Publications of John Stoughton


  • Stoughton, John. Seaven sermons, preached vpon severall occasions. Viz. 1 The Christians prayer for the Churches peace. One sermon on Psal. 122.6. 2 One sermon on 1 Sam. 2.30 3 Baruchs sore gently opened; Gods salve skilfully applyed. In two sermons on Jeremy 45.5. 4 The araignement of coveteousnesse. In three sermons on Luke 12.15. By John Stoughton, Doctor in Divinitie, late of Aldermanburie, London. London: printed by J.[ohn] D.[awson] for John Bellamie, and Ralph Smith, and are to be sold at their shop, at the three Golden-Lyons in Cornhill neere the Royall-Exchange, 1640. ESTC No. S126253. Grub Street ID 145423.
  • Stoughton, John. A learned treatise: in three parts, 1 The definition 2 The distribution of Divinity. 3 The happinesse of man; as it was scholastically handled by John Stoughton D.D. in Immanuell Colledge Chappell in Cambridge, while he was fellow there: and now published according to th copy left under his own hand. London: Printed by Ric. Hodgkinson for John Bellamy, Daniel Frere and Ralph Smith, 1640. ESTC No. S121757. Grub Street ID 141328.
  • Stoughton, John. XV. choice sermons, preached upon selected occasions. Viz. 1 The happinesse of peace: before K. James at Trinity Colledge in Cambridge. 2 The love-sicke spouse: at S. Paul's Crosse. 3 The burning light: at a visitation in Christ's Church, London. 4 The magistrates commission, or, Wisdome justified: before the judges. 5 The preachers dignity, and duty: in five sermons, on 2 Cor. 5.20. Preached in Cambridge. 6 Christ crucified, the tree of life: in sixe sermons, on 1 Cor. 2.2. Preached in Cambridge. By John Stoughton, Doctor in Divinity, somtime fellow of Immanuel Colledge in Cambridge, late preacher of Aldermanburie, London. According to the originall copie, which was left perfected by the authour before his death. London: Printed [by Richard Hodgkinson, Thomas Cotes, and Richard Badger] for I. Bellamie, H. Overton, I. Rothwell, R. Royston, D. Frere, and R. Smith, 1640. ESTC No. S117835. Grub Street ID 137501.
  • Stoughton, John. Seaven sermons, preached vpon severall occasions. Viz. 1 The Christians prayer for the Churches peace. One sermon on Psal. 122.6. 2 One sermon on 1 Sam. 2.30 3 Baruchs sore gently opened; Gods salve skilfully applyed. In two sermons on Jeremy 45.5. 4 The araignement of coveteousnesse. In three sermons on Luke 12.15. By John Stoughton, Doctor in Divinitie, late of Aldermanburie, London. London: Printed by J[ohn] D[awson and Richard Badger] for John Bellamie, and Ralph Smith, and are to be sold at their shop, at the three Golden-Lyons in Cornhill neere the Royall-Exchange, 1640. ESTC No. S117838. Grub Street ID 137504.
  • Stoughton, John. XIII. sermons, preached in the church of Aldermanbury, London. Viz. 1. The form of wholsome words, or An introduction to the body of divinity. In 3 sermons on 2 Tim. 1.13. 2. The righteous mans plea to true happinesse. In 10 sermons on Psal. 4.6. To which is added, an exac and learned discourse, perfected by the author, concerning the definition and distribution of divinity: and the happinesse of man. By John Stoughton, Doctor in Divinity, sometimes fellow of Immanuel College in Cambridge, and late preacher of Aldermanbury, London. London: Printed by J. Raworth [, Thomas Cotes, Richard Badger, Richard Hodgkinson, and the assigns of Thomas Purfoot], for J. Bellamy, H. Overton, A. Crook, J. Rothwell, R. Sergeir, J. Crook, D. Frere, and R. Smith, 1640. ESTC No. S117839. Grub Street ID 137505.
  • Stoughton, John. The righteous mans plea to true happinesse. In ten sermons, on Psal. 4 ver. 6. Preached by Iohn Stoughton Doctor in Divinity, sometimes fellow of Emanuell Colledge in Cambridge, late preacher of Aldermanbury, London. Printed at London: By Tho. Cotes [, Richard Badger, and the assigns of Thomas Purfoot], for Iohn Bellamie, H. Overton, A. Crooke, I. Rothwell, I. Crooke, R. Sergier, D. Freere, and R. Smith, 1640. ESTC No. S117842. Grub Street ID 137508.
  • Stoughton, John. Felicitas vltimi sæculi: epistola in qua, inter alia, calamitosus ævi præsentis status seriò deploratur, certa felicioris posthac spes ostenditur, & ad promovendum publicum Ecclesiæ & rei literariæ bonum omnes excitantur: in gratiam amici cujusdam paulo ante obitum, script à reverendo viro Johanne Stoughtono, SS. Theol. Doctore, Coll. Emanuel. Cantabr. olim socio, postea, eccles. Aldermanburiensis Londini, pastore dignissimo: nunc, post decessum ejus ad fidem autographi, publici juris facta à S.H. Londini: typis Richardi Hodgkinson, impensis Danielis Frere habitantis in Parva Britannia, ad insigne Tauri rubri, Anno MDCXL. [1640]. ESTC No. S117852. Grub Street ID 137518.
  • Stoughton, John. Seaven sermons, preached vpon severall occasions. Viz. 1 The Christians prayer for the churches peace. One sermon on Psal. 122. 6. 2 One sermon on 1 Sam. 2. 30. 3 Barvchs sore gently opened; Gods salve skilfully applyed. In two sermons on Ieremy 45. 5. 4 The arraignement o covetousnesse. In three sermons on Luke 12. 15. London: printed for Henry Overton, in Popes-head Alley, and Iohn Rothwell in Paules Church-yard, 1640. ESTC No. S95395. Grub Street ID 153410.
  • Stoughton, John. The heauenly conuersation. And the naturall mans condition. In two treatises. By Iohn Stoughton, Doctor in Divinitie, sometimes fellow of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge; and late preacher of Gods word in Alderman-bury London. Printed at London: By Tho. Cotes, for Daniel Frere, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Bull in Little Brittaine, 1640. ESTC No. S119741. Grub Street ID 139381.
  • Stoughton, John. The heauenly conuersation and the naturall mans condition. In two treatises. By Iohn Stoughton, Doctor in Divinitie, sometimes fellow of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge; and late preacher of Gods word in Alderman-bury London. Printed at London: By T. C[otes] for John Bellamie, and Ralph Smith, and are to be sold at the three Golden Lyons neere the Royall Exchange, 1640. ESTC No. S113792. Grub Street ID 133517.
  • Stoughton, John. A forme of wholsome words; or, an introduction to the body of divinity: in three sermons on 2 Timothy, 1. 13. Preached by John Stoughton, Doctor in Divinity, sometimes fellow of Immanuel College in Cambridge, late preacher of Aldermanbury, London. London: printed by J. R[aworth]. for J. Bellamy, H. Overton, A. Crook, J. Rothwell, R. Sergeir, D. Frere, and Ralph Smith, 1640. ESTC No. S1138. Grub Street ID 133525.
  • Stoughton, John. Choice sermons preached upon selected occasions. Viz. The happinesse of peace: before K. James at Trinity Colledge in Cambridge. The love-sick spouse: at St. Pauls Crosse. The burning light: at a visitation in Christs Church, London. The magistrates commission, or, wisedom justified: before the judges. By John Stoughton, Doctor in Divinity, somtime fellow of Emanuel Colledg in Cambridg, late preacher of Aldermanbury London. According to the originall copie which was left perfected by the author before his death. London: prinded by William Ellis, for William Wells, and are to be sold at the Red-Bull, in Little-Britaine, anno 1650. ESTC No. R220640. Grub Street ID 94959.
  • Stoughton, John. Choice sermons preached upon selected occasions, with the definition of an introduction to the body of divinity. In seventeen sermons. By John Stoughton, Doctor in Divinity, sometimes fellow of Emanuel-Colledge in Cambridge, late preacher in Aldermanbury, London. London: printed for Thomas Pierrepont, at the Sun in Pauls Church-yard, M DCLV. [1655]. ESTC No. R221080. Grub Street ID 95292.