Publications of Thomas Urquhart


  • Urquhart, Thomas. Epigrams: divine and moral. By Sir Thomas Vrchard, Knight. London: printed by Barnard Alsop. and Thomas Favvcet, in the yeare, 1641. ESTC No. R7441. Grub Street ID 127707.
  • Urquhart, Thomas. The trissotetras: or, a most exquisite table for resolving all manner of triangles, whether plaine or sphericall, rectangular or obliquangular, with greater facility, then ever hitherto hath been practised: most necessary for all such as would attaine to the exact knowledge of fortification, dyaling, navigation, surveying, architecture, the art of shadowing, taking of heights, and distances, the use of both the globes, perspective, the skill of making the maps, the theory of the planets, the calculating of their motions, and of all other astronomicall computations whatsoever. Now lately invented, and perfected, explained, commented on, and, with all possible brevity, and perspicuity, in the hiddest, and most re-searched mysteries, from the very first grounds of the science it selfe, proved, and convincingly demonstrated. By Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromartie Knight. Published for the benefit of those that are mathematically affected. London: Printed by Iames Young, 1645. ESTC No. R212170. Grub Street ID 87813.
  • Urquhart, Thomas. Epigrams, divine and morall. By Sir Thomas Vrchard, Knight. London: printed for VVilliam Leake, and are to be sold at his shop in Chancery Lane neere the Roules, 1646. ESTC No. R23559. Grub Street ID 106647.
  • Urquhart, Thomas. The most easy and exact manner of resolving all sorts of triangles ... most necessary for all such as would attaine to the exact knowledg [sic] of fortification, dyaling, navigation, surveying, architecture ... : lately invented and perfected ... and convincingly demonstrated / by T.U., student in the mathematick. London: Printed for William Hope .., 1650. ESTC No. R30661. Grub Street ID 113502.
  • Urquhart, Thomas. Ekskybalauron: or, The discovery of a most exquisite jewel, more precious then diamonds inchased in gold, the like whereof was never seen in any age; found in the kennel of Worcester-streets, the day after the fight, and six before the autumnal æquinox, anno 1651. Serving in this place, to frontal a vindication of the honour of Scotland, from that infamy, whereinto the rigid Presbyterian party of that nation, out of their coveteousness and ambition, most dissembledly hath involved it. London: printed by Ja: Cottrel; and are to be sold by Rich. Baddely, at the Middle-Temple-gate, 1652. ESTC No. R203867. Grub Street ID 80932.
  • Urquhart, Thomas. Pantochronochanon: or, A peculiar promptuary of time; wherein (not one instant being omitted since the beginning of motion) is displayed a most exact directory for all particular chronologies, in what family soever: and that by deducing the true pedigree and lineal descent of the most ancient and honorable name of Urquharts, in the house of Cromartie, since the creation of the world, until this present yeer of God. 1652. London: printed for Richard Baddeley, and are to be sold at his shop, within the Middle-Temple-gate, 1652. ESTC No. R23558. Grub Street ID 106642.
  • Urquhart, Thomas. Logopandecteision, or An introduction to the vniversal language. Digested into these six several books, Neaudethaumata, Chrestasbeia, Cleronomaporia, Chryseomystes, Nelcadicastes, & Philoponauxesis. By Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromartie, knight. Now lately contrived and published both for his own utilitie, and that of all pregnant and ingenious spirits. London: printed, and are to be sold by Giles Calvert at the Black-spread-Eagle at the west-end of Pauls; and by Richard Tomlins at the Sun and Bible near Pye-corner, 1653. ESTC No. R3669. Grub Street ID 118944.
  • Urquhart, Thomas. Tracts of the learned and celebrated antiquarian Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromarty. Videlizet, I. A peculiar promptuary of time; wherein is displayed a most exact Directory for all particular Chronologies in any Family whatsoever. II. The true pedigree and lineal Descent of the most antient and honourable Family of the Urquharts, in the house of Cromarty, from the creation of the World until the year of God 1652: with a Continuation of said Genealogy down to the present Time, extracted from the Records of the Lyon-Office. III. A curious dissertation on the universal language. IV. A vindication of the honour of Scotland, in the Characters of several hundreds of Scotsmen, his contemporaries, celebrated both at home and abroad for their Wit, Learning, or Military Prowess; in which is contained an Account (much more complete than any hitherto published) of the Life and Death of the admirable Crichton of Clunie: The whole interspersed with many curious and interesting Particulars relative to . Edinburgh: printed for, and sold by Charles Herriott, Bookseller, within the Parliament-House, M.DCC.LXXIV. [1774]. ESTC No. T138234. Grub Street ID 186106.
  • Urquhart, Thomas. Tracts of the learned and celebrated antiquarian Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromarty. Videlizet, I. A peculiar promptuar of time; wherein is displayed a most exact Directory for all particular Chronologies in any Family whatsoever. II. The two pedigree, and Lineal Descent, of the most ancient and honourable Family of the Urquharts in the House of Cromarty, from the Creation of the World until the Year of God 1652: With a Continuation of said Genealogy down to the present Time, extracted from the Records of the Lyon-Office. III. A curious dissertation on the universal language. IV. A vindication of the honour of Scotland, in the Characters of several hundreds of Scotsmen, his Contemporaries, celebrated both at Home and Abroad, for their Wit, Learning, or Military Prowess; in which is contained an Account (more complete than any hitherto published) of the Life and Death of the Admirable Crichton of Clunie: The whole interspersed with many curious and interesting Particulars relative to Scotl. Edinburgh: printed for P. Anderson, Parliament Square, MDCCLXXXII. [1782]. ESTC No. T138235. Grub Street ID 186107.