Publications of Thomas James


  • James, Thomas. Bellum papale, siue Concordia discors Sixti Quinti, et Clementis Octaui, circa Hieronymianam editionem. Preterea, in quibusdam locis grauioribus habetur comparatio vtriúsq[ue] editionis, cum postrema & vltima Louaniensium; vbi mirifica industria Clementis, & cardinalium super castigatione Bibliorum deputatorum, notas duntaxat marginales Louaniensium in textum assumendo, clar demonstratur. Auctore Thoma Iames, Noui Collegij in alma Academia Oxoniensi socio, & vtriúsq[ue] Academiæ in Artibus Magistro. Londini [i.e. the continent]: Excudebant Georgius Bishop, Radulphus Nevvberie, & Robertus Barker, Anno 1600. ESTC No. S123161. Grub Street ID 142679.
  • James, Thomas. Concordantiæ sanctorum patrum hoc est vera et pia Libri Canticorum per patres vniversos tam Græcos quam Latinos expositio. Auctore Thoma Iames in Alma Academia Oxoniensi proto-bibliothecario & olim Socio Coll. Novi. Oxoniæ: Excudebat Iosephus Barnesius, 1607. ESTC No. S119417. Grub Street ID 139057.
  • James, Thomas. The humble supplication of Thomas Iames student in diuintie, and keeper of the publike librarie at Oxford, for reformation of the ancient Fathers VVorkes, by papists sundrie wayes depraued. Imprinted at London: By Iohn VVindet, [ca. 1607]. ESTC No. S120208. Grub Street ID 139844.
  • James, Thomas. A treatise of the corruption of Scripture, councels, and fathers, by the prelats, pastors, and pillars of the Church of Rome, for maintenance of popery and irreligion. By Thomas Iames, student in diuinitie, and chiefe keeper of the publique librarie in the Vniuersitie of Oxford; of the honorable foundation of Sir Thomas Bodley, Knight. Together with a sufficient answere vnto Iames Gretser, and Antonie Posseuine Iesuites, and the vnknowne author of the Grounds of the old religion & the new. Diuided into V. parts. At London: Printed by H[umphrey] L[ownes] for Mathew Lownes: and are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Bishops-head, 1611. ESTC No. S426. Grub Street ID 148317.
  • James, Thomas. Index generalis sanctorum patrum, ad singulos versus capitis quinti secundum Matthæum: denotans expostiones sanctissimorum ecclesiæ patrum diffusas per integros uniuscuiusque auctoris Tomos. Colligente ac disponente Tho. Iames S. Th. P. in usum communem theologorum, præsertim vero S. Th. studiosorum, ex academia & Bibliotheca Oxoniensi. Londini: In officina Ioan. Haviland, sumptibus Philemon Stephens, M. DC. XXIIII [1624]. ESTC No. S119419. Grub Street ID 139059.
  • James, Thomas. Specimen corruptelarum pontificiarum: in Cypriano, Ambrosio, Gregorio M. auctore operis imperfecti & in iure canonico collatione facta cum MSS. varijs. Inscriptum Clero Anglicano. Londini: Apud Georgium Miller, M. DC. XXVI [1626]. ESTC No. S119428. Grub Street ID 139068.
  • James, Thomas. Bellum papale, sive, Concordia discors Sixti Quinti, et Clementis Octavi, circa Hieronymianam editionem. Præterea, in quibusdam locis gravioribus habetur comparatio utriusque editionis, cum postrema & ultima Lovaniensium; ubi mirifica industria Clementis, & Cardinalium super castigatione Bibliorum deputatorum, notas duntaxat marginales Lovaniensium in textum assumendo, clar demonstratur. Auctore Thoma James, Novi Collegii in alma academia Oxoniensi socio, & utriusque academiæ in Artibus Magistro. Londini: impensis Joh. Dunmore, ad insigne trium Bibliorum in vico dicto Ludgate-street, MDCLXXVIII. [1678]. ESTC No. R26821. Grub Street ID 110074.
  • James, Thomas. A treatise of the corruption of Scripture, councils and fathers, by the prelats, pastors and pillars of the Church of Rome, for maintenance of popery. By Thomas James, student in divinity, and chief keeper of the publick library in the University of Oxford, of the honourable foundation of Sir Thomas Bodley kt. Together with a sufficient answer unto James Gretser and Anthony Possevine Jesuits, and the unknown author of The grounds of the old religion & the new. Divided into five parts. London: printed for Josh Phillips at the Seven Stars, and Joseph Watts at the Angel in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1688. ESTC No. R2522. Grub Street ID 108927.
  • James, Thomas. Spira's despair revived. Being a narration of the horror and despair of some late sinners under the appprehensions [sic] of death and judgment. Wherein are such unquestionable examples produc'd, and such matters laid down, and proved, as may stop the mouths of the atheistical scoffers and mockers. By Thomas James, Minister of the Gospel at Ashford in Kent. Licensed June 16. 1694. E.C. London: printed for R. Baldwin, at the Oxford Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1694. ESTC No. R219992. Grub Street ID 94454.