Publications of Edmund Plowden


  • Plowden, Edmund. Cy ensuont certeyne cases reportes per Edmunde Plowden vn apprentice de le commen ley, puis le primer imprimier de ses Commentaries, & ore a le seconde imprimier de les dits Commentaries a ceo addes. Ouesque vn table en fine de cest lieur des toutez les principall cases, cibien en le dist primier lieur des Commentaries, come de les cases icy de nouel addes, iammes deuaunt imprimie. [[London]: In ædibus Richardi Tottelli] Cum priuilegio, [15. die Iunij.] Anno. 1579. ESTC No. S115909. Grub Street ID 135601.
  • Plowden, Edmund. Cy ensuont certeyne cases reportes, per Edmunde Plowden vn apprentice de le commen ley, puis le primier imprimier de ses Commentaries, & ore a le seconde imprimier de les dites Commentaries, a ceo addes. Ouesque vn table en fine de cest lieur, des toutez les principall cases, cybien en le dist primier lieur des Commentaries, come de les cases icy de nouel addes, iammes deuaunt imprimie. [[London]: In ædibus Richardi Tottelli] Cum priuilegio, [15. die Februarij.] Anno. 1584. ESTC No. S115951. Grub Street ID 135643.
  • Plowden, Edmund. 1571. Les comentaries, ou les reportes de Edmunde Plowden vn apprentice de le comen ley, de dyuers cases esteantes matters en ley, & de les argumentes sur yceux, en les temps des raygnes le roye Edwarde le size, le roigne Mary, le roy & roigne Phillipp & Mary, & le roigne Elizabeth. [London]: In ædibus Richardi Tottelli, Octobris. 24. [1571]. ESTC No. S115906. Grub Street ID 135598.
  • Plowden, Edmund. 1578. Les commentaries, ou reportes de Edmunde Plowden vn apprentice de le comen ley, de diuers cases esteants matters en ley, & de les arguments sur yceux, en les temps des raygnes le roye Edwarde le size, le roigne Mary, le roy & roigne Phillip & Mary, & le roigne Elizabeth Ouesque vn table perfect des choses notables contenus en ycell, nouelment compose per VVilliam Fletevvoode recorder de Loundres, & iammes cy deuaunt imprime. Auxy vous aues in cest impression plusors bone notes en le mergent per tout le lyeur, en queux les cases sont referre al Abridgement de Brooke, & les lyeurs del termes, & as auters lyeurs del comen ley, queux notes sont imprimes en vn greinder letter, q[ue] les notes escries per Master Plowden le reporter mesme, a le fine que chescun poet sacher, queux notes le reporter ad escrye, & queux sont addes per auter de puisne temps. [London]: In ædibus Richardi Tottelli, Octobris 20. [1578]. ESTC No. S115947. Grub Street ID 135639.
  • Plowden, Edmund. Les commentaries, ou reports de Edmund Plowden vn apprentice de le common ley, de diuers cases esteant matters en ley, & de les argumentes sur yceux, en les temps des raigns le roy Ed. le size, le roign Mary, le roy & roign Ph. & Mary, & le roign Elizabeth. Ouesque vn table perfect des choses notables contenus en ycel, nouelment compose per VVilliam Fletewood recorder de Loundres, & iammais cy deuant imprimee. Auxi vous aues en cest impression plusors bone notes en le margent per tout le lieur, en queux les cases sont referre al Abridgment de Brooke, et les lieurs del termes, & as auters lieurs del common ley. [London]: In ædibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio, 1588. ESTC No. S115950. Grub Street ID 135642.
  • Plowden, Edmund. 1594 La second part de les reports, ou, commentaries, collectes & composes per Monseur Edmund Plowden vn apprentice del commen ley. Ouesque vn table en fine de cest lieur, conteynant touts les principall cases, cibien de la primier part des Commentaries del dist Monsieur Plowden, come de cell second part de mesme lauthour. Londini: [Printed by Thomas Dawson] in ædibus Caroli Yetsweirti Armigeri, [1594]. ESTC No. S115955. Grub Street ID 135647.
  • Plowden, Edmund. Abridgment des touts les cases reportez alarge per Monsieur Plowden, ouesq[ue] les exceptions al pleadings & leur responses, les resolutions des matters in ley, & touts auters principal matters surdants sur les arguments de mesmes, composee & digest p[er] T.A. Londini: in ædibus Ianæ Yetsweirt. Cum priuilegio, [1597?]. ESTC No. S114904. Grub Street ID 134606.
  • Plowden, Edmund. Les commentaries, ou reportes de Edmund Plowden vn apprentice de le common ley, de diuers cases esteant matters en ley, & de les arguments sur yceux, en les temps des raigns le roy Ed. le size, le roign Mary, le roy & roign Ph. & Mary, & le roigne Elizabeth. Ouesque vn table perfect des choses notables contenus en ycel, compose per William Fletewood recorder de Londres. Auxi vous aues en cest impression plusors bone notes en le margent per tout le lieur, en queux les cases sont referre al Abridgment de Brooke, en les lieurs del termes, & as auters lieurs del common ley. Londini: [Printed by Adam Islip] in ædibus Thomæ Wight, & Bonhami Norton, 1599. ESTC No. S115960. Grub Street ID 135652.
  • Plowden, Edmund. Abridgement des touts les cases reportes alarge per Mounsieur Plowden, ouesque les exceptions al pleadings, & leur responses, les resolutions des matters in ley, & touts auters principal matters surdants sur les arguments de mesmes. Composee & digest per T.A. London: printed [by Adam Islip] for the Company of Stationers, 1607. ESTC No. S114927. Grub Street ID 134629.
  • Plowden, Edmund. La second part de les reports, ou commentaries, collectes & composes per Mounsieur Edmund Plowden vn apprentice del commen ley. Ouesque vn table en fine de cest lieur conteynant touts les principall cases, cibien de la primier part des Commentaries del dist Monsieur Plowden, come de cell second part de mesme lauthour. London: Printed [by Adam Islip] for the Companie of Stationers, 1610. ESTC No. S115964. Grub Street ID 135656.
  • Plowden, Edmund. Les commentaries, ou reports de Edmund Plowden vn apprentice de le common ley, de diuers cases esteants matters en ley, & de les arguments sur yceux, en les temps des raignes le roy Ed. le size, le roigne Mary, le roy & roigne Ph. & Mary, & le roigne Elizabeth. Ouesque v table perfect des choses notables contenus en ycel, compose per William Fletewood recorder de Londres. Auxy vous aues en cest impression plusors bone notes en le margent per tout le lieur, en queux les cases sont referre al Abridgement de Brooke, en les lieurs del termes, & as auters lieurs del common ley. London: printed [by Adam Islip] for the Companie of Stationers, 1613. ESTC No. S115963. Grub Street ID 135655.
  • Plowden, Edmund. Les quæres del Mounsieur Plowden. London: Printed [by A. Mathewes?] for William Lee and Daniel Pakeman, [1635?]. ESTC No. S125907. Grub Street ID 145107.
  • Plowden, Edmund. Les quæres del Mounsieur Plowden. London: Printed [by Augustine Mathewes?] for William Lee and Daniel Pakeman, [1645?]. ESTC No. S114862. Grub Street ID 134567.
  • Plowden, Edmund. An exact abridgment in English, of The commentaries, or reports of the learned and famous lawyer, Edmond Plowden, an apprentice of the common law. Concerning diverse cases and matters in law, and the arguments thereupon; in the times of the reignes of King Edward the Sixth, Queen Mary, King Philip, and Queen Mary, and Queen Elizabeth, with the exceptions to the pleadings, and answers thereunto; the resolutions of the matters in law, and all other principall matters arising upon the same. By F.H. of the Inner Temple London, Esq;. London: printed by R. White, and T. Roycroft, for Matthew Walbanke, and Henry Twyford, and are to be sold at their shops at Grais-Inn Gate in Holborn, and in Vine Court in the Middle Temple, 1650. ESTC No. R203186. Grub Street ID 80320.
  • Plowden, Edmund. An exact abridgment in English, of The commentaries, or reports of the learned and famous lawyer, Edmond Plowden, an apprentice of the common law. Concerning diverse cases and matters in law, and the arguments thereupon; in the times of the reignes of King Edward the Sixth, Queen Mary, King Philip, and Queen Mary, and Queen Elizabeth, with the exceptions to the pleadings, and answers thereunto; the resolutions of the matters in law, and all other principall matters arising upon the same. By F.H. of the Inner Temple London, Esq;. London: printed by R. White, and T. Roycroft, for Henry Twyford, and are to be sold at his shop in Vine Court in the Middle Temple, 1650. ESTC No. R208982. Grub Street ID 85201.
  • Plowden, Edmund. An exact abridgement of The commentaries, or, Reports of the learned and famous lawyer Edmond Plowden, an apprentice of the common law concerning divers cases and matters in law, and the arguments thereupon, in the times of the reignes of King Edward the Sixth, Queen Mary, King Philip and Queen Mary, and Queen Elizabeth ... / by Sir John Walter ... ; Englished by Fabian Hicks ... London: Printed by J. Streater for Henry Twiford, and are to be sold at his shop .., 1659. ESTC No. R31916. Grub Street ID 114671.
  • Plowden, Edmund. Critica juris ingeniosa: or Choice cases in the common-law, never published by any other author. Digested under alphabeticall heads by H.B. Esq;. London: printed for C. Adams at the Talbot near S. Dunstans Church, J. Starkey at the Mitre near Temple-Bar, & T. Basset in S. Dunstans Church-yard in Fleetstreet, 1661. ESTC No. R217633. Grub Street ID 92401.
  • Plowden, Edmund. Plovvdens quaeries: or, A moot-book of choice cases, useful for the young students of the common law: Englished, methodized, and enlarged, by H.B. Esquire of Lincolns-Inne. London: printed for Ch. Adams, J. Starkey, and Tho. Basset, at their shops in Fleetstreet, 1662. ESTC No. R25587. Grub Street ID 109098.
  • Plowden, Edmund. Les commentaries ou reports de Edmund Plowden, un apprentice de le common ley, de divers cases esteant matters en ley, & de les arguments sur yceux, en les temps des raigns le Roy Edward le size, le Roign Mary, le Roy & Roign Phil. & Mary, & le Roigne [sic] Elizabeth. Ovesque un table perfect des choses notables contenus en ycel, composes per William Fletewood recorder de Londres. Auxy vous aves en cest impression plusors bone notes en le margent per tout le lieur, en queux les cases sont referre al abridgment de Brooke, en les lieurs del termes, & as auters lieurs del common ley. En cest edition sont adde les quæres del Monsieur Plowden, corrigee. London: printed by William Rawlins, Samuel Roycroft, and H. Sawbridge, assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins, Esquires; and are to be sold by Thomas Dring and Charles Harper at the Harrow in Fleetstreet near Chancery-lane end, and at the Flower de Lis, over against St. Dunstans Church, M DC LXXXIV. [1684]. ESTC No. R220023. Grub Street ID 94489.
  • Plowden, Edmund. The commentaries, or reports of Edmund Plowden, ... containing divers cases upon matters of law, ... Originally written in French, ... To which are added, the Quæries of Mr. Plowden, ... In two parts. With two new tables, ... the one, of the names of the cases, the other of the principal matters. [London]: In the Savoy: printed by Catharine Lintot, and Samuel Richardson, Law Printers to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, for the translator and to be sold by the Booksellers in London and Westminster, 1761. ESTC No. T144729. Grub Street ID 191552.
  • Plowden, Edmund. The commentaries, or reports of Edmund Plowden, ... Originally written in French, ... To which are added, the Quæries of Mr. Plowden, ... London: printed by his Majesty's Law Printers, for Edward Brooke, successor to Messrs Worrall and Tovey, 1779. ESTC No. T183788. Grub Street ID 220170.
  • Plowden, Edmund. The commentaries, or reports of Edmund Plowden, ... containing, divers cases upon matters of law, ... Originally written in French, ... To which are added, The quæries of Mr. Plowden, ... In two parts. With two new tables, ... the one, of the names of the cases, the othe of principal matters. Dublin: printed for H. Watts, and W. Jones, 1792. ESTC No. N44579. Grub Street ID 29981.
  • Plowden, Edmund. The commentaries, or reports of Edmund Plowden, ... containing, divers cases upon matters of law, ... Originally written in French, ... To which are added, The quæries of Mr. Plowden, ... In two parts. With two new tables, ... the one, of the names of the cases, the othe of principal matters. Dublin: printed for H. Watts, 1792. ESTC No. N15259. Grub Street ID 4983.