper; and C. Davis, 1746. ESTC No. N16150. Grub Street ID 5833.
  • Prior, Thomas. An authentic narrative of the success of tar-water. In curing a great number and variety of distempers, with remarks. And occasional papers relative to the subject. To which are subjoyned two Letters From the Author of Siris. By Thomas Prior, Esq;. Dublin: printed by Margt. Rhames, for R. Gunne, Bookseller in Caple-Street, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. N5208. Grub Street ID 36057.
  • Prior, Thomas. The authentick narrative of the success of tar water, in curing a great number and variety of distempers; with remarks: by Thomas Prior, Esq; Carefully abridged. To which are subjoined, two letters from the author of Siris: shewing the medicinal properties of tarwater, and the best manner of making it. [One line from Hebrews]. [Boston]: London, printed 1746. Boston: N.E. re-printed and sold by Rogers and Fowle in Queen-Street, MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. W11729. Grub Street ID 320948.
  • Prior, Thomas. An essay to encourage and extend the linen-manufacture in Ireland, by præmiums and other means. By Thomas Prior, Esq;. Dublin: printed by George Faulkner, 1749. ESTC No. T78785. Grub Street ID 300517.
  • Prior, Thomas. An essay to encourage and extend the linen-manufacture in Ireland, by præmiums and other means. ... By Thomas Prior, Esq;. Dublin: printed by George Faulkner, 1749. ESTC No. T78408. Grub Street ID 300273.
  • Prior, Thomas. An authentic narrative of the success of tar-water. [sic] in curing a great number and variety of distempers with remarks, and occasional papers, relative to the subject. ... By Thomas Prior, Esq;. Dublin: printed for William Williamson, 1758. ESTC No. T212580. Grub Street ID 239690.
  • Prior, Thomas. A list of the absentees of Ireland. And an estimate of the yearly value of their estates and incomes spent abroad. With observations on the trade and manufactures of Ireland, in particular Points of Trade. Also Some Reasons and Observations why Absentees should be obliged to contribute to the Support and Welfare of the Country they derive their Honours, Estates, and Incomes from. Humbly submitted to the Consideration of the Legislature of Ireland. The second edition corrected. To which is added an appendix. Dublin: printed by George Faulkner, In Parliament-Street, MDCCLXVII. [1767]. ESTC No. N19296. Grub Street ID 8718.
  • Prior, Thomas. A list of the absentees of Ireland, and an estimate of the yearly value of their estates and incomes spent abroad: with observations on the trade and manufactures of Ireland, ... Dublin: printed by W. G. Jones, for George Faulkner, 1767. ESTC No. T222510. Grub Street ID 245393.
  • Prior, Thomas. A list of the absentees of Ireland, and an estimate of the yearly value of their estates and incomes spent abroad: with observations on the trade and manufactures of Ireland, ... Dublin: printed by W. G. Jones, for George Faulkner, 1767. ESTC No. N53914. Grub Street ID 37787.
  • Prior, Thomas. A list of the absentees of Ireland, and an estimate of the yearly value of their estates and incomes spent abroad: with observations on the trade and manufactures of Ireland, ... Dublin: printed by W. G. Jones, for George Faulkner, 1767. ESTC No. T82431. Grub Street ID 303003.
  • Prior, Thomas. A list of the absentees of Ireland. And an estimate of the yearly value of their estates and incomes spent abroad. With Observations on the Trade and Manufactures of Ireland, and the Means to encourage, improve, and extend them; with some Reasons why Great-Britain should be more indulgent to Ireland, in particular Points of Trade. Also, Some Reasons and Observations why Absentees should be obliged to contribute to the Support and Welfare of the Country they derive their Honours, Estates, and Incomes from. Humbly submitted to the consideration of the legislature of Ireland. The third edition. In this edition the list of the absentees are greatly amended, and set forth, as they stand in the present year 1769. To which is added, notes and an appendix, Containing some material Transactions that have occurred since the Publication of the former Editions, in 1767. With Observations upon them, and the Act of Parliament, passed the last Session for laying a Tax of 4s. in the Pound on Absentees. Dublin: printed by George Faulkner, in Parliament-Street, 1769. ESTC No. T1095. Grub Street ID 162265.
  • Prior, Thomas. A list of the absentees of Ireland. And an estimate of the yearly value of their estates and incomes spent abroad. With Observations on the Trade and Manufactures of Ireland, and the Means to encourage, improve, and extend them; with some Reasons why Great-Britain should be more indulgent to Ireland, in particular Points of Trade. Also, Some Reasons and Observations why Absentees should be obliged to contribute to the Support and Welfare of the Country they derive their Honours, Estates, and Incomes from. Humbly submitted to the Consideration of the Legislature of Ireland. The sixth edition. In this edition the list of the absentees are greatly amended, and set forth, as they stood in the Year 1782. To which is added, notes and an appendix, Containing some material Transactions that have occurred since the Publication of the former Edition. 1769. With Observations upon them, and the several Acts of Parliament passed since. Vincit Amor Patriae Si quid novisti rectius istis, Candidus imp. Dublin: printed by T. T. Faulkner, In Parliament-Street, 1783. ESTC No. T120598. Grub Street ID 171614.
  • Prior, Thomas. An authentic narrative of the success of tar-water. In curing a great number and variety of distempers, with remarks. And occasional papers relative to the subject. ... By Thomas Prior, Esq;. Dublin: printed by John Parker, 1792. ESTC No. T164281. Grub Street ID 202546.
  • Prior, Thomas. An authentic narrative of the success of tarwater, in curing a great number and variety of distempers; with remarks. By Thomas Prior, Esq; Carefully abridged. To which are subjoined, two letters from the author of Siris: shewing the medicinal properties of tarwater, and the best manner of preparing it. Reprinted at Providence: by J. Carter, 1793. ESTC No. W11726. Grub Street ID 320945.