The Whigs Medly (portion)
by George Bickham
Lewis Walpole Library 711.00.00.01+
A banner at the top of the medley reads "The three false brethren," the Pope, Defoe, and the Devil, who appear together under the banner in the same print, Defoe holding a book with the words "Resistance Lawfull." The three are identified in a cartouche at the bottom:
Here's Daniel [Defoe], the Pope, and the Devil well match'd,
By whose Crafty Inventions all mischief is hatch'd:
In deceiving poor Creatures their chief Talent lies,
Altho' to us Mortals they'd seem otherwise.
From crafty decivers, Good Lord, set us free,
And keep us secure from the snares of these Three.
Defoe is also shown in the card depicted as lying on top of the above-named print, excerpted here, titled "A Deformed head in the Pillory." The text reads:
What awkard ill-look'd Felllow's ys?
He has an ugly frightfull Phys;
And sure as black his conscience is?
Cadaverous, black, blue, and green,
Not fit in publick to be seen.
With dirt besmear'd, & goggle-ey'd
With a long Nose, & Mough as wide;
With blobber Lips, & Lockram Jaws,
Warts, Wrinkles, Wens, & other Flaws:
With nitty beards, & Neck that's scabby,A
And in a dress that's very shabby.
Who this should be I do not know,
Unless a Whig? I guess he's so,
If I am right, pray take a Throw.
Other cards shown lying on the print include a portrait of Oliver Cromwell, two playing cards, "A Whig & Tory a Wrestling," and "On the Calves head Feast," which reads:
Fanaticks base, a Calves head Feast still hold,
In Scorn of Charles, a pious King, and bold.
For which may Cuckoldome, be all their fates,
And Horns of Calves heads, still adorn their Pates.
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