Hodgson, James.
The theory of navigation demonstrated: and its rudiments clearly and plainly proved, from the first and most simple principles of the mathematicks. With all the Rules and Tables Useful in the Practice. And A Catalogue of the Right Ascensions, and Distances from the Pole Of some Eminent Fixed Stars. Also A Collection of the Latitudes of several Ports and Cities; with their Longitudes from Her Majesty's Observatory, Deduced from Coelestial Observations. By James Hodgson, F. R. S.
London : printed by I. Dawks, for Rich. Mount and Company, in Pastern-Row, on Tower-Hill, 1706.
ESTC No. T111829.Grub Street ID 163944.
Hodgson, James.
A system of the mathematics, containing the Euclidean geometry, plane and spherical trigonometry; the projection of the sphere, both orthographic and stereographic, astronomy, the Use of the Globes and Navigation: The Manner of Computing the Appulses of the Moon to the Fixed Stars, and their Occultations by the Interposition of Her Body, very useful for determining the Difference of Longitude between Places. With an Account of the several Methods Proposed and made Use of, by the most celebrated Astronomers for ascertaining the same. New Solar Tables, with their Construction and Use. Tables of the Sun's Place, Right Ascension, Declination, Equation of Natural Days for every Four Years; with Tables of Variation to make them serve for a Hundred Years to come; and a Catalogue of the Right-Ascensions, Declinations, &c. of the most Eminent Fixed Stars: Deduced from the Flamstedian Observations. The Construction of the Meridional Parts, Logarithms, Sines, Tangents and Secants, both Natural and A.
London : printed for Thomas Page, William and Fisher Mount, at the Postern on Tower-Hill, 1723.
ESTC No. T111825.Grub Street ID 163940.
Hodgson, James.
The doctrine of fluxions, founded on Sir Isaac Newton's method, published by himself in his tract upon the quadrature of curves. By James Hodgson, F. R. S. And Master of the Royal Mathematical-School in Christ-Hospital.
London : printed by T. Wood, for the author: sold by W. Mount and T. Page on Tower-Hill: W. Innys and R. Manby in Ludgate-Street: B. Motte and C. Bathurst at the Middle Temple-Gate, Fleet-Street: J. Clarke under the Royal Exchange,, and J. Stagg in Westminster-Hall, MDCCXXXVI. [1736].
ESTC No. T111669.Grub Street ID 163890.
Hodgson, James.
The theory of navigation demonstrated: and its rudiments clearly and plainly proved, from the first and most simple principles of the mathematicks, with all the rules and tables ... To which is added, a new table of difference of longitude to every point, half point and quarter point of the compass; ... The third edition, with alterations and additions. By James Hodgson, .
London : printed for William Mount and Thomas Page, 1738.
ESTC No. N46968.Grub Street ID 31752.
Hodgson, James.
The valuation of annuities upon lives; deduced from the London bills of mortality. By James Hodgson, F. R. S. And Master of the Royal Mathematical School.
London : printed for J. Hinton, at the King's-Arms in St Paul's Church-Yard, [1747].
ESTC No. T111830.Grub Street ID 163945.
Hodgson, James.
An introduction to chronology: containing an account of time; also of the most remarkable cycles, epoch's, era's, periods, and moveable feasts. To which is added, a brief account of the several methods proposed for the alteration of the style, the reforming the calendar, and fixing the true Time of the Celebration of Easter. By James Hodgson, F. R. S. and Master of the Royal Mathematical School.
London : printed for J. Hinton, at the King's Arms in St Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCXLVII. [1747].
ESTC No. T111838.Grub Street ID 163949.
Hodgson, James.
The theory of Jupiter's satellites, with the construction and use of the tables for computing their eclipses. ... By James Hodgson, .
London : printed for the author, and sold by W. and J. Mount and T. Page, and J. Hinton, 1749.
ESTC No. N46967.Grub Street ID 31751.
Hodgson, James.
The theory of Jupiter's satellites, with the construction and use of the tables for computing their eclipses. By James Hodgson, F. R. S. And Master of the Royal Mathematical School at Christ's-Hospital.
London : printed for the author, and sold by W. and J. Mount and T. Page, on Tower-Hill, 1749.
ESTC No. N14374.Grub Street ID 4256.
Hodgson, James.
The theory of Jupiter's satellites, with the construction and use of the tables for computing their eclipses. ... By James Hodgson, .
London : printed for the author, and sold by W. and J. Mount and T. Page, and J. Hinton, 1749.
ESTC No. T149825.Grub Street ID 195753.
Hodgson, James.
The theory of Jupiter's satellites, with the construction and use of the tables for computing their eclipses. ... By James Hodgson, .
London : printed for the author: and sold by W. and J. Mount and T. Page, and H. Whitridge, 1750.
ESTC No. N63647.Grub Street ID 45782.
Hodgson, James.
The doctrine of fluxtions [sic], founded on Sir Isaac Newton's method, published by himself in his tract upon the quadrature of curves. By James Hodgson, .
London : printed for W. Owen, 1756.
ESTC No. N50621.Grub Street ID 34673.
Hodgson, James.
The doctrine of fluxions, founded on Sir Isaac Newton's method, published by himself in his tract upon the quadrature of curves. By James Hodgson, F.R.S. late master of the Royal Mathematical-school in Christ's Hospital.
London : Printed for W. Owen, at Homer's-head, near Temple-Bar, MDCCLVIII. [1758].
ESTC No. T165561.Grub Street ID 203821.