Publications of de Souligné


  • Souligné, de. The political mischiefs of popery: or, Arguments demonstrating, I. That the romish religion ruines all those countries where 'tis establish'd. II. That it occasions the loss of above 200 millions of livres or 16 millions sterling, per an. to France in particular. III. That if popery were abolished in France, that kingdom would become incomparably more rich and populous; and the King's revenues would advance above 100 millions of livres, or 8 millions sterling per annum. IV. That it is impossible that France should ever be re-established, whilst popery is their national religion. By a person of quality. London : sold by J. Harris, at the Harrow in Little Britain, 1698. ESTC No. R25778. Grub Street ID 109170.
  • Souligné, de. The political mischiefs of popery: or, Arguments demonstrating, I. That the romish religion ruines all those countries where 'tis established, and has given rise to most of the mischiefs, that have over-spread the Christian Common-wealth. II. That (as an instance hereof) it occasions the loss of above 200 millions of livres, or 16 millions sterling per an. to France, in particular. III. That if popery were abolished in France, that kingdom would become incomparably more rich and populous; and the king's revenues would advance above 100 millions of livres or 8 millions sterling per annum. V. [sic] That it is impossible that France should ever be re-established whilst popery is their national religion. By a person of quality, a native of France; author of The desolation of France demonstrated. Edinburgh: re-printed; and sold by John Vallange, at his shop a little above the Cross, 1699. ESTC No. R215014. Grub Street ID 90140.
  • Souligné, de. London bigger than old Rome. Or, An essay upon old Rome. Wherein 'tis plainly demonstrated, that it's extent did not exceed that of new Rome, against Justus Lipsius, Vossius, and their followers; and that it never was so big as London is now. Humbly dedicated to the Honourable Robert Harley, Esq; Speaker to the Honourable House of Commons. by a person of quality. London : printed by A.S. and sold by John Nutt, near Stationer's Hall, 1701. ESTC No. T41134. Grub Street ID 270095.
  • Souligné, de. Old Rome and London compared, the first in its full glory, and the last in its present state. By which it plainly Appears, That Lipsivs and Vossivs are Egregiously Mistaken, in their Over-Stretched, Fulsom, and Hyperbolical Account of Old Rome; And That London, as it is at Present, Exceeds it much in its Extent, Populousness and many other Advantages. The second edition. To which is added, a comparison between the beauties, &c. of old Rome and London. By a person of quality. London : printed and sold by J. Harding, at the Anchor and Bible, at the Upper-End of St. Martins-Lane in the Fields, 1710. ESTC No. T139926. Grub Street ID 187747.