Publications of Thomas Badeslade


  • Badeslade, Thomas. Thirty six different views of noblemen and gentlemen's seats, in the county of Kent, all designed upon the spot, by the late T. Badeslade, ... and engraved by the best hands. London : sold by H. Chapelle, [1720?]. ESTC No. T142929. Grub Street ID 190078.
  • Badeslade, Thomas. The history of the ancient and present state of the navigation of the port of King's-Lyn, and of Cambridge, and the rest of the trading-towns in those parts: And of the Navigable Rivers that have their Course through the Great-Level of the Fens, called Bedford Level. Also The History of the Ancient and Present State of Draining in that Level, in the Province of Marshland, and the Hundreds and Parts adjacent. From Authentick Records, and Ancient Manuscripts; and from Observations and Surveys carefully made upon the Spot these Three Years last past. With the method propos'd for draining the the said fens, and amending the harbour of Lyn: by Col. John Armstrong, chief Engineer of England. Illustrated with maps. London : printed by J. Roberts, for the author: sold by Charles Harwick, at Lyn; Will. Thurlbourn, at Cambridge; Gotobed East, at Ely; Richard Standfast, in Westminster-Hall. [London], MDCCXXV. [1725]. ESTC No. T114401. Grub Street ID 166216.
  • Badeslade, Thomas. A scheme for draining the great level of the fens, called bedford-level; And for improving the navigation of Lyn-Regis. Founded upon self-evident principles in experintental philosophy and practical mathematicks, and upon historical facts. And farther demonstrated, by comparing the River Ouse, with the River Thomas, &c. and Lyn-Harbour, with the Harbour of Rye. With reflections upon all the schemes hitherto proposed for draining the fens, shewing wherein they are defective. Also observations upon artificial-scours: shewing where, and in what cases they are, or can be of use; where not. Illustrated with a map. By Tho. Badeslade, author of The history of Lyn-navigation, and of draining in the fens. London : Printed: and sold by J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane; Charles Harwick at Lyn, and William Thurlrourn at Cambridge, M.DCC.XXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. T172377. Grub Street ID 209827.
  • Badeslade, Thomas. A scheme for draining [t]he great level of the Fens, called Bedford Level, and for improving the navigation of Lyn-Regis. ... With reflections upon all the schemes hitherto proposed for draining the Fens, shewing wherein they are defective. Also observations upon artificial-scours: ... By Tho. Badeslade, . London : printed: and sold by J. Roberts: Charles Harwick, at Lyn, and William Thurlbourn at Cambridge, 1729. ESTC No. N24450. Grub Street ID 13812.
  • Badeslade, Thomas. Reasons humbly offer'd to the consideration of the publick; Shewing how the Works now executing by Virtue of an Act of Parliament To recover and preserve the Navigation of the River Dee, Will destroy the navigation; and occasion the drowning of all the low lands adjacent to the said River. From observations made on the Spot; and From instances of the ruinous Effects like Works have had at the ports of Lyn, Rye, Wisbech and Spalding. With an Appendix. Illustrated with a map of the Rivers Dee. Chester: printed by Roger Adams [1735?]. ESTC No. T170159. Grub Street ID 207890.
  • Badeslade, Thomas. Reasons humbly offer'd to the consideration of the publick; shewing how the works now executing by Virtue of an Act of Parliament to recover and preserve the navigation of the River Dee, will destroy the navigation; and occasion the Drowning of all the Low Lands adjacent to the said river. From observations made on the spot; and from instances of the ruinous effects like works have had at the ports of Lyn, Rye, Wisbech and Spalding. With an appendix. Illustrated with a map of each of those rivers, to compare with a map of the River Dee, all drawn by hand. Chester: printed by Roger Adams. No more than 100 Copies printed, [1735]. ESTC No. T142862. Grub Street ID 190031.
  • Badeslade, Thomas. The new cut canal, intended for improving the navigation of the city of Chester, ... compared with the Welland, alias Spalding River, now silted up, and Deeping-Fens adjacent, now drowned. ... Chester: printed by Roger Adams, [1736]. ESTC No. T142861. Grub Street ID 190030.
  • Badeslade, Thomas. Chorographia Britanniae or A set of maps of all the counties in England and Wales: To which are prefix'd the following general maps, viz. I. An accurate chart of the sea coast, exhibiting all the Royal Docks, fortifications, harbours, sands &c. II. A map of England and Wales, as divided into counties, with the names of the cities and county towns; and the length, breadth, and superficial content of the whole, and each county seperately. III. A map of the great roads, from London, to all parts of South Britain; with tables shewing the distance of each city, and town upon the road, from the metropolis, both in computed and measured miles. IV. A map of all the cross roads, from one great town to another, with the distances from town to town, both by computation and measure. With the particular, map of each county, is an account of all the cities, boroughs, market towns, parishes, and rivers therein: the number of members it sends to Parliament, the market and fair days, and in those of Oxford. London] : Printed for and sold by WH Toms engraver, in Union Court, near Hatton Garden, Holbourn, 1742. ESTC No. T165385. Grub Street ID 203642.
  • Badeslade, Thomas. Chorographia Britanniæ. Or a new set of maps of all the counties in England and Wales: to which are prefix'd the following general maps, ... By Thos. Badeslade surveyor. & engrav'd by W. H. Toms. London] : Published according to act of Parliament. Sold by C. Hitch, W. Johnston. & by W: H: Toms, [1742?. ESTC No. N15269. Grub Street ID 4993.
  • Badeslade, Thomas. Chorographia Britanniæ. Or a new set of maps of all the counties in England and Wales: to which are prefix'd the following general maps, ... By Thos. Badeslade surveyor. & engrav'd by W. H. Toms. London] : Published according to act of Parliament. Sold by J. Clark, C. Hitch, & by W. H. Toms, [1742?. ESTC No. N15270. Grub Street ID 4995.
  • Badeslade, Thomas. Chorographia Britanniæ. A new set of maps of all the counties in England and Wales: ... To the whole is added an alphabetical index, of all the cities, boroughs, & market towns, ... This collection ... was first drawn and compiled ... By Thos. Badeslade ... & engraved by W H. Toms. London] : Published according to Act of Parliament. Sold by J. Clark bookseller, at ye Golden Ball in St. Paul's church yard, C. Hitch, and by W. H. Toms, [1745. ESTC No. T153842. Grub Street ID 198053.
  • Badeslade, Thomas. The history of the ancient and present state of the navigation of the port of King's-Lyn, and of Cambridge, and the rest of the trading towns in those parts; and of the navigable rivers that have their course through the Great Level of the Fens, called Bedford Level. Also the history of the ancient and present state of draining in that level, in the province of marshland, and the hundreds and parts adjacent. From authentick records, and ancient manuscripts; and from observations and surveys carefully made upon the spot these three years last past. With the method proposed for draining the said fens, and amending the harbour of Lyn: by Col. John Armstrong, Chief Engineer of England. Illustrated with maps. London : printed for L. Davis and C. Reymers, over-against Gray's-Inn Gate, Holborn; and B. White, in Fleet-Street, MDCCLXVI. [1766]. ESTC No. T136295. Grub Street ID 184558.