Publications of G. D. L. M. N.


  • N., G. D. L. M.. The French alphabeth [sic] teaching in a very short tyme, by a most easie way, to pronounce French naturally, to reade it perfectly, to write it truely, and to speake it accordingly : together vvith The treasure of the French toung, conteyning the rarest sentences, pouerbes [sic], parables, similies, apothegmes and golden sayings of the most excellent French authours, as vvell potes [sic] as orators : the one diligently compiled, and the other painfully gathered and set in order, after the alphabeticall maner, for the benefite of those that are desirous of the French toung / by G.D.L.M.N. At London: Printed by R. Field, and are to be sold b[y H.] Iackson, dwelling in Fleetstreet, benea[th] the conduit, at the signe of S. Iohn the Euangelist, 1592. ESTC No. S1884. Grub Street ID 146287.
  • N., G. D. L. M.. The French alphabeth, teaching in a very short time, by a most easie way, to pronounce French naturally, to reade it perfectly, to write it truely, and to speake it accordingly. Together with the treasure of the French tung, containing the rarest sentences, prouerbes, parables, similies, apothegmes, and golden sayinges, of the most excellent French authours, as well poets as orators. The one diligently compiled, and the other painfully gathered and set in order, after the alphabeticall maner, for the benefite of those that are desirous of the French-tung. By G.D.L.M.N. At London: Printed by E. Allde, and are to be sold by H Iackson, dwelling in Fleetstreet, beneath the conduit, at the signe of S. Iohn Euangelist, 1595. ESTC No. S110943. Grub Street ID 130893.
  • N., G. D. L. M.. The French alphabeth, teaching in a very short tyme, by a most easie way, to pronounce French naturallie, to reade it perfectly, to write it truely, and to speake it accordingly. Together with the treasvre of the French tongue, conteyning the rarest sentences, prouerbes, parables, similies, apothegmes, and golden sayings of the most excellent French authours, as vvell poets as orators. The one diligently compiled, and the other painfully gathered and set in order, after the alphabeticall maner, for the benefite of those that are desirous of the French-tongue. By G.D.L.M.N. At London: printed by [R. Field, and sold by] H. Iackson, dwelling in Fleetstreet beneath the conduit, 1603. ESTC No. S91633. Grub Street ID 150645.
  • N., G. D. L. M.. The French alphabet, teaching in a very short time[,] by a most easie way, to pronounce French naturally, to reade it perfectly, to write it truly, and to speake it accordingly. Together with The treasvre of the French tongue, containing the rarest sentences, prouerbes, parables, similies, apothegmes, and golden sayings of the most excellent French authours, as well poets as orators. The one diligently compiled, and the other painfully gathered and set in order, after the alphabeticall manner, for the benefit of those that are desirous of the French tongue. By G.D.L.M.N. London: printed by Richard Field, dwelling in Great Woodstreet, 1625. ESTC No. S91634. Grub Street ID 150646.
  • N., G. D. L. M.. The French alphabet teaching in a very short time, by a most easie way, to pronounce French naturally, to read it perfectly, to write it truly, and to speak it accordingly : together with The treasure of the French tongue, containing the rarest sentences, prouerbs, parables, similies, apothegmes and golden sayings of the most excellent French authors, as well poets as orators : the one diligently compiled, and the other painfully gathered and set in order, after the alphabeticall manner, for the benefit of those that are desirous of the French tongue by G.D.L.M.N. At London: Printed for Luke Faune, and are to be sold at his shop at the great north doore of Pauls, 1631. ESTC No. S4596. Grub Street ID 148556.
  • N., G. D. L. M.. The French alphabet, teaching in a very short time, by a most easie way, to pronounce French naturally, to reade it perfectly, to write it truly, and to speake it accordingly. Together with The treasure of the French tongue, containing the rarest sentences, prouerbes, parables, similies, apothegmes, and golden sayings of the most excellent French authors, as well poets as orators. The one diligently compiled, and the other painfully gathered and set in order, after the alphabeticall manner, for the benefit of those that are desirious of the French tongue. By G.D.L.M.N. London: Printed by George Miller, and are to be sold by Luke Fawne, dwelling at the North doore of S. Pauls, 1633. ESTC No. S113527. Grub Street ID 133259.
  • N., G. D. L. M.. The Fr[ench] alphabet t[eaching] in a very s[hort tyme] by a most easie w[ay to pronounce] French naturally ... : toget[her with] The treasur[e of the French] tongue ... by G.D.L.[M.N.]. Lon[don]: Printed by George [Miller] in Blacke-[Friars, 1639]. ESTC No. S2566. Grub Street ID 146938.
  • N., G. D. L. M.. The French alphabet, teaching in a very short time, by a most easie way, to pronounce French naturally, to read it perfectly, to write it truly, and to speak it accordingly. Together with the Treasure of the French tongue, containing the rarest sentences, proverbs, parables, similies, apothegmes and golden sayings of the most excellent French authours, as well poets as orators. The one diligently compiled, and the other painfully gathered and set in order, after the alphabeticall manner, for the benefit of those that are desirous of the French tongue. By G.D.L.M.N. London: printed by A. Miller, and are to be sold by Tho. Underhill at the Bible in Wood-street, 1647. ESTC No. R31319. Grub Street ID 114121.