Napier, John.
A plaine discouery of the whole Reuelation of Saint Iohn: set downe in two treatises: the one searching and prouing the true interpretation thereof: the other applying the same paraphrastically and historically to the text. Set foorth by Iohn Napeir L. of Marchistoun younger. Whereunto are annexed certaine oracles of Sibylla, agreeing with the Reuelation and other places of Scripture.
Edinburgh: Printed by Robert Walde-graue, printer to the Kings Majestie, 1593.
ESTC No. S113080.Grub Street ID 132824.
Napier, John.
A plaine discoverie of the whole Revelation of Saint Iohn: set down in two treatises: the one searching and proving the true interpretation thereof. The other applying the same paraphrastically and historicallie to the text. Set forth by Iohn Napeir L. of Marchistoun younger. Whereunto are annexed certaine oracles of Sibylla, agreeing with the Revelation and other places of Scripture.
[Edinburgh]: Printed [by Robert Waldegrave] for Iohn Norton dwelling in Paules Church-yarde, neere vnto Paules Schoole [, London], 1594.
ESTC No. S113083.Grub Street ID 132827.
Napier, John.
A plaine discovery, of the vvhole Revelation of S. Iohn: set downe in two treatises: the one searching and proving the true interpretation thereof: the other applying the same paraphrasticallie and historicallie to the text. Set foorth by Iohn Napeir L. of Marchiston. An now revised, corrected and inlarged by him. With a resolution of certaine doubts, mooved by some well-affected brethren. Whereunto are annexed, certaine oracles of Sibylla, agreeing with the Revelation and other places of Scripture.
Edinburgh: Printed by Andrew Hart, 1611.
ESTC No. S113096.Grub Street ID 132839.
Napier, John.
A plaine discovery, of the vvhole Revelation of S. Iohn: set downe in two treatises: the one searching and proving the true interpretation thereof: the other applying the same paraphrasticallie and historicallie to the text. Set foorth by Iohn Napeir L. of Marchiston. An now revised, corrected and inlarged by him. With a resolution of certaine doubts, mooved by some well-affected brethren. Whereunto are annexed, certaine oracles of Sibylla, agreeing with the Revelation and other places of Scripture.
London [i.e. Edinburgh]: Printed [by Andro Hart] for Iohn Norton, 1611.
ESTC No. S113099.Grub Street ID 132842.
Napier, John.
Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio, ejusque usus, in utraque trigonometria; ut etiam in omni logistica mathematica, amplissimi, facillimi, & expeditissimi explicatio. Authore ac inventore, Ioanne Nepero, Barone Merchistonii, &c. Scoto.
Edinburgi: ex officinâ Andreæ Hart bibliopôlæ, M. DC. XIV. [1614].
ESTC No. S112750.Grub Street ID 132498.
Napier, John.
Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio, ejusque usus, in utraque trigonometria; ut etiam in omni logistica mathematica, amplissimi, facillimi, & expeditissimi explicatio. Authore ac inventore, Ioanne Nepero, Barone Merchistonii, &c. Scoto.
Edinburgi: ex officinâ Andreæ Hart bibliopôlæ, M. DC. XIV. [1614].
ESTC No. S110079.Grub Street ID 130206.
Napier, John.
A description of the admirable table oe [sic] logarithmes with a declaration of the most plentiful, easy, and speedy vse thereof in both kindes of trigonometrie, as also in all mathematicall calculations invented and published in Latin by that honorable L. Iohn Nepair .. ; and translated into English by the late learned and famous mathematician Edward Wright ; with an addition of an instrumentall table to finde the part proportionall, inuented by the translator, and described in the end of the booke by Henry Brigs ... ; all perused and approued by the author, & published since the death of the translator.
London: Printed by Nicholas Okes, 1616.
ESTC No. S2826.Grub Street ID 147164.
Napier, John.
Rabdologiæ, seu Numerationis per virgulas libri duo: cum appendice de expeditissimo multiplicationis promptuario. Quibus accessit & arithmeticæ localis liber vnus. Authore & inventore Ioanne Nepero, Barone Merchistonii, &c. Scoto.
Edinburgi: Excudebat Andreas Hart, 1617.
ESTC No. S113120.Grub Street ID 132862.
Napier, John.
A description of the admirable table of logarithmes: with a declaration of the most plentifull, easie, and speedy vse thereof in both kinds of trigonometry, as also in all mathematicall calculations. Inuented and published in Latine by that honourable Lord Iohn Nepair, Baron of Marchiston, and translated into English by the late learned and famous mathematician, Edward Wright. With an addition of the instrumentall table to finde the part proportionall, intended by the translator, and described in the end of the booke by Henrie Brigs geometry-reader at Gresham-house in London. All perused and approued by the authour, and published since the death of the translator. Whereunto is added new rules for the ease of the student.
London: printed for Simon Waterson, 1618.
ESTC No. S124801.Grub Street ID 144105.
Napier, John.
Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio, ejusque usus, in utraque trigonometria; vt etiam in omni logistica mathematica, amplissimi, facillimi, & expeditissimi explicatio. Accesserunt opera posthuma; primò, mirifici ipsius canonis constructio, & logarithmorum ad naturale ipsorum numeros habitudines. Secundò, appendix de alia, eáque præstantiore logarithmorum specie construenda. Tertiò, propositiones quædam eminentissimæ, ad triangula sphærica mirâ facilitate resolvenda. Autore ac inventore Ioanne Nepero, Barone Merchistonii, &c. Scoto.
Edinburgi: Excudebat Andreas Hart, Anno 1619.
ESTC No. S123220.Grub Street ID 142736.
Napier, John.
Napiers narration: or, an epitome of his booke on the Revelation. VVherein are divers misteries disclosed, touching the foure beasts, seven vials, seven trumpets, seven thunders, and seven angels, as also a discovery of Antichrist: together with very probable conjectures touching the time of his destruction, and the end of the world. A subject very seasonable for these last times.
London: printed by R[ichard]. O[ulton]. and G[regory]. D[exter]. for Giles Calvert, 1641. [i.e. 1642].
ESTC No. R232433.Grub Street ID 104235.
Napier, John.
Napiers narration: or, an epitome of his booke on the Revelation. Wherein are divers misteries disclosed, touching the foure beasts, seven vials, seven trumpets, seven thunders, and seven angels, as also a discovery of Antichrist: together with very probable conjectures touching the the [sic] time of his destruction, and the end of the world. A subject very seasonable for these last times.
London: Printed by R.O. and G.D. for Giles Calvert, 1641 [i.e. 1642].
ESTC No. R212729.Grub Street ID 88283.
Napier, John.
A plaine discovery of the whole Revelation of St. John: set down in two treatises: the one searching and proving the true interpretation thereof: the other applying the same paraphrastically and historically to the text. By John Napier, Lord of Marchiston. With a resolution of certain doubts, moved by some well affected brethren. Whereunto are annexed certain oracles of Sibylla, agreeing with the Revelation, and other places of Scripture. And also an epistle which was omitted in the last edition.
Edinburgh: printed for Andro Wilson, and are to be sold at his shop, at the foot of the Ladies steps, 1645.
ESTC No. R209880.Grub Street ID 86098.
Napier, John.
Enneades arithmeticæ; the numbring nines. Or, Pythagoras his table extended to all whole numbers under 10000. and the numbring rods of the Right Honourable John Lord Nepeer, enlarged with 9999 fixt columns or rods, of single, double, triple and quadruple figures, and with new sort of double and moveable rods, for the much more sure, plain and easie performance of multiplication, division, and extraction of roots. The whole being very useful for most persons, of whatsoever calling and employment, in all arts and sciences. All having frequent occasions of accompts, numbring; measuring, surveying, gauging, weighing, demonstrating, &c. The devine wisdom having from the beginning disposed all things in measure, number and weight, Sap. 11.21.
London : printed for Joseph Moxon, at the sign of Atlas in Ludgate-street. Where also these nnmbring [sic] rods, (commonly call'd Napiers Bones) are made and sold, 1684.
ESTC No. R5645.Grub Street ID 126073.