Publications of Maarten Harpertsz Tromp


  • Tromp, Maarten Harpertsz. A declaration of his Excellency the Lord Admiral Vantrump, touching the royal fort of monarchy, the King of Scots, and the D. of York: sent to the King of Denmark, and the Q. of Sweden: with his desires thereupon; his resolution touching England; and the answer of their Royal Highnesses thereunto. The advance of Vantrump towards the Downs; a great victory obtained; the particulars of the fight; and the bloudy proceedings of the Dutch against the English; with their stripping and whipping them; and afterwards washing them with vinegar and salt. London: printed for George Horton, 1652. ESTC No. R207063. Grub Street ID 83494.
  • Tromp, Maarten Harpertsz. The declaration and speech of the Lord Admiral Vantrump, and his setting up the great standard of broom for the states of Holland, for the cleering of the narrow seas of all English-men; with the states remonstrance to all Christian princes; and their proceedings concerning the King of Scots. London: printed for G. Horton, 1653. ESTC No. R206932. Grub Street ID 83383.
  • Tromp, Maarten Harpertsz. A letter from Admiral Vantrump to the lords and burgamasters of Amsterdam, touching his late engagement with the English, and the account he renders to them thereof: with the states orders for the building of 60 new frigots; and the levying of the two hundreth penny throughout all Holland, for the maintaining of the war with England. Also, their new orders and instructions to Admiral De Witte, and the Admiralties, requiring them to put out to sea all the ships that are in their harbours. Likewise, the proceedings of the King of Denmark with the English resident; and a list of the ships of war set out to sea by him: with his orders for unlading the English ships detained there, and his design therein. Together with a narrative of the proceedings of the English at Legorn; a fight betwixt them and the Dutch near that place, and the event and successe thereof. Published according to order. London: printed by E. Alsop, 1653. ESTC No. R206947. Grub Street ID 83396.