Publications of Edward Nyndge


  • Nyndge, Edward. A booke declaringe the fearfull vexasion, of one Alexander Nyndge. Beynge moste horriblye tormented wyth an euyll spirit. The xx. daie of Januarie. In the yere of our Lorde. 1573. At Lyeringswell in Suffolke. Imprinted at London: in in [sic] fleetestreate, beneathe conduite, at the sygne of St. Jhon [sic] Euangelyste by Thomas Colwell, [1573]. ESTC No. S125877. Grub Street ID 145091.
  • Nyndge, Edward. A true and fearefull vexation of one Alexander Nyndge: being most horribly tormented with the deuill, from the 20. day of Ianuary, to the 23. of Iuly. At Lyering well in Suffocke: with his prayer afer his deliuerance. Written by his owne brother Edvvard Nyndge Master of Arts, with the names of the witnesses that were at his vexation. Imprinted at London: [by W. Stansby] for W. B[arrett?], and are to bee sold by Edvvard Wright at Christ-Church gate, 1615. ESTC No. S110306. Grub Street ID 130381.