Publications of Thomas Good


  • Good, Thomas. Firmianus and Dubitantius, or Certain dialogues concerning atheism, infidelity, popery, and other heresies and schisme's that trouble the peace of the church, and are destructive of primitive piety. VVritten in a plain and easie method, for the satisfaction of doubting Christians. By Tho. Good, D.D. Master of Baliol Colledge in Oxon. Oxford: printed by L. Lichfield printer to the University, for Tho. Hancox book-seller in Hereford, 1674. ESTC No. R23950. Grub Street ID 107791.
  • Good, Thomas. To the right honorable, the right worshipful, and the reverend, the lords, knights, gentlemen, and clergy, of the diocess and county of Worcester; the humble proposal of a native of that county, in the behalf of ingenious young scholars, that have a serious desire to be educated in good literature. [Oxford: printed by Leonard Lichfield, 1675]. ESTC No. R213803. Grub Street ID 89167.
  • Good, Thomas. A brief English tract of logick. [Oxford: printed by L. Lichfield,] Anno Domini, 1677. ESTC No. R291. Grub Street ID 112117.