Publications of John Welch


  • Welch, John. A reply against M. Gilbert Brovvne priest. Wherein is handled many of the greatest and weightiest pointes of controuersie betweene vs and the papists, and the truth of our doctrine clearely proued, and the falset of their religion and doctrine laide open, and most euidentlie conuicted and confuted, by the testimonies of the Scripture and auncient fathers; and also by some of their own popes, doctors, cardinals, and of their owne writters. Whereunto is anexed a seuerall treatise, concerning the masse and Antichrist. By M. Iohn Welsche, preacher of Christs Gospell at Aire. Edinburgh: Printed by Robert Walde-graue printer to the Kings Maiestie, 1602. ESTC No. S119651. Grub Street ID 139291.
  • Welch, John. Popery anatomized, or A learned, pious, and elaborat treatise; wherein many of the greatest and weightiest points of controversie, between us and papists, are handled; and the truth of our doctrine clearly proved: and the falshood of their religion and doctrine anatomized, and laid open, and most evidently convicted and confuted by Scripture, fathers, and also by some of their own popes, doctors, cardinals, and of their own writers. In answer to M. Gilbert Brown, priest. By that learned, singularly pious, and eminently faithful servant of Jesus Christ M. John Welsch, minister of the Gospel, first at Kirkubright, next at Air in Scotland, and last at S. John d'Angely in France. The second edition, revised, corrected, and divided into sections. To which is annexed, a discovery of the bloody, rebellious, and treasonable principles and practises of papists, in dissolving oaths, committing treasons, raising warrs and commotions, and using unparalleled cruelties toward Protestants. By Matthew. Glasgow: by Robert Sanders, printer to the city and University, 1672. ESTC No. R38526. Grub Street ID 120613.
  • Welch, John. Forty eight select sermons Preached by That Eminent and Faithful Servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. John Welch, sometime Minister of the Gospel in Air. The Two last of them were delivered, as his Farewel Sermons, immediately before he was apprehended and made a Prisoner for the Cause and Gospel of Jesus Christ. To which is prefixed, the history of his life and sufferings, with some prophetical letters. Edinburgh: printed by R. Drummond and Company, Printers in Swan-Close, for William Gray Bookbinder in the Grass-market, a little West from Heriot's Bridge, South-side: and sold by R. Smith Bookseller in Glasgow, and several others in town and country, 1744. ESTC No. T184381. Grub Street ID 220728.
  • Welch, John. Forty eight select sermons, preached by that eminent and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, Mr John Welch, ... To which is prefixed, the history of his life and sufferings, with some prophetical letters. Glasgow: printed by A. Duncan and Company, for John Bryce, 1771. ESTC No. T104575. Grub Street ID 158085.
  • Welch, John. A cry to the whole earth; being a sermon preached by the Reverend Mr. John Welch; ... Glasgow: printed and sold by J. & M. Robertson, 1783. ESTC No. T192162. Grub Street ID 226733.
  • Welch, John. A cry to the whole earth; a sermon preached by the Reverend Mr. John Welch; ... Glasgow: printed and sold by J. & M. Robertson, 1785. ESTC No. T192163. Grub Street ID 226734.
  • Welch, John. Forty-eight select sermons, preached by that eminent and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. John Welch, ... To which is prefixed, the history of his life and sufferings, with some prophetical letters. Glasgow: printed by Robert Chapman and Alexander Duncan, 1786. ESTC No. T183198. Grub Street ID 219622.
  • Welch, John. A cry to the whole earth, to mind the one thing needful. Being a sermon preached by the late Reverend Mr. John Welch, ... Falkirk: printed and sold by Patrick Mair, 1788. ESTC No. T230856. Grub Street ID 250322.
  • Welch, John. A cry to the whole earth, to mind the one thing needful: and the everlasting love of God to fallen mankind. Beinc [sic] two sermons, ... Preached by the late Reverend Mr. John Welch, ... Falkirk: printed and sold by Patrick Mair, 1789. ESTC No. T74334. Grub Street ID 297379.
  • Welch, John. A cry to the whole earth. A sermon preached by the Reverend Mr. John Welch, ... Glasgow: printed by J. and M. Robertson, 1794. ESTC No. T192164. Grub Street ID 226735.