Mortimer, Thomas.
Die and be damned. Or an antidote against every species of Methodism; and enthusiasm.
The second edition, revised and enlarged by the author..
London : printed for S. Hooper, and A. Morley, at Gay's - Head, near Beaufort's - Buildings, in the Strand, MDCCLVIII. [1758].
ESTC No. N8652.Grub Street ID 53557.
Mortimer, Thomas.
Die and be damned.
London : printed for S. Hooper and A. Morley, at Gay's-Head, near Beaufort Buildings, in the Strand, MDCCLVIII. [1758].
ESTC No. T107595.Grub Street ID 160611.
Mortimer, Thomas.
Die and be damned. Or An antidote against every species of Methodism; and enthusiasm. The second edition, revised and enlarged by the author. T. Mortimer.
London : Printed for S. Hooper, and A. Morley, at Gay's-Head, near Beaufort's-Buildings, in the Strand, MDCCLVIII. [1758].
ESTC No. T217827.Grub Street ID 242620.
Mortimer, Thomas.
Every man his own broker: or, a guide to Exchange-Alley. In which the nature of the several funds, vulgarly called stocks, is clearly explained. And The Mystery and Iniquity of Stock-Jobbing laid before the Public in a New and Impartial Light. Also The Method of Transferring Stock, and of Buying and Selling the several Government Securities, without the Assistance of a Broker, is made intelligible to the meanest Capacity: and an Account is given of the Laws in force relative to Brokers, Clerks at the Bank, &c. To which is added, new tables of interest on India Bonds, calculated at 5 per Cent. - Directions how to avoid the Losses that are frequently sustained by the Destruction of Bank Notes, India Bonds, &c. by Fres and other Accidents. And an Appendix, giving some Account of Banking, and of the Sinking Fund. - With a Copper-Plate Table, shewing the intrinsic Value of the several Funds, and the Proportion they bear to each other, by which any Person may immediately know which is the cheapes.
London : printed for S. Hooper, at Caesar's Head, the Corner of the New Church in the Strand, M.DCC.LXI. [1761].
ESTC No. T87413.Grub Street ID 307460.
Mortimer, Thomas.
Every man his own broker: or, A guide to exchange-alley. In which the nature of the several funds, vulgarly called the stocks, is clearly explained. And the mystery and iniquity of stock jobbing laid before the public in a new and impartial light. Also the method of transferring stock, and of buying and selling the several government securities, without the assistance of a broker, is made intelligible to the meanest capacity; and an account is given of the laws in force relative to brokers, clerks at the bank, &c. To which is added, new tables of interest on India bonds. Calculated at per cent. --Directions how to avoid the losses that are frequently sustained by the destruction of bank notes, India bonds, &c. by fires and other accidents; and an appendix, giving some account of banking, and of the sinking fund---with a copper-plate table, showing the instinsic value of the several funds, and the proportion they bear to each other, by which any person may immediately know which is the cheap.
London : Printed for S. Hooper, at Caesar's Head, the corner of the New Church in the Strand, 1761.
ESTC No. T87414.Grub Street ID 307461.
Mortimer, Thomas.
Every man his own broker: or, a guide to Exchange-Alley. In which the nature of the several funds, vulgarly called the stocks, is clearly explained; And The Mystery and Iniquity of Stock-Jobbing laid before the Public in a New and Impartial Light; in which is introduced a Comic Scene at J-'s. Also The Method of Transferring Stock, of Buying and Selling India Bonds, Lottery Tickets, Life Annuities, and other Government Securities, without the Assistance of a Broker, is made intelligible to the meanest Capacity; and an Account is given of the Laws in Force relative to Brokers, Clerks at the Bank, &c. To which is added, New Tables of Interest, calculated at 5 per Cent. for the Use of the present Proprietors of India Bonds; and Directions how to avoid the Losses that are frequently sustained by the Destruction of Bank Notes, India Bonds, &c. by Fires and other Accidents; and an Appendix, giving some Account of banking, and of the sinking Fund. Quid faciunt leges, ubi sola pecunia regnat.
The second edition, enlarged, revised, and corrected, by the author..
London : printed for S. Hooper, at Caesar's Head, the Corner of the New Church in the Strand, MDCCLXI. [1761].
ESTC No. T133512.Grub Street ID 182319.
Mortimer, Thomas.
Die and be damned. Or, a policy of insurance against Methodism and enthusiasm.
The third edition, revised and enlarged, by the author..
London : printed for S. Hooper, at Caesar's Head, the Corner of the New Church in the Strand, MDCCLXI. [1761].
ESTC No. T186393.Grub Street ID 222546.
Mortimer, Thomas.
Every man his own broker: or, a guide to Exchange-Alley. In which the nature of the several funds, vulgarly called the stocks, is clearly explained; and The Mystery and Iniquity of Stock-Jobbing laid before the Public in a New and Impartial Light. Also The Method of Transferring Stock, of Buying and Selling India Bonds, Lottery Tickets, Life Annuities, and other Government Securities, without the Assistance of a Broker, is made intelligible to the meanest Capacity. To which is added, New Tables of Interest, calculated at 5 per Cent. for the Use of the present Proprietors of India Bonds; and Directions how to avoid the Losses that are frequently sustained by the Destruction of Bank Notes, India Bonds, &c. by Fires and other Accidents. By Philanthropos.
London : printed for S. Hooper, at Caesar's Head, the Corner of the New Church in the Strand, M.DCCLXI. [1761].
ESTC No. T86305.Grub Street ID 306543.
Mortimer, Thomas.
Every man his own broker: or, a guide to Exchange-Alley. In which the nature of the several funds, vulgarly called the stocks, is clearly explained. And The Mystery and Iniquity of Stock-Jobbing laid before the Public in a New and Impartial Light. Also The Method of Transferring Stock, and of Buying and Selling the several Government Securities, without the Assistance of a Broker, is made intelligible to the meanest Capacity: and an Account is given of the Laws in force relative to Brokers, Clerks at the Bank, &c. To which is added, new tables of interest on India Bonds, calculated at 5 per Cent. - Directions how to avoid the Losses that are frequently sustained by the Destruction of Bank Notes, India Bonds, &c. by Fires and other Accidents. And an Appendix, giving some Account of Banking, and of the Sinking Fund. - With a Copper-Plate Table, shewing the intrinsic Value of the several Funds, and the Proportion they bear to each other, by which any Person may immediately know which is the ch.
London : printed for S. Hooper, at Caesar's Head, the Corner of the New Church in the Strand, M.DCC.LXI. [1762].
ESTC No. T87416.Grub Street ID 307463.
Mortimer, Thomas.
The British Plutarch; or, biographical entertainer. Being a select collection of the lives at large of the most eminent men, natives of Great Britain and Ireland; from the reign of Henry Viii. to George II. Both inclusive: Whether distinguished as Statesmen, Patroits,---- Warriors, Divines,--- Poets,---------- Philosophers. Adorned with copper plates. Vol. I.
London : printed by the King's authority, for Edward Dilly, in the Poultry, MDCCLXII. [1762].
ESTC No. T118926.Grub Street ID 170409.
Mortimer, Thomas.
The universal director; or, The nobleman and gentleman's true guide to the masters and professors of the liberal and polite arts and sciences; and of the mechanic arts, manufactures, and trades, established in London and Westminster, and their environs. In three parts. Part I. Contains, in alphabetical order, the names, titles, and places of abode of the masters and professors of the liberal and polite arts and sciences, viz. painting, architecture, sculpture, drawing, modelling, engraving, &c. To these are annexed, in the same order, the masters of music; and the gentlemen of the physical profession, distinguishing particularly those that teach and practise midwisry and surgery. Part II. Contains an account of the mechanic arts and manufactures, ranged in alphabetical order; with the names and places of abode of the artists and manufacturers, residing in London and Westminster, and their environs. Part III. Consists of separate alphabetical lists of the merchants, bankers, agents, attorn.
London : printed for J. Coote, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLXIII. [1763].
ESTC No. T13191.Grub Street ID 180874.
Mortimer, Thomas.
A concise account of the rise, Progress, and Present State of the Society For the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, instituted at London, anno MDCCLIV. Compiled from the original papers of the first promoters of the plan, and from other authentic records. By a member of the said Society.
London : printed for the author, and sold by S. Hooper, at Caesur's Head, the corner of the New Church in the Strand, MDCCLXIII. [1763].
ESTC No. T151066.Grub Street ID 196591.
Mortimer, Thomas.
A new history of England, from the earliest accounts of Britain, to the ratification of the Peace of Versailles, 1763. Humbly Inscribed to the Queen. By Mr. Mortimer.
London : printed for J. Wilson and J. Fell, in Paternoster-Row; and sold by Mr. Fletcher at Oxford, Messrs. Fletcher and Hodson at Cambridge, Mr. Smith at Dublin, and by all the booksellers in Great-Britain and Ireland, MDCCLXIV. [1764]-66.
ESTC No. T87041.Grub Street ID 307130.
Mortimer, Thomas.
Relation abrégée de l'origine, des progrs, & de l'état actuel de la société établie à Londres en 1754, pour l'encouragement des arts, des manufactures & du commerce. Tirée des ecrits originaux des premiers promoteurs de cet etablissement, ... Par un membre de ladite Société. Ouvrage traduit de l'anglois, avec des notes ...
Londres [i.e. Paris]: et se trouve a Paris, chez A.L. Regnard, 1764.
ESTC No. N48095.Grub Street ID 32699.
Mortimer, Thomas.
A new history of England, from the earliest accounts of Britain, to the ratification of the Peace of Versailles, 1763. ... By Mr. Mortimer.
London : printed for J. Wilson and J. Fell; and sold by Mr. Fletcher at Oxford, Messrs. Fletcher and Hodson at Cambridge, Mr. Smith at Dublin, and by all the booksellers in Great-Britain and Ireland, 1765.
ESTC No. N41966.Grub Street ID 28319.
Mortimer, Thomas.
A new and complete dictionary of trade and commerce: Containing a distinct explanation of the general principles of commerce; an accurate definition of its terms; an ample illustration of the laws and customs of all commercial states, with respect to mercantile affairs, in general; including the several treaties of commerce actually subsisting at this time between the different powers of Europe. A particular description of the different productions of art and nature, which are the basis and support of commerce; particularly distinguishing the growth, product, and manufactures of Great Britain and its colonies. An extract specification and valuation of all foreign coins, with easy concise tables for reducing them to the British standard. An historical and critical account of all public and private companies, and of all public banks and funds, with the nature of their securities. An abstract of the bye-laws and customs of all ports and harbours; with a description of the office and duty of.
London : Printed for the author; and sold by S. Crowder, at the Looking-Glass; and J. Coote, at the King's Arms, in Pater-noster-row; and J. Fletcher, in St. Paul's Church-yard, MDCCLXVI. [1766].
ESTC No. T153606.Grub Street ID 197893.
Mortimer, Thomas.
Every man his own broker: or, a guide to Exchange-Alley. In which the nature of the several funds, vulgarly called the stocks, is clearly explained. And The Mystery and Iniquity of Stock-Jobbing laid before the Public in a New and Impartial Light. Also The Method of Transferring Stock, and of Buying and Selling the several Government Securities, without the Assistance of a Broker, is made intelligible to the meanest Capacity: and an Account is given of the Laws in force relative to Brokers, Clerks at the Bank, &c. With directions how to avoid the Losses that are frequently sustained by the Destruction of Bank Notes, India Bonds, &c. by Fires and other Accidents. Some Account of Banking, and of the Sinking Fund. With a supplement, giving a Concise, but Clear Account of the Valuation of Annuities upon Lives: with accurate tables of interest (and many others equally useful); calculated to a Farthing, at 2?, 3, 3?, 4, and 5, per Cent. from 11 to 5001. from One Day to Sixty, and from One Month t.
London : printed for S. Hooper, at the East Corner of the New Church in the Strand, MDCCLXV. [1765][1766].
ESTC No. T118204.Grub Street ID 169758.
Mortimer, Thomas.
The national debt no national grievance; or The real State of the Nation, With respect to its civil and religious Liberty, Commerce, Public-Credit, and Finances. Interspersed with, Critical Remarks on a pamphlet lately published, Intitled, The present State of the Nation; To which are added, Proposals for improving the Public Revenue, and for providing a Fund for the Exigencies of War, without laying additional Taxes on the Public. Addressed to the People of England. By a financier.
London : printed for J. Wilkie, at No. 71. in St. Paul's Church-Yard, M.DCC.LXVIII. [1768].
ESTC No. T39619.Grub Street ID 268842.
Mortimer, Thomas.
Every man his own broker: or, a guide to Exchange-Alley. In which the nature of the several funds, vulgarly called the stocks, is clearly explained. And The Mystery and Iniquity of Stock-Jobbing laid before the Public in a New and Impartial Light. The Method of Transferring Stock, and of Buying and Selling the several Government Securities, without the Assistance of a Broker, is made intelligible to the meanest Capacity: An Abstract is given of the Laws in Force relative to Brokers, Clerks at the Bank, &c. And the Nature of Banking, and of the Sinking Fund, is fully disclosed. Several useful tables are added to the whole, for the Benefit of all Persons concerned in the Public Funds. The seventh edition, improved and enlarged. By Thomas Mortimer, Esq.
London : printed for S. Hooper, at the East Corner of the New Church in the Strand, MDCCLXIX. [1769].
ESTC No. T87415.Grub Street ID 307462.
Mortimer, Thomas.
The remarkable case of Thomas Mortimer, Esq; late His Majesty's Vice-Consul for the Austrian Netherlands: addressed without permission, to Lord Weymouth, And his Under Secretaries Robert Wood, and William Frazer, Esqrs. with an Appendix; Containing an Extraordinary Anecdote concerning A Russian Sailor.
The second edition..
London : printed for J. Wilkie, No. 71. St. Paul's Church-Yard; R. Davis, Piccadilly; and F. Blyth, No. 87, Cornhill, 1770.
ESTC No. T87039.Grub Street ID 307128.
Mortimer, Thomas.
The elements of commerce, politics and finances, in three treatises on those important subjects. Designed as a supplement to the education of British youth, after they quit the public universities or private academies. By Thomas Mortimer, Esq.
London : Printed for the author; and sold by Hooper, No. 25, Ludgate-Hill; Whiston, Fleet-Street; Payne, Mews-Gate; Hingeston, Temple-Bar; Wilson and Nichols, Strand; Davis, Flexney, Holborn; Robson, Shropshire, Parker, Bond-Street; Davies, Lewis, Russell-Street, Covent-Garden; Millan, Walter, Layerost, Charing-Cross; Ridley, St. James's Street; Brotherton, Parker, and Richardson and Urquhart, Cornhill, MDCCLXXII. [1772].
ESTC No. T87040.Grub Street ID 307129.
Mortimer, Thomas.
The elements of commerce, politics and finances, in three treatises on those important subjects. By Thomas Mortimer, Esq. author of a treatise on the funds, entitled, Every man his own broker.
London : Printed for S. Hooper, No. 25, Ludgate-Hill; Messieurs Payne, Mew's-Gate; Wilson and Nichols, Strand; Flexney, Holbourn; Robson, and Parker, Bond-Street; Ridley, St. James's-Street; and Richardson and Urquhart, Cornhill, MDCCLXXIV. [1774].
ESTC No. N1390.Grub Street ID 3798.
Mortimer, Thomas.
Every man his own broker: or, a guide to Exchange-Alley. In which the nature of the several funds, vulgarly called the stocks, is clearly explained, and accurate Computations are formed of the Average Value of East-India Stocks for several Years, from the current Year. The Mystery and Iniquity of Stock-Jobbing is laid before the Public in a New and Impartial Light. The Method of Transferring Stock, and of Buying and Selling the several Government Securities, without the Assistance of a Broker, is made intelligible to the meanest Capacity: and an Account is given of the Laws in force relative to Brokers, Clerks at the Bank, &c. With Directions how to avoid the Losses that are frequently sustained by the Destruction of Bank Notes, India Bonds, &c. by Fires and other Accidents. With An Historical Account of the Origin, Progress, and present State of Public-Credit, Banking, and the Sinking-Fund. To which is now added a supplement, containing Rules for forming a Judgment of the real Causes of th.
London : printed for S. Hooper, No. 25, Ludgate-Hill, MDCCLXXV. [1775].
ESTC No. T87036.Grub Street ID 307125.
Mortimer, Thomas.
The British Plutarch, containing the lives of the most eminent statesmen, patriots, divines, warriors, philosophers, poets, and artists, of Great Britain and Ireland, from the accession of Henry Viii. to the present time. Including, a Complete History of England from that Aera. In six volumes. Ornamented with elegant frontispieces. Vol. I. A new edition, revised, corrected, and considerably enlarged, by the editor, T. Mortimer, Esq;.
London : printed for E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry, M.DCC.LXXVI. [1776].
ESTC No. T107370.Grub Street ID 160391.
Mortimer, Thomas.
The student's pocket dictionary; or, compendium of universal history, chronology, and biography. From the earliest accounts to the present time. With authorities. In two parts. Part I. Containing a compendium of universal history. Part II. Containing a compendium of biography. By Thomas Mortimer, Esq.
London : printed for J. Johnson, No. 72, St. Paul's Church Yard, MDCCLXXVII. [1777].
ESTC No. T86640.Grub Street ID 306769.
Mortimer, Thomas.
The elements of commerce, politics and finances, in three treatises on those important subjects. By Thomas Mortimer, Esq. Author of a Treatise on the Funds, entitled, Every Man his Own Broker.
London : printed for R. Baldwin, No. 47, Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLXXX. [1780].
ESTC No. T87037.Grub Street ID 307126.
Mortimer, Thomas.
Every man his own broker: or, a guide to Exchange-Alley. In which the nature of the several funds, vulgarly called the stocks, is clearly explained, and accurate Computations are formed of the Average Value of East India Stocks for several Years, from the current Year. The Mystery and Iniquity of Stock-Jobbing is laid before the Public in a New and Impartial Light. The Method of Transferring Stock, and of Buying and Selling the several Government Securtiies, without the Assistance of a Broker, is made intelligible to the meanest Capacity; and an Account is given of the Laws in force relative to Brokers, Clerks at the Bank, &c. With Directions how to avoid the Losses that are freqnently sustained by the Destruction of Bank Notes, India Bonds, &c. by Fire and other Accidents. Also, An Historical Account of the Origin, Progress, and present State of Public Credit, Banking, and the Sinking-Fund; and Advice to Adventurers in the State-Lotteries. To which is added a supplement, containing Rules f.
London : printed for G. Robinson, Paternoster-Row, 1782.
ESTC No. T87038.Grub Street ID 307127.
Mortimer, Thomas.
Everyman his own broker: or, A guide to exchange-alley. In which the nature of the several funds, vulgarly called the stocks, is clearly explained, and accurate computations are formed of the average value of East India stock for several years, from the current year. The mystery and iniquity of stock-jobbing is laid before the public, in a new and impartial light. The method of transferring stock, and of buying and selling the several government securities, without the assistance of a broker, is made intelligible to the meanest capacity; and an account is given of the laws of force relative to brokers, clerks at the bank, &c. With directions how to avoid the losses that are frequently sustained by the destruction of bank notes, India bonds, &c. by fire, and other accidents. Also, an historical account of the origin, progress, and present state of public credit, of the national debt, both principal and interst, of banking, and of the sinking-fund; with advice to adventures in the state-lotte.
London : Printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinson, Pater-noster-Row, 1785.
ESTC No. T182062.Grub Street ID 218578.
Mortimer, Thomas.
The student's pocket dictionary; or, compendium of universal history, chronology, and biography, from the earliest accounts to the present time; with Authorities. In two parts. Part I. Containing a compendium of universal history. Part II. Containing a compendium of biography. By Thomas Mortimer, Esq.
The second edition, with considerable emendations and additions..
London : printed for J. Johnson, No. 72, St. Paul's Church Yard; and J. Murray, No. 32, Fleet-Street, MDCCLXXXIX. [1789].
ESTC No. T87412.Grub Street ID 307459.
Mortimer, Thomas.
Every man his own broker: or, a guide to the Stock-Exchange. In which the nature of the several funds, vulgarly called the stocks, is clearly explained, and accurate Computations are formed of the Average Value of East India Stock for several Years, from the current Year. The Mystery and Iniquity of Stock-Jobbing is laid before the Public, in a New and Impartial Light. The Method of Transferring Stock, and of Buying and Selling; the several Government Securities, without the Assistance of a Broker, is made intelligible to all Persons concerned; and an Account is given of the Laws in Force relative to Brokers, Clerks of the Bank, &c. With Directions how to avoid the Losses that are frequently sustained by the Destruction of Bank Notes, India Bonds, &c. by Fire, and other Accidents. Also, an historical account of the origin, progress, and present state of public credit, of the National Debt, both Principal and Interest, of Banking, and of the Sinking-Fund; with Advice to Adventurer, in the St.
London : printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinson, Pater-Noster-Row, 1791.
ESTC No. T100489.Grub Street ID 154435.
Mortimer, Thomas.
The British Plutarch, containing the lives of the most eminent statesmen, patriots, divines, warriors, philosophers, poets, and artists, of Great Britain and Ireland, from the accession of Henry Viii. to the present time. Including, a Compendious View of the History of England during that Period. In eight volumes. .
The third edition, revised, corrected and considerably enlarged, by the addition of new lives..
London : printed for Charles Dilly, in the Poultry, MDCCXCI. [1791].
ESTC No. T107371.Grub Street ID 160392.
Mortimer, Thomas.
The British Plutarch, containing the lives of the most eminent statesmen, patriots, ... and artists, of Great Britain and Ireland, from the accession of Henry VIII. to the present time. ...
Dublin: printed by Zachariah Jackson, 1792.
ESTC No. T200837.Grub Street ID 232368.
Mortimer, Thomas.
The British Plutarch, containing the lives of the most eminent statesmen, patriots, divines, warriors, philosophers, poets and artists, of Great Britain and Ireland, from the accession of Henry VIII. to the present time. ...
Dublin: printed by Zachariah Jackson, 1793.
ESTC No. T166799.Grub Street ID 204955.
Mortimer, Thomas.
A treatise on the law of bills of exchange and promissory notes. With all the new cases ... By Thomas Mortimer, ...
Dublin: printed for John Rice, 1794.
ESTC No. T208738.Grub Street ID 237528.
Mortimer, Thomas.
The British Plutarch, containing the lives of the most eminent statesmen, patriots, divines, warriors, philosophers, poets and artists, of Great Britain and Ireland, from the accession of Henry Viii. to the present time. Including a Compendious view of the History of England, during that Period. A new edition, corrected and considerably enlarged. In eight volumes. Volume First.
Perth: printed by R. Morison junior, for R. Morison & Son, Booksellers, M,DCC,XCV. [1795].
ESTC No. T106800.Grub Street ID 159896.
Mortimer, Thomas.
Every man his own broker; or, a guide to the Stock-Exchange. In which the several classes of the public funds, commonly called the Stocks, are distinctly explained; and the Mode of Transterring, or of Buying and Selling them. is rendered intelligible for Persons desirous to transact their own Business. The Mystery and Iniquity of Stock-Jobbing is laid Open-The present State of the National Dest, both Principal and Interest is accurately drawn up-and a great variety of new and useful Directions are given, with Tables. respecting India Stock-Banking-Adventuring in State-Lotteries-Preventing Losses by the destruction of Bank Notes, &c. by Fire-Legal Advice and Caution to the finders of Notes, Bills, or other Paper-Securities for Many-Rules for forming a true judgement when the Stocks will rise or fall in their Prices-Caution against false Intelligence-A new Table of Equation, &c. With, an appendix, containing exact Lists of the Holidays-Payment of Dividends-Expences of transacting Business in.
London : printed for W.J. and J. Richardson, under the Royal-Exchange, 1798.
ESTC No. T130497.Grub Street ID 179597.