Publications of Lewes Hughes


  • Hughes, Lewes. The covenant of grace, and seales thereof; plainely opened by way of question and answer. Whereunto is annexed, godly instructions, shewing how to put every petition of the Lords Prayer into practice, and how to make some spirituall use of the things that wee shall see o heare. Set forth for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Summer Ilands. By Lewis Hughes, sometimes minister of Gods word in the said ilands. Printed at London: By Tho. Payne for N Bourne, dwelling at the South Entrance of the Royall Exchange, 1640. ESTC No. S120924. Grub Street ID 140536.
  • Hughes, Lewes. Certain grievances, or, The popish errors and vngodlinesse of the service-book; plainly laid open, with some reasons wherefore it may and ought to be removed; well worthy the serious consideration of the right honorable and high court of Parliament. The fifth time imprinted, corrected, and much enlarged. By Lewis Hughes minister of Gods Word. Whereunto is annexed most strange and fearfull judgements shewed upon churches in times of divine service. Set forth by way of dialogue between a countrey gentleman and a minsiter of Gods Word. Here is also added certain reasons wherefore the Church of Scotland refused the service book. London: printed by T[homas]. P[aine]., 1642. ESTC No. R37915. Grub Street ID 120081.
  • Hughes, Lewes. A looking-glasse for all trve hearted Christians. VVherein they may see the goodnesse of God in giving deliverance unto them from their popish, cruell, and bloodie enemies, by rendring vengeance upon them. Where poperie and innovations do begin, there treason will by degrees come in. London: printed by T.P. and M.S. in Goldsmiths Alley, 1642. ESTC No. R30348. Grub Street ID 113220.
  • Hughes, Lewes. Signes from heaven of the vvrath and iudgements of God, ready to come upon the enemies and persecutors of the truth, and of the true professors thereof in this land, if they be not prevented by true repentance. VVhereunto are annexed examples of most fearful iudgements of God, upon churches in time of divine service, and upon Sabbath breakers, and upon such as have reviled the Protestants that are truly zealous of Gods glory, calling them Round-heads, in reproach and derision. Also, the utter ruin and downfall of the papists, and their ghostly father the Pope and prelates. Set forthy by Lewes Hughes minister of Gods Word. London: printed by T.P. and M.S. in Goldsmiths Alley, 1642. ESTC No. R216479. Grub Street ID 91368.
  • Hughes, Lewes. Certain grievances, or The errors of the service-booke. Proving it to be antichristian; with the reasons wherefore it may and ought to be removed. Plainly laid open, by way of conference between a countrey-gentleman, and a minister of Gods Word. With some reasons against the constant use of set formes of prayer. The sixt time imprinted: corrected and inlarged by the author Levves Hughes. Whereunto are added, the reasons why the service-booke was refused of the Church of Scotland. London: printed by T.P. and M.S. for Edward Blackmore in Pauls Church-yard, 1643. ESTC No. R218445. Grub Street ID 93102.
  • Hughes, Lewes. The errors of the common catechisme, especially, such as do open a gap to all prophanenesse and ungodlinesse. Plainly laid open by way of a dialogue between a minister of Gods Word and a countrey gentleman. Whereunto are added certain remarkable judgements from God upon superstitious worshippers. By Lewes Hughes, Rector of Westbourn in Sussex. Published according to order. London: printed by Matthew Simmons, 1645. ESTC No. R21999. Grub Street ID 94453.