Publications of William Painter


  • Painter, William. The palace of pleasure beautified, adorned and well furnished, with pleasaunt histories and excellent nouelles, selected out of diuers good and commendable authors. By William Painter clarke of the ordinaunce and armarie. [London]: 1566. Imprinted at London, by [John Kingston and] Henry Denham, for Richard Tottell and William Iones[. These bookes are to be solde at the long shoppe at the weast ende of Paules], [1566 (26 Jan.)]. ESTC No. S110279. Grub Street ID 130360.
  • Painter, William. The second tome of the Palace of pleasure, conteyning store of goodly histories, tragicall matters, and other morall argument, very requisite for delighte and profit. Chosen and selected out of diuers good and commendable authors: by William Painter, clerke of the ordinance and armarie. Anno. 1567. Imprinted at London: in Pater Noster Rowe, by Henry Bynneman, for Nicholas England, [1567]. ESTC No. S110236. Grub Street ID 130336.
  • Painter, William. The pallace of pleasure beautified, adorned and wel furnished, with pleasaunt historyes and excellent nouelles, selected out of diuers good and commendable authours. By VVilliam Painter clarke of the ordinaunce and armarie. 1569. Imprinted at London: In Fletestreate neare to S. Dunstones Church by Thomas Marshe, [1569]. ESTC No. S110237. Grub Street ID 130337.
  • Painter, William. The second tome of the Palace of pleasure contayning store of goodlye histories, tragical matters, & other morall argumentes, very requisite for delight and profyte. Chose[n] and selected out of diuers good and commendable authors, and now once agayn corrected and encreased. By VViliam Painter, clerke of the ordinance and armarie. Imprinted at London: in Fleatstrete by Thomas. Marshe, [1580?]. ESTC No. S113378. Grub Street ID 133113.
  • Painter, William. Chaucer new painted. By William Painter. [London: Printed by George Eld and Miles Flesher, 1623]. ESTC No. S467. Grub Street ID 148614.