Publications of John Securis


  • Securis, John. [An almanacke and prognostication for the yere 1562]. [Imprinted at London: By Ihon Waley], [1562]. ESTC No. S115818. Grub Street ID 135509.
  • Securis, John. A prognostication, for the yere since the birth of our Lorde Iesus Christ. 1562. whiche is the yere from the beginnyng of the worlde. 5524. wherein is declared the disposicion of the whole yere, as touchyng the weather, victuals, diseases, [et]c. Practised in Salisburie, in the Newe Strete. By Maister Ihon Securis. professoure of Phisicke. 1562. Imprinted at London: By Ihon VValey, [1562]. ESTC No. S116088. Grub Street ID 135779.
  • Securis, John. [An almanacke and prog ... . practised by Maister Iohn Securis ...]. [Imprinted at London: By Ihon Waley], [1562]. ESTC No. S112786. Grub Street ID 132532.
  • Securis, John. A detection and querimonie of the daily enormities and abuses co[m]mitted in physick, concernyng the thre parts therof: that is, the physitions part, the part of the surgeons, and the arte of poticaries. Dedicated vnto the two most famous vniuersities Oxford and Cambridge. Nowe lately set foorth by Iohn Securis physition. [Londini: In ædibus Thomæ Marshi], 1566. ESTC No. S110907. Grub Street ID 130862.
  • Securis, John. A prognostication for the yere of Christ Jesus our Lord & Sauiour, 1566 wherein are declared dyuers notable thinges, as you shal perceaue by the readyng therof : whiche (if God so permit) ar like to come to passe ... / set forth by John Securis ... Imprinted at London: Thomas Marsh, 1566. ESTC No. S1477. Grub Street ID 145912.
  • Securis, John. A newe almanacke for the yere of our Lord God M.D.Lxvii practised in Salisbury by Maistre Iohn Securis phisitian. 1567. Imprinted at London: Fletestrete by Thomas Marsh, [1567]. ESTC No. S90228. Grub Street ID 149667.
  • Securis, John. A newe almanacke and prognostication for the yere of our Lord M.D.LXIX, being the yeare since the creation of the vvorlde 5531 : made chiefly for Englande and applied sometimes to other countries / composed in Sarisbury by Iohn Securis ... ; proceded in the uniuersitie abou xxviij yeares agone. [London: Thomas Marshe, 1569]. ESTC No. S98. Grub Street ID 153960.
  • Securis, John. A newe almanacke and prognostication, for the yeare of our Lord God. M.D.LXXI. Beinge the yeare since the creation of the worlde. 5533. Made and set forthe in Salisburye by Iohn Securis, Maister of Arte, and of physicke. Printed at London: By Thomas Marshe, [1571]. ESTC No. S113300. Grub Street ID 133040.
  • Securis, John. [1573. An almanacke and prognostication, for the yere of our Lord God M.D.LXXIII]. [Imprinted at London by Richard VVatkins, and Iames Robarts, [1573]]. ESTC No. S125296. Grub Street ID 144542.
  • Securis, John. 1574. An almanacke and prognostication, for the yere of our Lord God M.D.LXXIIII. Whiche yere is from the begynnyng of... Made and written in Salisbury by Iohn Securis, maister of Art and Phisicke. [London: By Richarde Watkins, and Iames Robertes, 1574]. ESTC No. S119946. Grub Street ID 139585.
  • Securis, John. A prognostication for the yeare of our Lorde God M.D.LXXVI. Made and written in Salisburie, by Iohn Securis, maister of arte, and phisicke. Anno mundi. 5538. [London]: Imprinted in Powles Church-yarde, by Richarde Watkins, and Iames Roberts, [1576]. ESTC No. S99. Grub Street ID 153969.