Publications of Thomas Procter


  • Procter, Thomas. A vvorthy vvorke profitable to this whole kingdome. Concerning the mending of all high-waies, as also for waters and iron workes. By Tho: Procter Esquire. London: Printed by E. Allde & are to be sold at his house on Lambard-hill, neere Olde-fish-streete, 1607. ESTC No. S115291. Grub Street ID 134982.
  • Procter, Thomas. A profitable vvorke to this vvhole kingdome. Concerning the mending of all high-wayes as also for vvaters and iron workes. Written by Tho: Procter Esquire. Imprinted at London: [By E. Allde], 1610. ESTC No. S110509. Grub Street ID 130541.
  • Procter, Thomas. The right of Kings conteyning a defence of their supremacy, over all persons and in all causes, as well ecclesiasticall as civill, within their severall dominions : herewithall is proved by testimony of Holy Scripture, that Christian Kinges are to haue such dignity, and execute such office in the Christian church, as Gods kinges had exercised in the church under the lawe : which part of the mysterie of Gods will, as it hath been wickedly under poperie shut up from men, so it is in our tymes right needfull that the same be opened to all Christian nations. [Amsterdam: G. Thorp], 1621. ESTC No. S1281. Grub Street ID 145731.