Publications of Robert Ingram


  • Ingram, Robert. An improved explanation of the prophecy of the seven vials of wrath, or the seven last plagues, contained in the Revelation of St. John, chapter XV. XVI. By Robert Ingram, A. M. Vicar of Wormingford, and Boxted, in Essex. Colchester: printed and sold by W. Keymer; sold also by J. F. and C. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-Yard; and G. G. J. and J. Robinson, in Pater-Noster-Row, London, [1780?]. ESTC No. T104528. Grub Street ID 158043.
  • Ingram, Robert. An explanation of the prophecy of the seven vials, or the seven last plagues, contained in the Revelation of St. John, chapters XV, XVI. By a country clergyman. London : printed for J. F. and C. Rivington, 1780. ESTC No. N37777. Grub Street ID 25704.
  • Ingram, Robert. An exposition of Isaiah's vision, chap. VI. Wherein is pointed out a strong similitude betwixt what is said in it, and of the infliction of punishments on the papists, by the witnesses. Rev xi. 6. By Robert Ingram. A. M. Vicar of Wormingford and Boxted in Essex. London : printed for J.F. and C. Rivington, No. 62, St. Paul's Church-Yard, [1784]. ESTC No. T104531. Grub Street ID 158046.
  • Ingram, Robert. A view of the general events of the seventh plague, or period, when the mystery of God shall be finish'd. Rev. X.7. Which completes and adds confirmation to an explanation of the seven last plagues, Rev. XV. XVI Lately offered to the Public. By Robert Ingram, A. M. Vicar of Wormingford, and Boxted, in Essex. Colchester: printed and sold by W. Keymer. Sold also by J.F. and C. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-Yard; and G.G.J. and J. Robinson, in Pater-Noster Row, London, MDCCLXXXV. [1785]. ESTC No. T104529. Grub Street ID 158044.
  • Ingram, Robert. Accounts of the ten tribes of Israel being in America; originally published by R. Manasseh ben Israel. With observations thereon, and extracts from sacred and profane, ancient and modern history, confirming the same; and their return from thence about the time of the retur of the Jews. By Robert Ingram, A.M. Vicar of Wormingford and Boxted, Essex. Colchester: printed and sold by W. Keymer; sold also by G. G. J. and J. Robinson, Pater-Noster-Row, London, [1792]. ESTC No. N16097. Grub Street ID 5786.