Publications of Anthony Walby


  • Walby, Anthony. Good nevves from the traine bands and auxiliars. Being a true relation of their meeting with the Lord Generals forces, and what exceeding joy was exprest at that instant on both sides. Likewise the number of the forces which are so happily met, and with what cheerfulnesse they goe forward, couragiously chasing the enemy before them. Also a true narration of the raising the siege at Exeter: and the prosperous proceedings, successefull skirmishes, and good estate and condition of Glocester. VVith the manner of the Lord Generals marching through the countries. Sent from a souldier there, bearing date Septemb. 2. and writ upon his knee without doores, wanting house-room, lest he (losing that opportunity) had kept his friends from the truth. This is licenced and entred in the hall-book according to order. Printed at London: by Bernard Alsop, 1643. ESTC No. R222647. Grub Street ID 96600.