Publications of Cornelius Vermuyden


  • Vermuyden, Cornelius. A discourse touching the drayning the great fennes, lying vvithin the severall counties of Lincolne, Northampton, Huntington, Norfolke, Suffolke, Cambridge, and the isle of Ely, as it was presented to his Majestie. By Sir Cornelius Vermuïden Knight. Whereunto is annexed the designe or map. Published by authority. London: printed by Thomas Fawcet, dwelling in Grub-street neere the lower Pumpe, 1642. ESTC No. R212734. Grub Street ID 88288.
  • Vermuyden, Cornelius. Sir Cornelius Vermuyden's agreement with King Charles for draining Hatfield Chace, &c. Doncaster: printed by D. Boys, 1794. ESTC No. T201795. Grub Street ID 232953.