Digges, Thomas.
A briefe report of the militarie services done in the Low Countries, by the Erle of Leicester: written by one that serued in good place there in a letter to a friend of his.
Imprinted at London: by Arnold Hatfield, for Gregorie Seton, 1587.
ESTC No. S110913.Grub Street ID 130867.
Digges, Thomas.
A briefe report of the militarie services done in the Low Countries, by the Erle of Leicester: written by one that serued in good place there in a letter to a friend of his.
Imprinted at London: by Arnold Hatfield, for Gregorie Seton, 1587.
ESTC No. S125928.Grub Street ID 145111.
Digges, Thomas.
A breife and true report of the proceedings of the Earle of Leycester for the reliefe of the towne of Sluce, from his arriuall at Vlisshing, about the end of Iune 1587. vntill the surrendrie thereof 26. Iulij next ensuing. VVhereby it shall plainelie appeare his Excellencie was not in anie fault for the losse of that towne.
Imprinted at London: [By T. Orwin], 1590.
ESTC No. S110912.Grub Street ID 130866.
Digges, Thomas.
Noua corpora regularia: seu, Quinque corporum regularium simplicium, in quinque alia regularia composita, metamorphosis. Inventa ante annos 60 à Thoma Diggseio Armigero, jam, prolematibus additis nonnullis, demonstrata à nepote.
Londini: Apud Thomam Harperum, M. DC. XXXIV. [1634].
ESTC No. S116589.Grub Street ID 136276.
Digges, Thomas.
Englands defence. A treatise concerning invasion: or, a brief discourse of what orders were best for repulsing of foreign forces, if at any time they should invade us by sea in Kent, or elsewhere. Exhibited in writing to the Right Honourable Robert Dudley Earl of Leicester a little before the Spanish invasion, in the year 1588. By Thomas Diggs Esq; muster-master general of all her Majesty's forces in the Low-Countries. To which is now added, an account of such stores of war, and other materials as are requisite for the defence of a fort, a train of artillery, and fo a magazine belonging to a field army. And also a list of the ships of war, and the charge of them, and the land-forces designed by the Parliament against France, anno 1678. Also a list of the present governors of the garisons of England; and of all the lord lieutenants, and high sheriffs of all those counties adjacent to the coasts. Lastly, the wages of officers and seamen serving in his Majesty's fleet at sea per month. Collect.
London : printed for F. Haley, in the year 1680.
ESTC No. R7897.Grub Street ID 128114.
Digges, Thomas.
A discourse of sea-ports; principally of the port and haven of Dover: written by Sir Walter Rawleigh, and address'd to Queen Elizabeth. With useful remarks, &c. on that subject, by command of his late Majesty K. Charles the Second. Never before made publick.
London : printed for and sold by John Nutt, near Stationers-Hall, 1700.
ESTC No. R20710.Grub Street ID 83528.