Publications of Nicholas Morgan of Crolane


  • Morgan, Nicholas, of Crolane. The perfection of horse-manship, drawne from nature; arte, and practise. By Nicholas Morgan of Crolane, in the countye of Kent, Gent. Imprinted at London: [By Edward Allde] for Edward VVhite, and are to be solde at his shop at the signe of the Gun, neere the little north dore of Saint Paules, 1609. ESTC No. S110036. Grub Street ID 130165.
  • Morgan, Nicholas, of Crolane. The horse-mans honour: or, The beautie of horsemanship. As the choise, natures, breeding, breaking, riding, and dieting, whether outlandish or English horses. With the true, easie, cheape, and most approued manner, how to know and cure all diseases in any horse whatsoeuer. Not innented [sic] and drawne from forraigne nations, but by long experience and knowledge of many yeares practise: and now published at the request of diuers honorable and worthy persons, for the generall good of this noble nation of Great Britaine. London: printed for Iohn Marriott, and are to be sould at his shop in St. Dunstons Churchyard in Fleetstreet, 1620. ESTC No. S5330. Grub Street ID 149120.
  • Morgan, Nicholas, of Crolane. The horse-mans honour, or, The beautie of horsemanship. [London: Printed for the widdow Helme and J. Marriott, 1620]. ESTC No. S4004. Grub Street ID 148120.