Publications of Anthony Nixon


  • Nixon, Anthony. Elizaes memoriall. King Iames his arriuall. And Romes downefall. London: Printed T[homas] C[reede] for Iohn Baylie, and are to be sold at his shop neare the litle north doore of Paules, 1603. ESTC No. S113328. Grub Street ID 133068.
  • Nixon, Anthony. Oxfords triumph: in the royall entertainement of his moste Excellent Maiestie, the Queene, and the Prince: the 27. of August last, 1605. With the Kings oration deliuered to the Vniuersitie, and the incorporating of diuers noble-men, Maisters of Arte. London: Printed by Ed. Allde, and are to bee solde in Paules Church-yard by Iohn Hodgets, 1605. ESTC No. S120953. Grub Street ID 140563.
  • Nixon, Anthony. The blacke yeare. Seria iocis. London: Printed by E. Allde, for William Timme, dwelling in Pater noster-rowe, at the signe of the Flower de Luce and Crowne neere Cheapside, 1606. ESTC No. S119501. Grub Street ID 139141.
  • Nixon, Anthony. The three English brothers. Sir Thomas Sherley his trauels, vvith his three yeares imprisonment in Turkie: his inlargement by his Maiesties letters to the great Turke: and lastly, his safe returne into England this present yeare, 1607. Sir Anthony Sherley his embassage t the Christian princes. Master Robert Sherley his wars against the Turkes, with his marriage to the Emperour of Persia his neece. London: Printed [by Adam Islip?], and are to be sold by Iohn Hodgets in Paules Church yard, 1607. ESTC No. S110177. Grub Street ID 130288.
  • Nixon, Anthony. A true relation of the admirable voiage and trauell of William Bush gentleman: who with his owne handes without any other mans helpe, made a pynace, in which he past by ayre, land, and water: from Lamborne, in Bark shire, to the custome house key i[n] Londen. 1607. [London: printed by T[homas]. P[urfoot]. for Nathaniel Butter, 1608]. ESTC No. S125496. Grub Street ID 144732.
  • Nixon, Anthony. A true relation of the trauels of M. Bush, a gentleman: who with his owne handes without any other mans helpe made a pynace, in which hee past by ayre, land, and water: from Lamborne, a place in Bark.shire, to the Custome house Key in London. 1607. London: Printed by T[homas]. P[urfoot]. for Nathaniel Butter, 1608. ESTC No. S119994. Grub Street ID 139633.
  • Nixon, Anthony. The vvarres of Svvethland. With the ground and originall of the said vvarres, begun and continued betwixt Sigismond King of Poland, and Duke Charles his vnkle, lately crowned King of Swethland. As also the state and condition of that kingdome, as it standeth to this day. London: Printed [by J. Windet] for Nathaniel Butter, dvvewlling in Pauls Church-yard by Saint Austins gate, 1609. ESTC No. S119996. Grub Street ID 139635.
  • Nixon, Anthony. Svvethland and Poland vvarres. A souldiers returne out of Sweden, and his newes from the warres: or, Sweden and Poland vp in armes. And the entertainement of English souldiers there: with the fortunes and successe of those 1200. men that lately went thither. At London: printed for Nathaniell Butter, 1610. ESTC No. S125498. Grub Street ID 144734.
  • Nixon, Anthony. Londons doue: or A memoriall of the life and death of Maister Robert Doue, citizen and marchant-taylor of London, and of his seuerall almesdeeds and large bountie to the poore, in his life time. He departed this life, on Saterday the 2. day of this instant moneth of May, 1612. London: Printed by Thomas Creede, for Ioseph Hunt, and are to be solde at his house in Bedlam, neere Moore-field Gate, 1612. ESTC No. S121754. Grub Street ID 141325.
  • Nixon, Anthony. The dignitie of man, both in the perfections of his soule and bodie. Shewing as well the faculties in the disposition of the one: as the senses and organs, in the composition of the other. By A.N. London: printed by Edward Allde dwelling vppon Lambert-hill, neere old fish-street, 1612. ESTC No. S120838. Grub Street ID 140466.
  • Nixon, Anthony. Londons dove: or a memoriall of the life and death of Maister Robert Doue, citizen and marchant-taylor of London, and of his seuerall almesdeeds and large bountie to the poore, in his life time. He departed this life, on Saterday the 2. day of this instant moneth of May, 1612. London: printed by Thomas Creede, for Ioseph Hunt, and are to be sold by Edward Marchant in Paules Church-yard, at his shop ouer against the Crosse, 1612. ESTC No. S4797. Grub Street ID 148726.
  • Nixon, Anthony. Great Brittaines generall ioyes. Londons glorious triumphes. Dedicated to the immortall memorie of the ioyfull mariage of the two famous and illustrious princes, Fredericke and Elizabeth. Celebrated the 14. of Februarie, being S. Valentines day. With the instalment of the sayd potent Prince Fredericke at Windsore, the 7. of Februarie aforesaid. Imprinted at London: [By W. White] for Henry Robertes. and are to be sold by T[homas] P[avier], 1613. ESTC No. S110171. Grub Street ID 130285.
  • Nixon, Anthony. A straunge foot-post, vvith a packet full of strange petitions. After a long vacation for a good terme. Printed at London: By E[dward] A[llde] dwelling neare Christ-Church, 1613. ESTC No. S110172. Grub Street ID 130286.
  • Nixon, Anthony. The scourge of corruption. Or A crafty knaue needs no broker. Written by Anthony Nixon. Printed at London: [By John Beale] for Henry Gosson, and William Houlmes, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Pallace, 1615. ESTC No. S110169. Grub Street ID 130283.
  • Nixon, Anthony. The foot-post of Douer. With his packet stuft full of strange and merry petitions. London: Printed by Edw: Allde, and are to be solde by Iohn Deane, dwelli[n]g iust vnder Temple barre, 1616. ESTC No. S110176. Grub Street ID 130287.