Publications of J. A of Ailward


  • J. A, of Ailward. An historicall narration of the judgement of some most learned and godly English bishops, holy martyrs, and others: (whereof III; viz. Archbishop Cranmer, B. Latimer, and Bishop Hooper, suffred martyrdome, in the dayes of Queen Mary, for the truth and Gospel of Christ Iesus) concerning Gods election, and the merit of Christ his death, etc. Formerly suppressed by the Bishop of Canterbury, but now published for the comfort of all Gods people. London: printed [by Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet] for Rebecca Nealand, and are to be sold at her shop at the signe of the Crowne in Duck-Lane, 1645. [i.e. 1644]. ESTC No. R2842. Grub Street ID 111492.