Publications of Charles Fitz-Geffry


  • Fitz-Geffry, Charles. Deaths sermon unto the liuing. Delivered at the funerals of the religious ladie Philippe, late wife vnto the Right Worshipfull Sr. Anthonie Rous of Halton in Cornwall Knight. By Charles Fitz-Geffry. London: printed by Wiliam Stansby for Iohn Mungwell, 1620. ESTC No. S125388. Grub Street ID 144630.
  • Fitz-Geffry, Charles. The curse of corne-horders: with the blessing of seasonable selling. In three sermons, on Pro. II.26. Begun at the general sessions for the county of Cornwall, held at Bodmyn, and continued at Fowy. By Charles Fitz-Geffrie. Printed at London: By I[ohn] B[eale] for Edward Dight dwelling in Excester, 1631. ESTC No. S115075. Grub Street ID 134770.
  • Fitz-Geffry, Charles. The blessed birth-day, celebrated in some religious meditations on the angels anthem. Luc. 2. 14. Also holy transportations in contemplating some of the most obserueable adiuncts about our Saviours nativity. Extracted for the most part out of the sacred Scriptures, ancient fathers, Christian poets. And some moderne approved authors. By Charles Fitz-Geffry. Oxford: Imprinted by Leonard Lichfield printer to the Vniversity, and are to be sold by Edward Forrest, Anno Dom. 1636. ESTC No. S119251. Grub Street ID 138893.
  • Fitz-Geffry, Charles. Gods blessing upon the providers of corne: and Gods curse upon the Hoarders. Read, judge, and consider, Gods judgements by the Sword. Plague. Famine. Together with the corn imported into London Port in four monthes. By C. F-G. London: printed for M.S., 1648. ESTC No. R204647. Grub Street ID 81557.
  • Fitz-Geffry, Charles. The blessed birth-day celebrated in some sanctified meditations on the angels anthems. Luke 2. 14. Also holy raptures in contemplating some of the most observable adjuncts about our Saviours nativitie. By Charles Fitz-Geffry. London: printed by T.M. for Stephen Charfield, and are to be sold at his shop in the middle of St. Dunstans Church-yard in Fleet-street, 1654. ESTC No. R208745. Grub Street ID 84971.