Publications of Thomas Watson


  • Watson, Thomas. The hekatompathia or Passionate centurie of loue, diuided into two parts: whereof, the first expresseth the authors sufferance in loue: the latter, his long farewell to loue and all his tyrannie. Composed by Thomas Watson Gentleman; and published at the request of certaine gentlemen his very frendes. London: imprinted by Iohn Wolfe for Gabriell Cawood, dwellinge in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Holy Ghost, [1582]. ESTC No. S111606. Grub Street ID 131409.
  • Watson, Thomas. Compendium memoriæ localis. Autore Thoma Watsono Londinensi, I.V. studioso. [London: Printed by Thomas Vautrollier, 1585?]. ESTC No. S119500. Grub Street ID 139140.
  • Watson, Thomas. The lamentations of Amyntas for the death of Phillis, paraphrastically translated out of Latine into English hexameters by Abraham Fraunce. London: Printed by Iohn Wolfe, for Thomas Newman, and Thomas Gubbin, Anno Dom. 1587. ESTC No. S111312. Grub Street ID 131184.
  • Watson, Thomas. The lamentations of Amintas for the death of Phillis: paraphrastically translated out of Latine into English hexameters, by Abraham Fraunce. At London: Printed by Iohn Charle-wood, for Thomas Newman and Thomas Gubbin, Anno. Dom. 1588. ESTC No. S111311. Grub Street ID 131183.
  • Watson, Thomas. The lamentations of Amintas for the death of Phillis. Paraphrastically translated out of Latine into English hexameters, by Abraham Fraunce. At London: Printed by Robert Robinson, for Thomas Newman and Thomas Gubbin, Anno. Dom. 1589. ESTC No. S121774. Grub Street ID 141345.
  • Watson, Thomas. Meliboeus Thomæ Watsoni siu, Ecloga in obitum honoratissimi viri, Domini Francisci VValsinghami, equitis aurati, diuæ Elizabethæ a secretis, & sanctioribus consilijs. Londini: Excudebat Robertus Robinsonus, M.D.LXXXX. [1590]. ESTC No. S111625. Grub Street ID 131420.
  • Watson, Thomas. The first sett, of Italian madrigalls Englished, not to the sense of the originall dittie, but after the affection of the noate. By Thomas Watson Gentleman. There are also heere inserted two excellent madrigalls of Master VVilliam Byrds, composed after the Italian vaine, at the request of the sayd Thomas Watson. Imprinted at London: By Thomas Este, the assignéof William Byrd, & are to be sold at the house of the sayd T. Este, being in Aldersgate street, at the signe of the black Horse, 1590. ESTC No. S119493. Grub Street ID 139132.
  • Watson, Thomas. Amintæ gaudia authore Thoma VVatsono Londinensi, iuris studioso. Londini: [Printed by P. Short] impensis Gulihelmi Ponsonbei, 1592. ESTC No. S111622. Grub Street ID 131419.
  • Watson, Thomas. The lamentations of Amintas for the death of Phillis. Paraphrastically translated out of Latine into English hexameters, by Abraham Fraunce. At London: Printed by Robert Robinson, for Thomas Gubbin, Anno Domini. 1596. ESTC No. S113243. Grub Street ID 132983.