Publications of Robert Whittle


  • Whittle, Robert. An ansvver to Mr. Francis Cornvvells positions & inferences, concerning dipping, anabaptisme, antipædobaptisme, tythes, and consecrated churches. Wherein the English Ministry is vindicated from the Anti-Christianisme, so deeply by him charged upon them. Published in speciall reference to the good of Mr Cornwells misled congregation. By Robert Whittle, minister of the word of God at East-Malling in Kent. Whereunto are annexed, the fore-mentioned positions of Mr Francis Cornvvell, entituled, the Nevv Testament ratified with the blood of the Lord Jesus, is the Magna Charta of Beleevers in Jesus the Christ dipped; by which they are justified to be no hereticks. London: printed for W.H. and are to be sold by George Badger in S. Dunstans Churchyard in Fleetstreet, 1646 [i.e. 1647]. ESTC No. R206141. Grub Street ID 82708.