Publications of Samuel Rutherford


  • Rutherford, Samuel. A peaceable and temperate plea for Pauls presbyterie in Scotland, or A modest and brotherly dispute of the government of the Church of Scotland, wherein, our discipline is demonstrated to be the true apostolick way of divine truth, and the arguments on the contrary are friendly dissolved, the grounds of separation and the indepencie [sic] of particular congregations, in defence of ecclesiasticall presbyteries, synods and assemblies, are examined and tryed. By Samuell Rutherfurd Professor of Divinity at Saint Andrews. London: printed for Iohn Bartlet at the guilt-Cup neare St Austins-gate, 1642. ESTC No. R7368. Grub Street ID 127638.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. A sermon preached to the Honourable House of Commons: at their late solemne fast, Wednesday, Jan. 31. 1644. By Samuel Rutherfurd, professor of divinitie in the Universitie of S. Andrews. Published by order of the House of Commons. Edinburgh: printed by Evan Tyler, printer to the Kings most excellent Majestie, 1644. ESTC No. R25109. Grub Street ID 108822.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. The due right of presbyteries or, A peaceable plea for the government of the Church of Scotland, wherein is examined 1. The way of the Church of Christ in New England, in brotherly equality, and independency, or coordination, without subjection of one church to another. 2. Their apology for the said government, their answers to thirty and two questions are considered. 3. A treatise for a church covenant is discussed. 4. The arguments of Mr. Robinson in his justification of separation are discovered. 5. His treatise, called, The peoples plea for the exercise of prophecy, is tryed. 6. Diverse late arguments against presbyteriall government, and the power of synods are discussed, the power of the prince in matters ecclesiastical modestly considered, & divers incident controversies resolved. By Samuel Rutherfurd Professor of Divinity at Saint Andrewes. London: printed by E. Griffin, for Richard Whittaker, and Andrew Crook and are to be sold at their shops in Pauls Church-Yard, 1644. ESTC No. R12822. Grub Street ID 60973.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. A sermon preached to the Honorable House of Commons: at their late solemne fast, Wednesday, Janu. 31. 1643. By Samuel Rutherfurd, professor of Divinitie in the Universitie of St. Andrews. Published by order of the House of Commons. [London]: Printed at London by Richard Cotes, for Richard Whittakers & Andrew Crooke, and are to bee sold at their shops in Pauls Church-yard, 1644. ESTC No. R22821. Grub Street ID 100914.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Lex, rex: The law and the prince. A dispute for the just prerogative of king and people. Containing the reasons and causes of the most necessary defensive wars of the Kingdom of Scotland, and of their expedition for the ayd and help of their dear brethren of England. In which their innocency is asserted, and a full answer is given to a seditious pamphlet, intituled, Sacro-sancta regum majestas, or The sacred and royall prerogative of Christian kings; under the name of J.A. But penned by Jo: Maxwell the excommunicate P. prelat. With a scripturall confutation of th ruinous grounds of W. Barclay, H. Grotius, H. Arnisæus, Ant. de Domi. P. Bishop of Spalato, and of other late anti-magistratical royalists; as, the author of Ossorianum, D. Fern, E. Symmons, the doctors of Aberdeen, &c. In XLIV. questions. Published by authority. London: printed for Iohn Field, and are to be sold at his house upon Addle-hill, neer Baynards-Castle, Octob. 7. 1644. ESTC No. R12731. Grub Street ID 60880.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. A sermon preached to the Honourable House of Commons, at their late solemne fast, in the year of God, 1644. By Samuel Rutherfurd, professor of divinitie in the Universitie of S. Andrews. Published by order of the House of Commons. Printed at London: by Richard Cotes, for Richard Whittakers, and Andrew Crooke, and are to be sold at their shops in Pauls Church-yard, 1644. ESTC No. R213676. Grub Street ID 89072.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. The tryal & triumph of faith: or, An exposition of the history of Christs dispossessing of the daughter of the woman of Canaan. Delivered in sermons; in which are opened, the victory of faith; the condition of those that are tempted; the excellency of Jesus Christ and free-grace; and some speciall grounds and principles of libertinisme and antinomian errors, discovered by Samuel Rutherfurd, Professor of Divinity in the University of St. Andrews. Published by authority. London: Printed by John Field, and are to be sold by Ralph Smith, at the sign of the Bible in Cornhill neer the Royall Exchange, 1645. ESTC No. R200054. Grub Street ID 77605.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable House of Lords, in the Abbey Church at Westminster, Wednesday the 25. day of June, 1645. Being the day appointed for a solemne and publique humiliation. By Samuel Rutherfurd, Professor of Divinitie at S. Andrews. London: printed by R[ichard]. C[otes]. for A. Crook, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Green Dragon in Pauls Churchyard, 1645. ESTC No. R232888. Grub Street ID 104524.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. A sermon preached before the Right Honorable House of Lords, in the Abbey Church at Westminster, Wednesday the 25. day of Iune, 1645. Being the day appointed for a solemne and publique humiliation. By Samuel Rutherfurd Professor of Divinitie at St. Andrews. London: Printed by R.C. for Andrew Crook, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Greene Dragon in Pauls Church-yard, 1645. ESTC No. R200125. Grub Street ID 77672.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. The divine right of church-government and excommunication: or A peaceable dispute for the perfection of the holy Scripture in point of ceremonies and church-government; in which the removal of the Service-book is justifi'd, the six books of Tho: Erastus against excommunication are briefly examin'd; with a vindication of that eminent divine Theod: Beza against the aspersions of Erastus, the arguments of Mr. William Pryn, Rich: Hooker, Dr. Morton, Dr. Jackson, Dr. John Forbes, and the doctors of Aberdeen; touching will-worship, ceremonies, imagery, idolatry, things indifferent, an ambulatory government; the due and just power of the magistrate in matters of religion, and the arguments of Mr. Pryn, in so far as they side with Erastus, are modestly discussed. To which is added, a brief tractate of scandal; with an answer to the new doctrine of the doctors of Aberdeen, touching scandal. By Samuel Rutherfurd, Professor of Divinity in the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. Published by au. London: printed by Iohn Field for Christopher Meredith at the Crane in Pauls Church-yard, MDCXLVI. [1646]. ESTC No. R200646. Grub Street ID 78138.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Christ dying and drawing sinners to himselfe. Or A survey of our Saviour in his soule-suffering, his lovelynesse in his death, and the efficacie thereof. In which some cases of soule-trouble in weake beleevers, grounds of submission under the absense of Christ, with the flowings and heightnings of free grace, are opened. Delivered in sermons on the Evangel according to S. John Chap. XII. vers. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Where also are interjected some necessary digressions, for the times, touching divers errors of Antinomians, and a short vindication of the doctrine of Protestants, from the Arminian pretended universality of Christs dying for all, and every one of mankind; the morall and fained way of resistible conversion of sinners, and what faith is required of all within the visible Church, for the want whereof, many are condemned. By Samuel Rutherfurd, minister of the Gospel, and and [sic] Professor of Divinity in the University of S. Andrews in Scotland. London: printed by J[ohn]. D[awson]. for Andrew Crooke at the Green-Dragon in Pauls Church-yard, 1647. ESTC No. R28117. Grub Street ID 111219.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. A survey of the spirituall Antichrist. Opening the secrets of Familisme and Antinomianisme in the antichristian doctrine of John Saltmarsh, and Will. Del, the present preachers of the army now in England, and of Robert Town, Tob. Crisp, H. Denne, Eaton, and others. In which is revealed the rise and spring of Antinomians, Familists, Libertines, Swenck-feldians, Enthysiasts, &c. The minde of Luther a most professed opposer of Antinomians, is cleared, and diverse considerable points of the law and the Gospel, of the spirit and letter, of the two covenants, of the nature of free grace, exercise under temptations, mortification, justification, sanctification, are discovered. In two parts. By Samuel Rutherfurd professor of Divinity in the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. London: printed by J[ohn]. D[awson]. & R[obert]. I[bbitson]. for Andrew Crooke, and are to be sold at his shop at the Green-Dragon in Pauls Church-yard, 1648 [i.e. 1647]. ESTC No. R22462. Grub Street ID 98225.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. The preeminence of the election of kings, or, A plea for the peoples rights containing the causes of the most necessary defensive wars of the kingdom of Scotland, and of their expedition for the ayding of their dear brethren of England, united now in one religion and national covenant, for the defense of the Kings Majesty, in maintenance of true religion : with a full answer to a virulent and seditious pamphlet, intituled, Sacro-sancta regum majestas, or The sacred and royal prerogative of kings, under the name of J.A., but penned by John Maxwel a pretended prelat ... : with a Scriptural examination of the full strength of Oxford divinity for absolute monarchy, particularly also of W. Barclay, H. Grotius ... : in XLIV questions / by Samuel Rutherfurd ... London: Printed for Laurence Chapman, and are to be sold at his shop .., 1648. ESTC No. R33858. Grub Street ID 116427.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Disputatio scholastica de divina providentia, variis prælectionibus, quod attinet ad summa rerum capita, tradita S. Theologiæ adolescentibus candidatis in Inclytâ Academiâ Andreapolitanâ, in quâ adversus Jesuitas, Arminianos, Socinianos, de Dominio Dei, actione ipsius operosâ circa peccatum, concursu primæ causæ, prædeterminatione & contenditur & decertatur. Adjectæ sunt disquisitiones metaphysicæ de ente, possibili, Dominio Dei in entia & non entia, & variæ quæstiones quæ ad uberiotem & exquisitiorem cognitionem doctrinæ de providentiâ divinâ imprimis conducunt. Studiis & industriâ Samuelis Retorfortis S. Theologiæ Professoris in celebri & Inclytâ Academiâ Andreapolitanâ. Edinburgi: excudebant Hæredes Georgii Andersoni, pro Roberto Brouno, sugtque venales in latere plateæ Boreali, haud mulrum supra crucem, ad insigne Solis, Anno Dom. M. DC. XLIX. [1649]. ESTC No. R39482. Grub Street ID 121372.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. A free disputation against pretended liberty of conscience tending to resolve doubts moved by Mr. John Goodwin, John Baptist, Dr. Jer. Taylor, the Belgick Arminians, Socinians, and other authors contending for lawlesse liberty, or licentious toleration of sects and heresies. By Samuel Rutherfurd professor of divinity in the University of St. Andrews. London: printed by R[obert]. I[bbitson] for Andrew Crook, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard, MDCIL. [1649]. ESTC No. R203453. Grub Street ID 80549.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Disputatio scholastica de divina providentia, variis prælectionibus, quod attinet ad summa rerum capita, tradita S. Theologiæ adolescentibus candidatis in Inclytâ Academiâ Andreapolitanâ, in quâ adversus Jesuitas, Arminianos, Socinianos, de Dominio Dei, actione ipsius operosâ circa peccatum, concursu primæ causæ, prædeterminatione & contenditur & decertatur. Adjectæ sunt disquisitiones metaphysicæ de ente, possibili, Dominio Dei in entia & non entia, & variæ quæstiones quæ ad uberiorem & exquisitiorem cognitionem doctrinæ de providentiâ divinâ imprimis conducunt. Studiis & industriâ Samuelis Retorfortis S. Theologiæ Professoris in celebri & Inclytâ Academiâ Andreapolitanâ. Edinburgi: excudebant hæredes Georgii Andersoni, pro Roberto Brouno, suntque venales in latere plateæ Boreali, haud multum supra crucem, ad insigne Solis, anno Dom. M.DC.L. [1650]. ESTC No. R10349. Grub Street ID 58729.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. The tryal & triumph of faith: or, An exposition of the history of Christs dispossessing of the daughter of the woman of Canaan. Delivered in sermons; in which are opened, the victory of faith; the condition of those that are tempted; the excellency of Jesus Christ and free-grace; and some speciall grounds and principles of libertinisme and antinomian errors, discovered by Samuel Rutherfurd, professor of divinity in the University of St. Andrews. Published by authority. London: printed by John Field, and are to be sold by Ralph Smith, at the sign of the Bible in Cornhill neer the Royall Exchange, 1652. ESTC No. R203460. Grub Street ID 80552.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. The covenant of life opened: or, A treatise of the covenant of grace, containing something of the nature of the covenant of works, the soveraignty of God, the extent of the death of Christ, the nature & properties of the covenant of grace: and especially of the covenant of suretyship or redemption between the Lord and the Son Jesus Christ, infants right to Jesus Christ, and the seal of baptisme: with some practicall questions and observations. By Samuel Rutherfurd, Professor of divinitie in the University of S. Andrews. Edinburgh: printed by Andro Anderson, for Robert Broun, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the Sun, anno 1655. ESTC No. R20879. Grub Street ID 85011.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. The covenant of life opened: or, A treatise of the covenant of grace, containing something of the nature of the covenant of works. The soveraignty of God. The extent of the death of Christ. The nature and properties of the covenant of grace. And especially of the covenan of suretyship or redemption between the Lord and the Sonne Jesus Christ. Infants right to Jesus Christ, and the seal of baptisme. With some practicall questions and observations. By Samuel Rutherfurd, professor of divinity in the University of St. Andrews. Edinburgh: printed by A[ndrew]. A[nderson]. for Robert Broun, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the Sun, anno 1655. ESTC No. R217833. Grub Street ID 92574.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. A treatise of civil policy: being a resolution of forty three questions concerning prerogative, right and priviledge, in reference to the supream prince and the people. By Samuel Rutherford professor of divintiy of St Andrews in Scotland. London: printed and are to be sold by Simon Miller at the Star in St Pauls Church-yard near the West end, 1657 [i.e. 1656]. ESTC No. R207911. Grub Street ID 84229.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. A survey of the Survey of that summe of church-discipline penned by Mr. Thomas Hooker, late pastor of the church at Hartford upon Connecticot in New England. Wherein the way of the churches of N. England is now re-examined; arguments in favour thereof winnowed; the principles of that way discussed; and the reasons of most seeming strength and nerves, removed. By Samuel Rutherfurd, professor of divinity in the University of S. Andrews in Scotland. London: printed by J[ohn]. G[rismond]. for Andr. Crook, at the Green Dragon in St Pauls Church-yard, M.DC.LVIII. [1658]. ESTC No. R19199. Grub Street ID 76986.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Influences of the life of grace. Or, A practical treatise concerning the way, manner, and means of having and improving of spiritual dispositions, and quickning influences from Christ the resurrection and the life. By Samuel Rutherfurd, Professor of Divinity in the Vniversity of St. Andrews in Scotland. London: printed by T.C. for Andrew Crook, and are to be sold by James Davies at the gilded Acorn neer the little North door in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1659. ESTC No. R207742. Grub Street ID 84092.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. The covenant of life opened: or, A treatise of the covenant of grace containing something of the nature of the covenant of works, the soveraignty of God, the extent of the death of Christ, the nature & properties of the covenant of grace: and especially of the covenant o surety-ship or redemption between the Lord and the son Jesus Christ, infants right to Jesus Christ, and the seal of baptism. With some practical questions and observations. By Samuel Rutherford, professor of divinity in the University of St. Andrews. Edinburgh: printed: sold by John Vallange, at his shop on the North-side of the street, a little above the Cross. There is likewise sold by him, Pitcairn on prayer, [1701?]. ESTC No. N70628. Grub Street ID 51121.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Joshua redivivus; or Mr. Rutherfoord's letters, divided into three parts. ... Now published, for the use of all the people of God; ... by a well-wisher to the work, and prople [sic] of God. Edinburgh: printed by the heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, anno domini, 1709. ESTC No. T85502. Grub Street ID 305808.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. An exhortation at a communion, to a Scots congregation, in London. By Mr. Samuel Rutherford. [Glasgow: printed by James and William Duncans, 1718]. ESTC No. T184398. Grub Street ID 220743.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. A testimony left by Mr. Rutherfoord, to the work of reformation in Britain and Ireland, before his death: with some of his last words. February the last. 1661. To which is added, a testimony of one of the ministers of the Church of Scotland, against the oath of abjuration, a little before it was taken. Glasgow: printed by James and William Duncans, 1719. ESTC No. T174228. Grub Street ID 211321.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. A testimony left by Mr Rutherfoord to the Work of Reformation, in Britain and Ireland, before his death, with some of his last words. February the last, 1661. To which is added a testimony of one of the ministers of the Church of Scotland, against the oath of abjuration, a little before it was taken. Glasgow: printed by James and William Duncans, in the Foot of the Salt-Mercat, 1719. ESTC No. T225298. Grub Street ID 247243.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. The trial and triumph of faith: or, an exposition of the history of Christ's dispossessing of the daughter of the woman of Canaan, delivered in sermons; ... By Samuel Rutherfurd, ... Edinburgh: printed by John Mosman and Company, 1721. ESTC No. T83124. Grub Street ID 303605.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Mr. Rutherfoord's letters, now divided in three parts. The First, Containing those which were written from Aberdeen, where he was confined by a Sentence of the High Commission drawn forth against him, partly upon the Account of his declining them, partly upon the Account of his Non-Conformity. The Second and Third, Containing some which were written from Anwoth, before he was by the Prelates Persecution thrust from his Ministry; and others upon Occasions afterward, from St. Andrews, London, &c. Published for the use of all the people of God; but more particularly, for those who may at any Time be put to Suffering for Christ and his Cause. By a well-wisher to the work and people of God. Edinburgh: printed by Thomas Lumisden and John Robertson, and sold at their printing-house in the Fish-Market; and by John Paton and James Thomson, Booksellers in the Parliament-Closs; and sold at Glasgow by John Robertson, James and John Browns, and Mrs. Brown, Book-Sellers, 1724. ESTC No. T85501. Grub Street ID 305807.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Mr. Rutherfoord's letters, now divided in three parts. The First, Containing those which were written from Aberdeen, where he was confined by a Sentence of the High Commission drawn forth against him, partly upon the Account of his declining them, partly upon the Account of his Non-Conformity. The Second and Third, Containing some which were written from Anwoth, before he was by the Prelates Persecution thrust from his Ministry; and others upon Occasions afterward, from St. Andrews, London, &c. Published for the use of all the people of God; but more particularly, for those who may at any Time be put to Suffering for Christ and his Cause. By a well-wisher to the work and people of God. Edinburgh: printed by Thomas Lumisden and John Robertson, and sold at their printing-house in the Fish-Market; and by John Paton and James Thomson, Booksellers in the Parliament-Closs; and sold at Glasgow by John Robertson, James and John Browns, and Mrs. Brown, Book-Sellers, 1724. ESTC No. T134885. Grub Street ID 183458.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Christ dying, and drawing sinners to Himself. ... By the late Reverend ... Mr. Samuel Rutherfurd, ... Edinburgh: printed by T. Lumisden and J. Robertson, for James Weir, in Cesford, 1727. ESTC No. N44146. Grub Street ID 29663.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. The cruel watchmen: a sermon on Song v. 7,8,9,10. By the late Reverend, Mr. Samuel Rutherford. Edinburgh: printed for James Ormiston, MDCCXXVIII. [1728]. ESTC No. T85505. Grub Street ID 305811.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. An exhortation at a communion to a Scots congregation in London by Mr. Samuel Rutherford. From a Manuscript never before printed. Edinburgh: printed and sold in Pearson's Closs, opposite to the Cross, North Side of the Street, 1728. ESTC No. T76528. Grub Street ID 298919.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Christ and the doves heavenly salutations, with their pleasant conferenee [sic] together: or a sermon before the communion in Anwoth. Anno 1630: by that flour [sic] of the church, Mr. Samuel Rutherfurd. [Edinburgh]: Printed in the year, 1729. ESTC No. T165401. Grub Street ID 203658.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. An exhortation at a communion to a Scots congregation in London. By Mr. Samuel Rutherford. ... Edinburgh: printed and sold in Pearson's Closs, 1731. ESTC No. T76529. Grub Street ID 298920.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Cruel watchmen: a sermon on Song v 7,8,9,10. ... By the late Reverend Mr. Samuel Rutherford. Glasgow: printed and sold by Alexander Miller, 1738. ESTC No. T66088. Grub Street ID 290894.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Mr. Rutherfoord's letters, now divided in three parts. ... Published for the use of all the people of God; ... by a well-wisher to the work and people of God. Edinburgh: printed by Thomas Lumisden and John Robertson, and sold at their printing-house, 1738. ESTC No. T85506. Grub Street ID 305812.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. A testimony left by Mr. Rutherford. To the work of reformation in Britain and Ireland, before his death; with some of his last words. Feb. the last, 1661. [Lanark]: Printed for William Gray, book-seller in Lanerk, 1739. ESTC No. T85504. Grub Street ID 305810.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Christ's napkin: or, a sermon preached at the Communion in Kircubright May 12th. MDCXXXIII. By ... Mr. Samuel Rutherfurd. Glasgow: printed by Alexander Miller, 1739. ESTC No. T76527. Grub Street ID 298918.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. An exhortation at a communion to a Scots congregation in London. By Mr. Samuel Rutherford. From a manuscript never before printed. Edinburgh: printed and sold in Pearson's Closs, opposite to the Cross, North side of the Street, Anno MDCCXLI. [1741]. ESTC No. T134919. Grub Street ID 183490.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. The trial and triumph of faith: or, an exposition of the history of Christ's dispossessing of the daughter of the woman of Canaan, delivered in sermons; In which are opened, The Victory of Faith; The Condition of those that are tempted The Excellency of Jesus Christ and Free-Grace. And Some special Grounds and Principles of Libertinism and Antinomian Errors discover'd. By Samuel Rutherfurd, Professor of Divinity in the University of St. Andrews. Glasgow: printed by Robert Smith and Alexander Hutcheson in company, and sold by them at their shops in the Salt-Mercat, 1743. ESTC No. T85507. Grub Street ID 305813.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. An exhortation at a communion to a Scots congregation in London. By Mr. Samuel Rutherford. From a manuscript never before printed. Edinburgh: printed and sold in Pearson's Close, opposite to the Cross, North-Side of the Street, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. N1493. Grub Street ID 4676.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. An exhortation at a communion to a Scots congregation in London. By Mr. Samuel Rutherfoord. From a manuscript never before printed. Edinburgh: printed and sold in Pearson's Close, opposite to the Cross, north-side of the street. Anno, 1749. ESTC No. T184401. Grub Street ID 220748.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Mr Rutherfoord's letters, now divided into three parts. The First Containing those which were written from Aberdeen, where he was confined by a sentence of the High Commission drawn forth against him, partly upon the account of his declining them, partly upon the account of his non-conformity. The Second and Third Containing some which were written from Anwoth, before he was by the Prelates persecution thrust from his ministry; and others, upon occasions afterward, from St Andrews, London, &c. Published for the use of all the people of God, but more particularly for those who may at any time be put to suffering for Christ and his cause. In two volumes. Volume the First. Edinburgh: printed by E. and J. Robertsons; Sold at their shop the first below the Exchange, MDCCLXI. [1761]. ESTC No. T217034. Grub Street ID 242259.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. [Mr. Rutherford's letters, now divided into three parts. ...]. [Edinburgh: printed by E. and J. Robertson, 1761]. ESTC No. T153584. Grub Street ID 197876.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Joshua redivivus: or, three hundred and fifty-two religious letters, by the late eminently pious Mr. Samuel Rutherfoord, Professor of Divinity, at St. Andrews. Divided into three parts The First, Containing those which were written from Aberdeen, where he was confined by a sentence of the High Commission drawn forth against him, partly upon the account of declining them, partly upon the account of his Nonconformity. Second and Third, Containing some which were written from Anwoth, before he was by the Prelates persecution thrust out of his Ministry; and others upon divers Occasions afterward, from St. Andrews, London, &c. To which is added, the author's testimony to the covenanted work of reformation, between 1638 and 1649. And also his dying words, containing several Advices to some Ministers and near Relations, not in any of the former Editions. As also, A large Preface and Postcript, which were left out in some of the late Editions, supposed to be wrote by the Rev. Mr. M'ward. Glasgow: printed by John Bryce, and sold at his shop, Salt-Market, M,DCC,LXV. [1765]. ESTC No. T85503. Grub Street ID 305809.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. An exhortation at a communion, to a Scots congregation in London. By Mr Samuel Rutherfoord [sic]. Falkirk: printed and sold by Daniel Reid, 1775. ESTC No. N2749. Grub Street ID 16740.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. The lamb's marriage is come, &c. An action sermon preached before the celebration of the Lord's Supper, at Kirkcudbright, June 20th, 1634. By Mr Samuel Rutherford ... Glasgow: printed by John Bryce, 1775. ESTC No. T192832. Grub Street ID 227179.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. The lamb's marriage. A sermon preached before the celebration of the Lord's Supper, at Kirkcudbright, June 20th, 1634. By Mr Samuel Rutherford, ... Glasgow: printed and sold by John Bryce, 1776. ESTC No. T192831. Grub Street ID 227178.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Interesting letters, on different occasions. By the Reverend Mr. Samuel Rutherford. In two parts. Part I. contains. I. A letter to Mrs. Taylor on the death of her son. II. A letter to a Christian friend, ... III. A letter to Mr. James Durham ... Part II. contains. I. A letter to Barbarah Hamilton ... II. To a Christian gentlewoman. III. To his parishioners at Anworth. Glasgow: printed for George Cummin, 1776. ESTC No. T166886. Grub Street ID 205034.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Glad tidings to the people of God: or, comfort afforded in the views of death. In a sermon preached in Kirkubright [sic] at the communion, May 12th, 1633. on Rev. xxi. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. By ... Mr. Samuel Rutherford, ... Glasgow: printed by John Bryce, and sold at his shop opposite Gibson's-Wynd, Salt market, 1778. ESTC No. T162764. Grub Street ID 201481.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Heavenly salutations, with pleasant conferences betwixt Christ and his people. In a sermon preached in Antwoth before the communion, anno 1630. on Canticles ii. 14,15,16,17. By ... Samuel Rutherford, ... Glasgow: printed by John Bryce and sold at his shop, 1778. ESTC No. T166779. Grub Street ID 204935.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Glad tidings to the people of God: or, comfort afforded in the views of death. In a sermon preached in Kirkudbright at the communion, May 12th. 1633. on Rev. xxi. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. By ... Mr. Samuel Rutherford ... Glasgow: printed by John Bryce, and sold at his shop opposite to Gibson's-Wynd, Salt market, 1779. ESTC No. T162758. Grub Street ID 201475.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. A testimony left by Mr. Samuel Rutherford, to the work of reformation in Britain and Ireland, before his death, with some of his last words. Feb. 28th, 1661. To which is added, Mr. B-'s testimony, against the oath of abjuration, a little before it was taken. Glasgow: printed by John Bryce: and sold at his shop, 1779. ESTC No. T174400. Grub Street ID 211489.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. The lamb's marriage. A sermon, preached before the celebration of the Lord's Supper, at Kirkcudbright, June 20th, 1634. ... By Mr. Samuel Rutherford, ... Glasgow: printed by John Bryce; and to be sold at his shop, 1779. ESTC No. T192829. Grub Street ID 227176.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Christ's napkin. A sermon preached in Kircudbright at the communion. By ... Mr. Samuel Rutherford. Glasgow: printed and sold by J. & J. Robertson, 1779. ESTC No. N29542. Grub Street ID 18671.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. The lamb's marriage. A sermon. Preached before the celebration of the Lord's Supper, at Kirkcudbright, June 20th, 1634. By Mr. Samuel Rutherford, ... Glasgow: printed by John Bryce; and sold by him, 1781. ESTC No. T192828. Grub Street ID 227175.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Heavenly salutations, with pleasant conferences betwixt Christ and his people. In a sermon preached in Anwoth before the communion, anno 1630. on Canticles ii. 14,15,16,17. By ... Samuel Rutherford, ... Glasgow: printed by John Bryce and sold at his shop, 1781. ESTC No. T166778. Grub Street ID 204934.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Joshua redivivus: or, three hundred and fifty two religious letters, by the late Eminently Pious Mr. Samuel Rutherfoord, Professor of Divinity, at St. Andrews. Divided into three parts. The First, Containing those which were written from Aberdeen, where he was confined by a sentence of the High Commission drawn forth against him, partly upon the account of declining them, partly upon the account of his Nonconformity. Second and Third, Containing some which were written from Anwoth, before he was by the Prelates persecution thrust out of his Ministry; and others upon divers Occasions afterward, from St. Andrews, London, &c. To which is added, the author's testimony to the covenanted work of reformation, between 1638 and 1649. And also his Dying Words, containing several Advices to some Ministers and near Relations, not in any of the former Editions. As also, a large preface and postscript, which were left out in some of the late Editions, wrote by the Rev. Mr. Mcward. Glasgow: printed by John Bryce, and sold at his shop, opposite Gibson's-Wynd, Saltmarket, M,DCC,LXXXIII. [1783]. ESTC No. T121367. Grub Street ID 172200.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. A testimony left by Mr. Samuel Rutherfoord, to the work of reformation in Britain and Ireland, before his death. To which is added, a short account of his life, with some of his last words. Glasgow: printed by John Bryce; and sold at his shop, 1784. ESTC No. T174398. Grub Street ID 211486.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Christ's napkin: a sermon preached in Kirkcudbright, at the communion. By ... Mr Samuel Rutherford. Falkirk: printed and sold by Daniel Reid, [1784]. ESTC No. T166045. Grub Street ID 204285.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Christ's napkin, a sermon preached in Kircudbright at the communion. By ... Mr. Samuel Rutherford. Falkirk: printed and sold by Patrick Mair. Also sold by George Caldwell Paisley, 1787. ESTC No. T230851. Grub Street ID 250318.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. A testimony to the work of reformation in Britain and Ireland by the late Reverend Mr. Samuel Rutherfoord, ... To which are added, a short account of his life, with some of his last words. Glasgow: printed by J. and M. Robertson, 1790. ESTC No. T178197. Grub Street ID 215134.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Joshua redivivus; or, three hundred and fifty-two religious letters, by the late eminently-pious Mr. Samuel Rutherfoord, Professor of Divinity at St. Andrews. Divided into three parts. The First. Containing those which were written from Aberdeen. where he was consined by a sentence of the High Commission drawn forth against him, partly upon the account of declining them, partly upon the account of his Nonconformity. Second and Third. Containing some which were written from Anwoth, before he was by the Prelates persecution thrust out of his Ministry; and others upon divers Occasions afterward, from St. Andrews, London, &c. To which is added, The Author's Testimony to the convenanted Work of Reformation, between 1638 and 1649 And also his Dying Words, containing several Advices to some Ministers and near Relations. Glasgow: printed by William Bell, for John Kirk, the Publisher, Calton, MDCCXCVI. [1796]. ESTC No. T189889. Grub Street ID 225190.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Christ's napkin; a sermon, preached in Kirkcudbright at the communion. By ... Mr Samuel Rutherford. Glasgow: printed by J. and M. Robertson, 1796. ESTC No. T166046. Grub Street ID 204286.
  • Rutherford, Samuel. Christ's love to his church: a sermon, preached upon a sacramental occasion; by that eminently pious, godly, and faithful Mr. Samuel Rutherfoord, ... Never before printed. To which is added, a poem, on the vanity of wordly things. By a citizen of Glasgow. Glasgow: printed by Joseph Galbraith, 1798. ESTC No. T166038. Grub Street ID 204279.