Gregory, Arthur.
De legibus AngliƦ municipalibus liber, ordine locorum communium dispositus.
[Imprinted at London: within Temple Barre, at the signe of the Hande and Starre, by Richarde Tottil, the ix. day of October, anno. 1583].
ESTC No. S3963.Grub Street ID 148085.
Gregory, Arthur.
An abridgment of the common law, with the cases thereof: drawne out of all the old and new books of law: and reduced into chapters, sections, and divisions: fitted for the use and benefit of all practisers and students. By William Hughes of Grays Inne Esq;.
London: printed by T.R. for H. Twyford, T. Dring, and J. Place, and are to be sold at their shops in Vine Court middle Temple, the George in Fleetstreet neer Cliffords Inne, and at Furnivalls Inne gate in Holborne, 1657.
ESTC No. R202461.Grub Street ID 79698.
Gregory, Arthur.
Gregories moot-book. Being a survey of the general titles of the common law, with the cases thereof: collected out of all the old books of law, and later reports, and reduced into several chapters, sections, and divisions, for the use and benefit of all the practisers and students of the common law. Much inlarged by William Hughes of Grays-Inne, Esq;.
London : printed for H. Twyford, T. Dring, and J. Place, and are to be sold at their shops in Vine Court middle-Temple, the George in Fleetstreet neer St. Dunstan's Church, and at Furnivalls-Inne Gate in Holborn, 1663.
ESTC No. R9321.Grub Street ID 129417.