Publications of Robert Horne


  • Horne, Robert. Life and death. Foure sermons. The first two, of our preparation to death; and expectation of death. The last two, of peace, and the iudgement after death. Also points of instruction for the ignorant, with an examination before our comming to the Lords table, and a short direction for spending of time well. By Robert Horne. Auspice Christo. At London: Printed by Iohn Pindley and Iohn Beale, for Francis Burton, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Churchyard, at the signe of the greene Dragon, 1613. ESTC No. S118515. Grub Street ID 138170.
  • Horne, Robert. The Christian gouernour, in the common-wealth, and priuate families: described by Dauid, in his 101. Psalme. Guiding all men in a right course to heauen. Herewith also a part of the parable of the lost sonne. Luke 15. Both expounded and opened by Robert Horn. With the doctrines and vses thence arising. The more particular contents see on the page following. London: Printed by T. S[nodham] for Francis Burton, and are to be solde at the greene Dragon, in Paules Church-yard, 1614. ESTC No. S121133. Grub Street ID 140732.
  • Horne, Robert. Points of instruction for the ignorant: as also, an expositition on the ten commandements, and the Lords Prayer, by questions and answeres. With an examination before our comming to the Lords table. And a short direction for spending of time well. By Robert Horne. London: Printed by George Purslowe for Francis Burton, and are to bee sold at his shop, at the signe of the Greene Dragon, 1617. ESTC No. S120917. Grub Street ID 140529.
  • Horne, Robert. Certaine sermons, of the rich man and Lazarus. Preached by Robert Horne, minister of the word of God. London: printed by Ber. Alsop for Iohn Hodgets, 1619. ESTC No. S93053. Grub Street ID 151661.
  • Horne, Robert. The history of the woman of great faith. Recorded by Saint Matthew, ch. 15. v. 22. &c. and by Saint Mark, ch. 7. 24. where three very strong encounters are beaten back by her vnmatchable faith. Treatised and expounded for some help to the weake in faith. By Robert Horn, Minister of Iesus Christ. London: Printed by T. H[arper] for Philemon Stephens, and Chr. Meridith, at the gilded Lyon in Pauls Church-yard, 1632. ESTC No. S116726. Grub Street ID 136414.