Publications of Thomas Tuke


  • Tuke, Thomas. The true trial and turning of a sinner. Or, three plaine and profitable sermons, teaching the search and triall of our waies, repentance of sinne, and true turning vnto God. The summe whereof was preached at Feuersham in Kent Aug. 3. 1606. By Thomas Tuke. London: Printed by Thomas Creede, 1607. ESTC No. S111515. Grub Street ID 131344.
  • Tuke, Thomas. The treasure of true love. Or A liuely description of the loue of Christ vnto his spouse, whom in loue he hath clensed in his blood from sinne, and made a royall priesthood vnto his father. By Thomas Tuke, preacher of the word. London: printed by Thomas Creede, and are to be solde by Thomas Archer, 1608. ESTC No. S95600. Grub Street ID 153558.
  • Tuke, Thomas. The treasure of true loue. Or A liuely description of the loue of Christ vnto his spouse, whom in loue he hath clensed in his blood from sinne, and made a royall priesthood vnto his father. By Thomas Tuke, preacher of the word. London: Printed by Thomas Creede, and are to be solde by Iohn Budge, 1608. ESTC No. S123311. Grub Street ID 142823.
  • Tuke, Thomas. The picture of a true Protestant, or, Gods house and husbandry wherein is declared the duty and dignitie of all Gods children, both ministers and people written by Thomas Tuke. London: Printed by Nicholas Okes, dwelling neere to Holborne bridge at the signe of the Hand, 1609. ESTC No. S4946. Grub Street ID 148859.
  • Tuke, Thomas. A fit guest for the Lords table. Or, a treatise declaring the true vse of the Lords Supper. Profitable for all communicants, as a preseruatiue against all profanesse and sundry nouell opinions. London: printed by Edw: Allde, and are to be sold by H. Rockit, at his shop in the Poultry, vnder the Diall, 1609. ESTC No. S125561. Grub Street ID 144796.
  • Tuke, Thomas. A fit guest, for the Lords table. Or, A treatise, declaring the true use of the Lords Supper. Profitable for all communicants, as a preseruatiue gainst all profanesse and sundrie nouell opinions. London: printed by Edw: Allde, and are to be solde by H. Rockit, at his shop in the Poultrie, vnder the Diall, 1610. ESTC No. S95595. Grub Street ID 153553.
  • Tuke, Thomas. Nevv essayes: meditations, and vowes: including in them the chiefe duties of a Christian, both for faith, and manners. London: printed by N.[icholas] O.[kes] and are to be sold by William Bladon, at his shop in S. Pauls Churchyard, at the signe of the Bible, 1614. ESTC No. S95596. Grub Street ID 153554.
  • Tuke, Thomas. The picture of a picture: or, The character of a painted woman. [London: T. Creede, 1615?]. ESTC No. S95597. Grub Street ID 153555.
  • Tuke, Thomas. A treatise against paintng [sic] and tincturing of men and women: against murther and poysoning: pride and ambition: adulterie and witchcraft. And the roote of all these, disobedience to the ministery of the Word. Whereunto is added The picture of a picture, or, the character of a painted woman. By Thomas Tuke, Minister of Gods Word at Saint Giles in the Fields. London: Printed by Tho. Creed, and Barn. Allsope, for Edward Merchant dwelling in Pauls Church-yard, neere the Crosse, 1616. ESTC No. S120549. Grub Street ID 140178.
  • Tuke, Thomas. A discourse against painting and tincturing of women. Wherein the abominable sinnes of murther and poysoning, pride and ambition, adultery and witchcraft are set foorth & discouered. Whereunto is added The picture of a picture, or, the character of a painted woman. Imprinted at London: [By Thomas Creede and Bernard Alsop] for Edward Marchant, 1616. ESTC No. S118556. Grub Street ID 138210.
  • Tuke, Thomas. Index fidei, et religionis, siue dilucidatio primi, & secundi capitis epistole Catholicæ diui Iacobi, Domini Iesu Christi Apostoli ac Consobrini, hypocritarum mallei: qui sine bonis operibus, sordiumq[ue] conscientiam polluentium euitatione, fidem & religionem puram ac impollutam esse, & consistere non posse docet. Auctore Thoma Tuko, Anglo. Londini [i.e. Frankfurt?]: Ex officina Nortoniana, apud Ioannem Bill, [1617]. ESTC No. S114183. Grub Street ID 133906.
  • Tuke, Thomas. Improbus foeneratorum spiritus variis tormentis exercitatas, siue, Tractatus de usurariorum statu calamitoso auctore Thoma Tuko ... Francofurti: Apud Ioannem Bill, M. DC. XVIII [1618]. ESTC No. S2374. Grub Street ID 146764.
  • Tuke, Thomas. Concerning the Holy Eucharist, and the popish breaden-god, to the men of Rome, as well laiqves as cleriqves, by Thomas Tuke. [Amsterdam: Successors of G. Thorp], Anno M. DC. XXV. [1625]. ESTC No. S111514. Grub Street ID 131343.
  • Tuke, Thomas. The high-vvay to heaven: or, The doctrine of election, effectuall vocation, iustification, sanctification and eternall life. Grounded upon the holy Scriptures, confirmed by the testimonies of sundry judicious and great divines, ancient and moderne. Compiled by T.T. London: Printed by [Thomas Cotes for] Nicholas Okes, 1635. ESTC No. S118654. Grub Street ID 138307.
  • Tuke, Thomas. The Israelites promise or profession made to Joshua: a sermon of serving and obeying God. Preached at Tuttershall [sic] in the County of Lincolne. An. 1650. By Tho. Tuke. London: printed by R. M., anno. 1651. ESTC No. R209069. Grub Street ID 85285.