Publications of John De La March


  • De La March, John. A complaint of the false prophets mariners upon the drying up of their hierarchicall Euphrates. As it was preached publickly in the Island of Garnezey before a sett order of ministers, (expounding in their successiue turnes the Reuelation of St John) by John De La March, one of them. London: printed by Thomas Payne and are to be sold by Humphry Blunden at the Castle in Cornhill, 1641. ESTC No. R9089. Grub Street ID 129201.
  • De La March, John. A revelation of the time, and fall of the English hierarchy of prelates. VVith the number of the yeares of the Christian churches pilgrimage, under the antichristian-government; revealed to end, anno Dom. 1650: in parralell with the drying up of the euphraticall Jordan. Wherein is shewed, how all that, which is thereby typified concerning England; hath been fulfilled, and is still in fulfiilling [sic]. By J. De la March, one of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster. [London]: Printed by T[homas] Paine, for Ben: Allen, 1645. ESTC No. R215996. Grub Street ID 90938.