Musgrave, Christopher.
Musgraues motiues, and reasons, for his secession and disseuering from the Church of Rome and her doctrine, after that hee had for 20. yeeres liued a Carthusian monke, returning at Easter last into England. Wherein, after the declaration of his conuersion, hee openeth diuers absurdities practised in that Church, being not matters of report, but such things whereof he hath beene an eye and eare witnesse.
At London: Imprinted by F[elix] K[ingston] for Richard Moore, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstans Church-yard in Fleetstreet, 1621.
ESTC No. S113036.Grub Street ID 132780.
Musgrave, Christopher.
Motives and reasons for dissevering from the Church of Rome and her doctrine. By Chr. Musgrave, after he had lived a Carthusian monk for twenty years. Wherein, after the declaration of his conversion, he openeth divers absurdities practised in that Church, being not matters of report, but such things whereof he was an eye and ear witness.
London : printed for John Harefinch in Montague-Court in Little-Britain, 1688.
ESTC No. R28845.Grub Street ID 111878.