Publications of Thomas Violet


  • Violet, Thomas. An humble declaration to the right honourable the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, touching the transportation of gold and silver, and other abuses practised upon the coynes and bullion of this realm: presented the 12th day of April, 1643. Wherein is declared the great mischeifes that have befallen the common-wealth, by the above-said misdemeanours. By Thomas Violet of London Gold-smith. London: printed by R.H., 1643. ESTC No. R39740. Grub Street ID 121617.
  • Violet, Thomas. A true discovery to the commons of England, how they have been cheated of almost all the gold and silver coyn of this nation, which hath been, and is daily transported into forraign parts. And how the people of this nation are, and have been abused by light and clipped English money, and the means shewed for the prevention thereof. Humbly presented to the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England. By Thomas Violet a true lover of his countrey. London: printed by W.B. and are to be sold by W. Sheares at the sign of the Bible over against the North door of Pauls, 1650. ESTC No. R218012. Grub Street ID 92728.
  • Violet, Thomas. The advancement of merchandize: or, Certain propositions for the improvment of the trade of this Common-wealth, humbly presented to the right honoroble the Council of State. And also, against the transporting of gold and silver. By Tho. Violet of London goldsmith. London: printed by William Du-Gard, printer to the Council of State, anno Dom. 1651. ESTC No. R208173. Grub Street ID 84456.
  • Violet, Thomas. Mysteries and secrets of trade and mint-affairs: with several reasons against transporting treasure; and waies set down for preventing the same: formerly presented to the Right Honorable the Lord Bradshaw, (at whose desire I undertook this pains,) and presented it to the late Council of State: and now enlarged, and humbly presented to this present Parlament of the Common-wealth of England, in Aug. 1653. By Tho. Violet of London, goldsmith. London: printed by William Du-Gard, anno Dom. 1653. ESTC No. R203958. Grub Street ID 80988.
  • Violet, Thomas. A true narrative of som remarkable proceedings concerning the ships Samson, Salvador, and George, and several other prize-ships depending in the High Court of Admiraltie: most humbly presented to the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England, and to the Right Honorable the Council of State by autoritie of Parliament, and to the Honorable the Council of Officers, of his excellencie the Lord General. By Tho. Violet of London, gold-smith. Who most humbly desire's them to take the same into their due consideration, it beeing for the securitie and safetie of the nation. London: printed by William Du-Gard, an. Dom. 1653. ESTC No. R208665. Grub Street ID 84892.