Publications of John Astruc


  • Astruc, John. A treatise of the venereal disease, in six books; containing an account of the original, propagation, and contagion of this distemper in general. As also of the nature, cause, and cure of all venereal disorders in particular, whether local or universal. Together with an abridgment of the several discourses, which have been written upon this subject from the first appearance of the venereal disease in Europe to this time, with critical remarks upon them. Written originally in Latin by John Astruc, Physician to his present Majesty the King of France, Augustus II. late King of Poland, and to his Highness the present Duke of Orleans. And now translated into English by William Barrowby, M.B. . London : printed for W. Innys and R. Manby at the West-End of St. Paul's, C. Davis in Pater-Noster-Row, and J. Clarke under the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhill, MDCCXXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. T79214. Grub Street ID 300793.
  • Astruc, John. A treatise on the fistula of the anus; written originally in Latin, by John Astruc, Physician to his present Majesty the King of France; Augustus II. late King of Poland; and to his Highness the present Duke of Orleans. To which are added; several valuable pieces upon the same subject: Collected from the Writings of Fabricius ab Aquapendente, Peter de Marchettis; And others the most celebrated Surgeons and Operators of their Time. Adorned with a copper-plate, describing a New Instrument, for performing the Operation on the Fistula of the Anus, when it is Incomplete. Invented by John Freke. F. R. S. And Senior Surgeon of St Bartholomew's Hospital. London : printed [by C. Jephson] for John Brotherton, at the Bible, next Tom's Coffee-House, in Cornhill, M.DCC.XXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. T79215. Grub Street ID 300794.
  • Astruc, John. A treatise on all the diseases incident to women. By John Astruc, Physician to his present Majesty the King of France, Augustus II. late King of Poland, to his Highness the present Duke of Orleans, Regius Professor at Paris, and author of a treatise on the venereal disease. Translated from a manuscript copy of the author's lectures read at Paris, 1740. By J. R-n, M.D. London : printed for T. Cooper at the Globe in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. T132641. Grub Street ID 181546.
  • Astruc, John. A treatise of venereal diseases, in nine books; containing an account of the origin, propagation, and contagion of this distemper. As also of the Nature, Cause, and Cure of all Venereal Disorders, whether Local or Universal. Together with a short abstract of the lives of the authors who have wrote on those diseases, and a list of their works. By John Astruc, Physician to his present Majesty the King of France. Translated from the last Latin edition printed at Paris. London : printed for W. Innys and J. Richardson, C. Davis, J. Clarke, R. Manby, and H. S. Cox, MDCCLIV. [1754]. ESTC No. T132643. Grub Street ID 181548.
  • Astruc, John. A treatise on the venereal disease, containing a particular account of the nature, causes, signs, and cure, of the several venereal disorders, Both Local and Universal: and being chiefly designed as a translation and abridgment of the learned Dr. Astruc's treatise on this disease. By Samuel Chapman, surgeon. In two volumes. . London : printed for W. Owen, at Homer's-Head, at Temple-Bar, MDCCLV. [1755]. ESTC No. N14248. Grub Street ID 4125.
  • Astruc, John. A treatise on the diseases of women; in which it is attempted to join a just theory to the most safe and approved practice. With a chronological catalogue of the physicians, who have written on these diseases. Translated from the French original; written by Dr. J. Astruc Royal Professor of Physic at Paris, and consulting physician to the King of France. . London : printed for J. Nourse, bookseller in ordinary to his Majesty, MDCCLXII. [1762]. ESTC No. T78397. Grub Street ID 300261.
  • Astruc, John. Elements of midwifry. Containing the most modern and successful method of practice in every different kind of labour. With a short history of the art of midwifry, and An Answer to a Casuistical Letter, on the Conduct of Adam and Eve, at the Birth of their first Child. By J. Astruc, Professor Royal of Physic, in the University of Paris, and Physician to the King of France. Translated, with additions and explanatory notes, by S. Ryley, Member of the Corporation of Surgeons in London. London : printed for S. Crowder, at the Looking-Glass; and J. Coote, at the King's-Arms, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLXVI. [1766]. ESTC No. T117724. Grub Street ID 169311.
  • Astruc, John. The art of midwifery reduced to principles: in which, are explained the most safe and established methods of practice, in each kind of delivery; with a summary history of the art: translated from the French original, written by the late Dr. Astruc, Royal Professor of Physic at Paris, and Physician to the French King: To which, is added an appendix, by the translator; containing illustrative remarks on conception and pregnancy: and on those Particulars, taught by Dr. Astruc, which vary from the Methods adopted by the best Accoucheurs here. London : printed for J. Nourse, Bookseller to his Majesty, opposite Catharine Street in the Strand, MDCCLXVII. [1767]. ESTC No. N14580. Grub Street ID 4377.
  • Astruc, John. A treatise on the diseases of women; in which it is attempted to join a just theory to the most safe and approved practice: with two dissertations on several passages in the Treatise on the diseases of women; in which it is endeavoured to remove some Doubts which have arisen concerning them: Translated from the French original; written by the late Dr. J. Astruc, Royal Professor of Physic at Paris, and consulting Physician to the King of France. Vol. III. London : printed for J. Nourse, Bookseller in Ordinary to his Majesty, MDCCLXVII. [1767]. ESTC No. N4. Grub Street ID 27181.
  • Astruc, John. A treatise on the venereal disease; being chiefly designed as a translation and abridgment of the practical part of Dr. Astruc's work. The second edition. To which are added, the improvements with regard to the use of the sasaparilla, mezereon, and sublimate; AS Also An Account of Mr. Plenk's Method of Cure. By Samuel Chapman, M. D. Of the Royal College of Physicians, London. London : printed for W. Owen, between the Temple-Gates, Fleet-Street, MDCCLXX. [1770]. ESTC No. T132642. Grub Street ID 181547.