Publications of William Rankins


  • Rankins, William. A mirrour of monsters: wherein is plainely described the manifold vices, &c spotted enormities, that are caused by the infectious sight of playes, with the description of the subtile slights of Sathan, making them his instruments. Compiled by Wil. Rankins. Séene and allowed. At London: Printed by I[ohn] C[harlewood] for T[homas] H[acket], in anno. Do. 1587. ESTC No. S115638. Grub Street ID 135329.
  • Rankins, William. The English ape, the Italian imitation, the footesteppes of Fraunce. VVherein is explaned, the wilfull blindnesse of subtill mischiefe, the striuing for starres, the catching of mooneshine: and the secrete sound of many hollow hearts. by W.R. At London: Imprinted by Robert Robinson, and are to be sold by Richard Iones dwelling at Holborne Conduit at the signe of the Rose and Crowne, 1588. ESTC No. S110586. Grub Street ID 130603.
  • Rankins, William. The English ape, the Italian imitation, the footesteppes of Fraunce. VVherein is explaned, the wilfull blindnesse of subtill mischeife, the striuing for starres, the catching of mooneshine: and the secrete sounde of many hollowe heartes. At London: Imprinted by Robert Robinson dwelling in Feter Lane neere Holborne, 1588. ESTC No. S123826. Grub Street ID 143279.
  • Rankins, William. The English ape, the Italian imitation, the footesteppes of Fraunce. VVherein is explaned, the wilfull blindnesse of subtill mischiefe, the striuing for starres, the catching of mooneshine: and the secrete sounde of many hollowe heartes. by W.R. At London: imprinted by Robert Robinson dwelling in Feter Lane neere Holborne, 1588. ESTC No. S125938. Grub Street ID 145121.
  • Rankins, William. Seauen satyres applyed to the weeke, including the worlds ridiculous follyes. True fælicity described in the phoenix. Maulgre. Whereunto is annexed the wandring satyre. By W. Rankins, Gent. Imprinted at London: By Edw. Allde for William Ferbrand: and are to be sould at his shop in Lothbury, at the hither end of Colman streete, 1598. ESTC No. S110588. Grub Street ID 130604.