Publications of Edward Dering


  • Dering, Edward. A sermo[n] preached before the Quenes Maiestie, By Maister Edward Dering, the. 25. day of February. Anno. 1569. Imprinted at London: By Iohn Awdely, [1569?]. ESTC No. S113502. Grub Street ID 133236.
  • Dering, Edward. A sermon preached at the Tower of London, by M. Dering the xi. day of Dece[m]ber. 1569. Imprinted at London: By Iohn Day, dwelling ouer Aldersgate, [1569]. ESTC No. S113566. Grub Street ID 133296.
  • Dering, Edward. A sermon preached before the Quenes Maiestie, by Maister Edward Dering, the 25. day of February. Anno. 1569. Imprinted at London: by Iohn Awdely, [1570?]. ESTC No. S4604. Grub Street ID 148565.
  • Dering, Edward. A sermon preached at the Tower of London, the eleuenth day of December. 1569. Imprinted at London: by Iohn Day, dwelling ouer Aldersgate, [1570?]. ESTC No. S126085. Grub Street ID 145261.
  • Dering, Edward. A sermon preached at the Tower of London, the eleuenth day of December. 1569. At London: printed by Iohn Daye, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate, [1570?]. ESTC No. S1889. Grub Street ID 146292.
  • Dering, Edward. A sermon preached before the Quenes Maiestie, By Maister Edward Dering, the. 25. day of February. Anno. 1569. Imprinted at London: By Iohn Awdely, [1570?]. ESTC No. S116247. Grub Street ID 135935.
  • Dering, Edward. A sermon preached before the Queenes Maiestie, the .25. day of February, by Maister Edward Dering, in anno. 1569. [London: J. Awdely, 1572?]. ESTC No. S126086. Grub Street ID 145262.
  • Dering, Edward. A briefe [and] necessary instruction, uerye needefull to bee knowen of all housholders, whereby they maye the better teach and instruct their families in such points of Christian religion as is most meete. Not onely of them throughly to be vnderstood, but also requisite to be learned by hart of all suche as shall bee admitted vnto the Lordes Supper. Imprinted at London: by Iohn Awdely, 1572. ESTC No. S91671. Grub Street ID 150669.
  • Dering, Edward. A sermon preached before the Queenes Maiestie, the. 25. day of February, by Maister Edward Dering, in Anno. 1569. [London: J. Awdely, 1572?]. ESTC No. S125309. Grub Street ID 144554.
  • Dering, Edward. A briefe & necessary instruction, verye needefull to bee knowen of all housholders, whereby they maye the better teach and instruct their families in such points of Christian religion as is most meete. Not onely of them throughly to be vnderstood, but also requisite to b learned by hart of all suche as shall bee admitted vnto the Lordes Supper. [London: J. Awdely], 1572. ESTC No. S114092. Grub Street ID 133814.
  • Dering, Edward. A sermon preached before the Queenes Maiestie, the. 25. day of Februarie by Mayster Edwarde Dering, in anno. 1569. [[London]: Printed by Henry Denham, [1572?]]. ESTC No. S117019. Grub Street ID 136697.
  • Dering, Edward. A lecture or exposition vpon a part of the. v. chapter of the epistle to the Hebrues. As it was read in Paules the. 6. day of December. 1572. By Edward Deryng. Prepared and geuen for a new yeres gift to the godly in London and els where, for this yeare. 1573. Imprynted at London: By Iohn Awdely, [1573]. ESTC No. S110854. Grub Street ID 130822.
  • Dering, Edward. A briefe & necessary catechisme or instruction. Verye needeful to bee knowen of all householders, whereby they maye the better teach and instruct their families, in such pointers of Christian religion as is most meete. Not onely of them throughly to be understood, but also requisite to be learned by hart of all suche as shall be admitted unto the Lordes Supper. [London]: Imprinted at London by John Awdely, 1574. ESTC No. S91672. Grub Street ID 150670.
  • Dering, Edward. Godlye priuate praiers for housholders in their families. Imprinted at London: by Iohn Awdely, dwelling in litle Britaine streete wythout Aldersgate, 1574. ESTC No. S91674. Grub Street ID 150672.
  • Dering, Edward. Godlye priuate praiers for housholders to meditate vpon, and to say in their families. [London]: Imprinted at London by John Awdely, dwelling in litle Brittaine streete without Aldersgate, 1574. ESTC No. S91675. Grub Street ID 150673.
  • Dering, Edward. A sermon preached at the Tower of London, by M. Dering the xi. day of Dece[m]ber 1599 [sic]. Imprinted at London: by Iohn Day, dwelling ouer Aldersgate, [1575?]. ESTC No. S125727. Grub Street ID 144961.
  • Dering, Edward. A briefe & necessary catechisme or instruction. Verye needefull to bee knowen of all housholders, whereby they maye the better teach and instruct their families, in such pointes of Christian religion as is most meete. Not onely of them throughly to be vnderstood, but als requisite to be learned by hart of all suche as shall bee admitted vnto the Lordes Supper. Imprinted at London: By Iohn Awdely, 1575. ESTC No. S120632. Grub Street ID 140261.
  • Dering, Edward. Godlye priuate praiers for housholders to meditate vpon, and to say in their families. Imprinted at London: by Iohn Awdely dwelling in litle Brittaine strete without Aldersgate, 1576. ESTC No. S126083. Grub Street ID 145259.
  • Dering, Edward. XXVII. lectures, or readings, vpon part of the Epistle written to the Hebrues. Made by Maister Edward Deering, Bachelour of Diuinitie. [London]: Imprinted by [H. Middleton for] Lucas Harison, Anno. 1577. ESTC No. S114746. Grub Street ID 134456.
  • Dering, Edward. A bryefe and necessary catechisme or instruction very needefull to be knowne of al housholders, wherby they may the better teache and instructe theyr families in such pointes of Christian religion as is most meete : not onelye of them throughlye to be understoode, but also requisite to be learned by harte, of all such as shall be admitted vnto the Lordes Supper. Imprinted at London: By John Charlewood, 1577. ESTC No. S4603. Grub Street ID 148564.
  • Dering, Edward. A bryefe and necessary catechisme or instruction very needefull to be knowne of al housholders, wherby they may the better teache and instructe theyr families, in such pointes of Christian religion as is most meete : not onelye of them throughlye to be vnderstood, but also requisite to be learned by harte, of all such as shall be admitted vnto the Lords Supper. Imprinted at London: By John Charlewood, 1577. ESTC No. S767. Grub Street ID 149387.
  • Dering, Edward. A sermon preached before the Queenes Maiestie, by maister Edwarde Dering, the 25 day of Februarie. Anno.1569. Imprinted at London: By Iohn Charlewood, dwelling in Barbican, at the signe of the halfe Eagle & Key, 1578. ESTC No. S112616. Grub Street ID 132370.
  • Dering, Edward. Godly priuate praiers, for houshoulders to meditate vpon, and to saye in theyr families. Imprinted at London: By Iohn Charlewood, [c. 1578?]. ESTC No. S113565. Grub Street ID 133295.
  • Dering, Edward. Godly priuate praiers, for houshoulders to meditate vppon, and to say in their famylies. Imprinted at London: by Iohn Charlewood, [1580?]. ESTC No. S125513. Grub Street ID 144750.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for househoulders with prayers to the same adioyning. Imprinted at London: By John Charlewood, dwelling in Barbican, at the signe of the Halfe Eagle and Key, 1580. ESTC No. S1890. Grub Street ID 146294.
  • Dering, Edward. A sermon preached before the Queenes Maiestie, by maister Edward Dering, the. 25. day of Februarie. Anno. 1569. Imprinted at London: by Iohn Charlewood, dwelling in Barbican, at the signe of the half Eagle and Key, 1580. ESTC No. S91676. Grub Street ID 150674.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for householders. With prayers to the same adioyning. Heervnto are added vnder the aunswer vnto euerie question, the prooues of the Scripture, for euerie poynt of the sayd catechisme. Gathered by Iohn Stockwood, scholermaister of Tunbridge, according a they were noted in the margin by the first authors. For all true Christians, which desyre to bring vp their families in the feare of the Lord. Imprinted at London: by Iohn Charlewood, 1580. ESTC No. S91677. Grub Street ID 150675.
  • Dering, Edward. A bryefe and necessary catechisme or instruction, very needfull to be knowne of al housholders. Wherby they may the better teache and instructe theyr families, in such pointes of Christian religion as is most meete. Not onely of them throughly to be vnderstoode, but also requisite to be learned by harte, of all such as shall be admitted vnto the Lordes Supper. Imprinted at London: by Iohn Charlewood, [1581?]. ESTC No. S116581. Grub Street ID 136268.
  • Dering, Edward. Godly priuate praiers, for houshoulders to meditate vppon, and to say in their famylies. Imprinted at London: by Iohn Charlewood, [1581]. ESTC No. S126084. Grub Street ID 145260.
  • Dering, Edward. A shorte catechisme for househoulders. With prayers to the same adioyning. Imprinted at London: by John Charlewood, dwelling in Barbican, at the signe of the half Eagle and Key, 1581. ESTC No. S126087. Grub Street ID 145263.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for househoulders with prayers to the same adioyning : heervnto are added vnder the aunswer vnto euerie question, the prooues of the Scripture, for euerie poynt of the sayd catechisme / gathered by Iohn Stockwood ... according as they were noted in the margin by the first authors ; for all true Christians, which desyre to bring vp their families in the feare of the Lord. Imprinted at London: By Iohn Charlewood, 1582. ESTC No. S337. Grub Street ID 147622.
  • Dering, Edward. A shorte catechisme for househoulders. With prayers to the same adioyning. Imprinted at London: By Iohn Charlewood, dwelling in Barbican, at the signe of the half Eagle and Key, 1582. ESTC No. S118263. Grub Street ID 137922.
  • Dering, Edward. A shorte catechisme for househoulders. With prayers to the same adioyning. Imprinted at London: By Iohn Charlewood, dwelling in Barbican, at the signe of the half Eagle and Key, 1583. ESTC No. S110868. Grub Street ID 130831.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for housholders. With prayers to the same adioygning. Heerevnto are added vnder the aunswer vnto euerie question, the prooues of the Scripture, for euery point of the said catechisme. Gathered by Iohn Stockwood, schoole-maister of Tunbridge, according as they vvere noted in the margin, by the first authors. For all true Christians, which desire to bring vp their families in the feare of the Lord. Imprinted at London: by Iohn Charlewood, 1583. ESTC No. S91679. Grub Street ID 150676.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for househoulders. With prayers to the same adioyning. Imprinted at London: by Iohn Charlewood, dwelling in Barbican, at the signe of the half Eagle and Key, 1583. ESTC No. S91680. Grub Street ID 150677.
  • Dering, Edward. A sermon preached at the Tower of London, the .11. day of December. 1569. By Maister Edward Dering. Perused and allovved by aucthoritie. Imprinted at London: By Iohn Charlewood, 1584. ESTC No. S110852. Grub Street ID 130821.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for househoulders. With prayers to the same adioyning. Heerevnto are added vnder the aunswer vnto euery question, the prooues of the Scripture, for euerie point of the sayd catechisme. Gathered by Iohn Stockwood, scholemaster of Tunbridge, according as they vvere noted in the margin by the first authors. For all true Christians, which desire to bring vp their families in the feare of the Lord. Imprinted at London: By Iohn Charlewood, 1584. ESTC No. S116885. Grub Street ID 136572.
  • Dering, Edward. A sermon preached before the Queenes Maiestie. By Maister Edward Dering, the. 25. of Februarie. Anno. 1569. Imprinted at London: By Iohn Charlevvood, dwelling in Barbican, at the signe of the halfe Eagle and Key, 1584. ESTC No. S118259. Grub Street ID 137918.
  • Dering, Edward. A sermon preached before the Queenes maiesty. By Master Edwarde Dearing, the 25. of February. Anno. 1569. Imprinted at London: By Iohn Charlewood, dwelling in Barbican, at the signe of the halfe Eagle and Key, 1586. ESTC No. S110861. Grub Street ID 130826.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for householders. With prayers to the same adioyning. Heerevnto are added vnder the aunswer vnto euery question, the prooues of the Scripture, for euerie point of the sayd catechisme. Gathered by Iohn Stockwood, schole: maister of Tunbridge, according as they vvere noted in the margin by the first authors. For all true Christians, which desire to bring vp their families in the feare of the Lord. Imprinted at London: by Iohn Charlewood, 1587. ESTC No. S125311. Grub Street ID 144556.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for householders, with prayers to the same adioyning. At London: printed by Iohn Charlewoode, dwelling in Barbican, at the signe of the halfe Eagle and Key, 1588. ESTC No. S91681. Grub Street ID 150678.
  • Dering, Edward. A sermon preached at the Tower of London, the eleuenth day of December, 1569. By Maister Edward Dering. Perused and allowed by authoritie. At London: Printed by Iohn Charlewoode, Anno. Dom. 1589. ESTC No. S110856. Grub Street ID 130823.
  • Dering, Edward. A sermon preached before the Queenes Maiestie. By Maister Edwarde Dearing, the 25. of Februarie. Anno. 1569. At London: printed by Iohn Charlewoode, dwelling in Barbican, at the signe of the halfe Eagle and the Key, anno. 1589. ESTC No. S125726. Grub Street ID 144960.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for househoulders, with prayers to the same adioyning. At London: printed by Iohn Charlewood, dwelling in Barbican, at the signe of the halfe Egle and Key, 1590. ESTC No. S124304. Grub Street ID 143689.
  • Dering, Edward. Certaine godly and verie comfortable letters, full of christian consolation. Written by M. Ed Dering vnto sondry of his friends. And nowe published, for the proffite of the Church of God. [Middelburg: Printed by Richard Schilders, 1590?]. ESTC No. S116582. Grub Street ID 136269.
  • Dering, Edward. XXVII. lectures or readinges, vpon part of the epistle written to the Hebrues. Set forth as they were reade in Paules Church in London. By Maister Edward Deringe Bachelour of Diuinitie. [Middelburg: R. Schilders], 1590. ESTC No. S126089. Grub Street ID 145265.
  • Dering, Edward. Two godly sermons. The first preached before the Queenes Maiestie, the 25. of Februarie. 1569. The other preached in the Tower of London the 11. of December the same yeare. By Maister Edward Deringe. Perused & alowed by authoritie. [Middelburg]: Newly imprinted. [by Richard Schilders, 1590]. ESTC No. S122156. Grub Street ID 141713.
  • Dering, Edward. A briefe and necessarie catachisme or instrucion. Verie needefull to bee knowne of all housholders. Whereby they may the better teache and instructe their famelies, in such pointes of Christian religion as is most meete. Not onely of them throughlie to bee vnderstoode, but also requisite to bee learned by hearte, of all such as shalbe [sic] admitted vnto the Lordes Supper. With prayers to the same adioyning. [Middelburg: R. Schilders], Nevvly imprinted. 1590. ESTC No. S125306. Grub Street ID 144551.
  • Dering, Edward. Two godly sermons. The first preached before the Queenes Maiestie, the .25. of Februarie, 1569. The other preached in the Tower of London, the .11. of December the same yeare. By Maister Edvvard Deringe. Perused and allowed by authoritie. At London [i.e. Middelburg]: newlie imprinted [by Richard Schilders], 1590. ESTC No. S126161. Grub Street ID 145334.
  • Dering, Edward. XXVII. lectvres, or readings, vpon part of the Epistle written to the Hebrues. Made by Maister Edward Deering, Bachelour of Diuinitie. At London: printed for Thomas Woodcocke, anno. 1590. ESTC No. S4084. Grub Street ID 148182.
  • Dering, Edward. XXVII. lectures or readinges, vpon part of the epistle written to the Hebrues. Set forth as they were read in Paules Church in London. By Edward Deringe Bachelour of diuinitie. [Middelburg: printed by Richard Schilders, 1590]. ESTC No. S123029. Grub Street ID 142554.
  • Dering, Edward. A briefe and necessary catechisme or instructio[n]. Very needfull to be known of al housholders. Wherby they may teach & instruct ther famelies, in such pointes of Christian religion as is most meete. With prayers to the same adioyning. [Middelburg: Printed by Richard Schilders, 1590?]. ESTC No. S123030. Grub Street ID 142555.
  • Dering, Edward. A sermon preached before the Queenes maiestie. By Maister Edward Dearing, the 25. of Februarie. Anno. 1569. At London: Printed by the Widdow Chalwood, dwelling in Barbican at the signe of the halfe Eagle and Key, Anno. 1593. ESTC No. S110862. Grub Street ID 130827.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for housholders, with prayers to the same adioyning. At London: printed by Iames Roberts, anno. 1595. ESTC No. S126088. Grub Street ID 145264.
  • Dering, Edward. Certaine godly and comfortable letters, full of Christian consolation. VVritten by M. Ed. Dering vnto sundry of his friends. And nowe published, for the profit of the Church of God. [London: James Roberts, 1597]. ESTC No. S125491. Grub Street ID 144729.
  • Dering, Edward. A briefe and necessarie catechisme or instruction, very needfull to be known of all housholders. VVherby they may teach and instruct theyr familie in such poynts of Christian religion as is most meete. With prayers to the same adioyning. At London: [J. Roberts], Newly imprinted. Anno. Dom. 1597. ESTC No. S110967. Grub Street ID 130912.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for housholders, with prayers to the same adioyning. At London: Printed by Iames Roberts, Anno. 1597. ESTC No. S91682. Grub Street ID 150679.
  • Dering, Edward. A sermon preached before the Queenes Maiestie the 25. day of February, by Maister Edward Deringe. 1569. [London: printed by I. R for Paule Linley, and Iohn Flasket, and are to bee solde in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of the Blacke-beare, 1597]. ESTC No. S125594. Grub Street ID 144829.
  • Dering, Edward. M. Derings workes. More at large then euer hath heere to-fore been printed in any one volume. At London: Printed by I. R[oberts] for Paule Linley, and Iohn Flasket, and are to bee solde in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the Blacke-beare, 1597. ESTC No. S121680. Grub Street ID 141253.
  • Dering, Edward. [Briefe and necessarie catechisme, or instruction for housholders. Not onely of them throughly to be vnderstoode, but also requisite to be learned by hart, of all such as shall bee admitted vnto the Lords Supper. With godly priuate prayers annexed there-vnto. Made by M. Edward Dering]. [London: J. Roberts, 1600.]. ESTC No. S91673. Grub Street ID 150671.
  • Dering, Edward. A sermon preached before the Queenes Maiestie. By Maister Edward Dearing, the 25. of February. Anno. Dom. 1569. At London: Printed by Iames Roberts, and are to be sold [by R. Bankworth] in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the Sun, 1600. ESTC No. S118260. Grub Street ID 137919.
  • Dering, Edward. A sermon preached before the Queenes Maiestie. By Maister Edward Dearing, the 25. of Februarie. Anno. Dom. 1569. At London: printed by Iames Roberts, and are to bee solde [by R. Bankworth] in Paules Church-yarde, at the signe of the Sunne, anno. 1603. ESTC No. S125725. Grub Street ID 144959.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for houshoulders with prayers to the same adioyning. At London: Printed by Iames Roberts, 1603. ESTC No. S4605. Grub Street ID 148566.
  • Dering, Edward. A briefe and necessarie catechisme, or instruction for housholders. Not onely of them throughly to be vnderstoode, but also requisite to be learned by hart, of all such as shall bee admitted vnto the Lords Supper. With godly priuate prayers annexed there-vnto. Made by M. Edward Dering. [At London: Printed by Iames Robarts, 1606]. ESTC No. S114244. Grub Street ID 133963.
  • Dering, Edward. Godlie priuate praiers, for househoulders to meditate vppon, and to saye in theyr families. Imprinted at London: By Iohn Charlewood, [1609]. ESTC No. S110971. Grub Street ID 130916.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for housholders, with praiers to the same adioyning. [London]: Printed by W. Iaggard, 1611. ESTC No. S119747. Grub Street ID 139387.
  • Dering, Edward. Certaine godly and comfortable letters, full of Christian consolation written by M. Ed. Dering vnto sundry of his friends ... [S.l.: E. Griffin for E. Blount, 1614]. ESTC No. S2573. Grub Street ID 146945.
  • Dering, Edward. M. Derings workes. More at large then euer hath heere to-fore been printed in any one volume. London: Printed by Edward Griffin for Edward Blount, 1614. ESTC No. S115777. Grub Street ID 135467.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for housholders, with praiers to the same adioyning. [London]: Printed by. WIaggard [sic], 1614. ESTC No. S114743. Grub Street ID 134453.
  • Dering, Edward. XXVII. lectures, or readings, vpon part of the epistle written to the Hebrues. Made by Maister Edward Deering, Bachelour of Diuinitie. London: printed by Edward Griffin for Edward Blount, 1614. ESTC No. S125596. Grub Street ID 144831.
  • Dering, Edward. A briefe and necessarie catechisme or instruction very needfull to be knowne of all housholders, whereby they may teach and instruct their family in such poynts of Christian religion as is most meete : vvith prayers to the same adioyning. London: Printed by W. Iaggard, 1614. ESTC No. S2571. Grub Street ID 146943.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for housholders, with praiers to the same adioyning. [London]: Printed by W. Iaggard, 1617. ESTC No. S121039. Grub Street ID 140647.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for housholders with praiers to the same adioyning. [London]: Printed by W. Iaggard, 1620. ESTC No. S1694. Grub Street ID 146109.
  • Dering, Edward. Mr. Edward Dering, his godly priuate prayers for Christian families. Whereunto is annexed, his briefe and necessary catechisme for housholders. London: printed by Isaac Iaggard, 1624. ESTC No. S125308. Grub Street ID 144553.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for housholders, with praiers to the same adioyning. [London]: Printed by Isaac Iaggard, 1625. ESTC No. S116936. Grub Street ID 136622.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for housholders, with praiers to the same adioyning. [London]: Printed by Isaac Iaggard, 1627. ESTC No. S117458. Grub Street ID 137128.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for housholders, with praiers to the same adioyning. [London]: Printed by Tho. Cotes, 1630. ESTC No. S4200. Grub Street ID 148281.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for housholders, with praiers to the same adioyning. [London]: Printed by Tho. Cotes, 1631. ESTC No. S116938. Grub Street ID 136624.
  • Dering, Edward. A short catechis[me] for housholders with praiers to the same adioyning. [S.l.]: Printed by Tho. Cotes, 1634. ESTC No. S2572. Grub Street ID 146944.
  • Dering, Edward. Mr. Dering's letters; together with his dying words, at Tokey, June, 26, 1576. To which is annexed, a word to the rich, with a remarkable anecdote of the late Rev. Mr. James Hervey. Carmarthen: printed by J. Ross, for the Rev. P. Williams, 1784. ESTC No. T213924. Grub Street ID 240545.