Publications of Thomas Nash


  • Nash, Thomas. A countercuffe giuen to Martin Iunior by the ventruous, hardie, and renowned Pasquill of England caualiero ; not of olde Martins making, which newlie knighted the saints in heauen, with rise vp Sir Peter and Sir Paule, but lately dubd for his seruice at home in the defence of his countrey, and for the cleane breaking of his staffe vppon Martins face. Printed betweene the skye and the grounde, vvithin a myle of an oake and not many fieldes of [i.e. London?]: From the vnpriuiledged presse of the assignes of Martin Junior [i.e. John Charlewood], 1589. ESTC No. S4813. Grub Street ID 148741.
  • Nash, Thomas. The anatomie of absurditie: contayning a breefe confutation of the slender imputed prayses to feminine perfection, with a short description of the seuerall practises of youth, and sundry follies of our licentious times. No lesse pleasant to be read, then profitable to be remembred, especially of those, who liue more licentiously, or addicted to a more nyce stoycall austeritie. Compiled by T. Nashe. At London: Printed by I. Charlewood for Thomas Hacket, and are to be solde at his shop in Lumberd street, vnder the signe of the Popes heade, Anno. Dom. 1589. ESTC No. S110083. Grub Street ID 130210.
  • Nash, Thomas. The anatomie of absurditie: contayning a breefe confutation of the slender imputed prayses to feminine perfection, with a short description of the seuerall practises of youth, and sundry follies of our licentious times. No lesse pleasant to be read, then profitable to be remembred [sic], especially of those, who liue more licentiously, or addicted to a more nyce stoycall austeritie. Compiled by T. Nashe. At London: printed by I. Charlewood for Thomas Hacket, and are to be solde at his shop in Lumberd street, vnder the signe of the Popes heade, Anno. Dom. 1590. ESTC No. S94270. Grub Street ID 152577.
  • Nash, Thomas. Strange newes, of the intercepting certaine letters, and a conuoy of verses, as they were going priuilie to victuall the Low Countries. By Tho. Nashe Gentleman. [London]: Printed [by J. Danter], 1592. ESTC No. S120746. Grub Street ID 140374.
  • Nash, Thomas. Pierce Penilesse his supplication to the diuell. Describing the ouer-spreading of vice, and suppression of vertue. Pleasantly interlac't [sic] with variable delights: and pathetically intermixt with conceipted reproofes. Written by Thomas Nash Gentleman. London: imprinted by [J. Charlewood for] Richard Ihones, dwelling at the Signe of the Rose and Crowne, nere Holburne Bridge, 1592. ESTC No. S112751. Grub Street ID 132499.
  • Nash, Thomas. Strange newes, of the intercepting certaine letters, and a conuoy of verses, as they were going pruilie [sic] to victuall the Low Countries. By Tho. Nashe Gentleman. Printed at London: By Iohn Danter, dwelling in Hosier-Lane neere Holburne Conduit, 1592. ESTC No. S110072. Grub Street ID 130199.
  • Nash, Thomas. Pierce Penilesse his supplication to the diuell. Written by Tho. Nash, Gent. London: Printed by Abell Ieffes, for I. B[usby], 1592. ESTC No. S110095. Grub Street ID 130221.
  • Nash, Thomas. Pierce Penilesse his supplication to the diuell. Barbaria grandis habere nihil. Written by Tho. Nash, Gent. London: Printed by Abell Ieffes, for Iohn Busbie, 1592. ESTC No. S119850. Grub Street ID 139488.
  • Nash, Thomas. Pierce Penilesse his supplication to the diuell. Describing the ouer-spreading of vice, and suppression of vertue. Pleasantly interlac'd with variable delights: and pathetically intermixt with conceipted reproofes. Written by Thomas Nash Gentleman. London: imprinted by [J. Charlewood for] Richard Ihones, dwelling at the signe of the Rose and Crowne, nere Holburne Bridge, 1592. ESTC No. S126218. Grub Street ID 145388.
  • Nash, Thomas. Strange newes, of the intercepting certaine letters, and a conuoy of verses, as they were going pruilie [sic] to victuall the low countries. By Tho. Nashe gentleman. Printed at London: by Iohn Danter, dwelling in Hosier-Lane neere Holburne Conduit, 1593. ESTC No. S94271. Grub Street ID 152578.
  • Nash, Thomas. Christs teares ouer Ierusalem. Wherunto is annexed, a comparatiue admonition to London. By Tho. Nashe. At London: printed by Iames Roberts, and are to be solde by Andrewe Wise, at his shop in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of the Angel, Anno. 1593. ESTC No. S110084. Grub Street ID 130211.
  • Nash, Thomas. The apologie of Pierce Pennilesse. Or Strange newes, of the intercepting certaine letters, and a conuoy of verses, as they were going priuilie to victuall the Lowe Countries. By Tho. Nashe Gentleman. Printed at London: By Iohn Danter, and are to be solde by William Barley, at his shop in Gratious-street ouer against Leaden-hall, 1593. ESTC No. S110106. Grub Street ID 130233.
  • Nash, Thomas. The terrors of the night or, A discourse of apparitions. Tho: Nashe. London: Printed by Iohn Danter for William Iones, and are to be sold at the signe of the Gunne nere Holburne Conduit, 1594. ESTC No. S110111. Grub Street ID 130237.
  • Nash, Thomas. The vnfortunate traueller. Or, The life of Iacke Wilton. Tho. Nashe. London: Printed by T. Scarlet for C. Burby, & are to be sold at his shop adioyning to the Exchange, 1594. ESTC No. S110123. Grub Street ID 130248.
  • Nash, Thomas. Christs teares ouer Ierusalem. VVhereunto is annexed, a comparatiue admonition to London. By Tho. Nashe. London: Printed [by James Roberts and R. Field] for Andrew VVise, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Angell, 1594. ESTC No. S113077. Grub Street ID 132821.
  • Nash, Thomas. Pierce Pennilesse his supplication to the diuell. Written by Tho. Nash, Gent. London: printed [by T[homas] C[reede]] for Nicholas Ling, and are to be sold at his shop, at the northwest doore of S. Paules, 1595. ESTC No. S110086. Grub Street ID 130213.
  • Nash, Thomas. Haue vvith you to Saffron-vvalden. Or, Gabriell Harueys hunt is vp. Containing a full answere to the eldest sonne of the halter-maker. Or, Nashe his confutation of the sinfull doctor. The mott or posie, in stead of omne tulit punctum: pacis fiducia nunquam. As much to say, as I sayd I would speake with him. Printed at London: by Iohn Danter, 1596. ESTC No. S110085. Grub Street ID 130212.
  • Nash, Thomas. Nashes Lenten stuffe, containing, the description and first procreation and increase of the towne of Great Yarmouth in Norffolke: with a new play neuer played before, of the praise of the red herring. Fitte of all clearkes of noblemens kitchins to be read: and not vnnecessary by all seruing men that haue short boord-wages, to be remembred. London: printed [by Thomas Judson and Valentine Simmes] for N[icholas]. L[ing]. and C[uthbert]. B[urby]. and are to be sold at the west end of Paules, 1599. ESTC No. S113098. Grub Street ID 132841.
  • Nash, Thomas. A pleasant comedie, called Summers last will and testament. Written by Thomas Nash. Imprinted at London: by Simon Stafford, for Walter Burre, 1600. ESTC No. S110081. Grub Street ID 130208.
  • Nash, Thomas. Christs teares ouer Ierusalem. Whereunto is annexed a comparatiue admonition to London. By Tho. Nash. London: Printed [by George Eld] for Thomas Thorp, 1613. ESTC No. S113095. Grub Street ID 132838.