Publications of Phillip Stubbes


  • Stubbes, Phillip. The anatomie of abuses: containing, a discouerie, or briefe summarie of such notable vices and imperfections, as now raigne in many countreyes of the world: but (especiallye) in a famous ilande called Ailgna: together, with most fearefull examples of Gods iudgements, executed vppon the wicked for the same, aswel in Ailgna of late, as in other places, elsewhere. Very godly, to be reade of all true Christians: but most needefull to be regarded in Englande. Made dialogue-wise by Phillip Stubbes. Seene and allowed, according to order. Printed at London: By [John Kingston for] Richard Iones, 16. August. 1583. ESTC No. S122316. Grub Street ID 141868.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A christall glasse for Christian vvomen. Containing a most excellent discourse, of the Godly life and Christian death of Mistresse Katherine Stubbes, who departed this life in Burton vpon Trent in Staffordshire. London: printed [by E. Allde] for Edward White and are to be sold at his shop neere the little north doore of S. Pauls Church at the signe of the Gunne, l610. ESTC No. S95401. Grub Street ID 153415.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. The anatomie of abuses: contayning a discouerie, or briefe summarie of such notable vices and imperfections, as now raigne in many Christian countreyes of the worlde: but (especiallie) in a verie famous ilande called Ailgna: together, with most fearefull examples of Gods iudgementes, executed vpon the wicked for the same, aswell in Ailgna of late, as in other places, elsewhere. Verie godly, to be read of all true Christians, euerie where: but most needefull, to be regarded in Englande. Made dialogue-wise, by Phillip Stubbes. Seene and allowed, according to order. Printed at London: By [John Kingston for] Richard Iones, 1. Maij. 1583. ESTC No. S117966. Grub Street ID 137633.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. The anatomie of abuses: containing a discouerie, or briefe summarie of such notable vices and corruptions, as nowe raigne in many Christian countreyes of the worlde: but (especially) in the countrey of Ailgna: together, with most fearefull examples of Gods iudgementes, executed vpon the wicked for the same, as well in Ailgna of late, as in other places, elsewhere. Very godly, to be read of all true Christians, euery where: but most chiefly, to be regarded in England. Made dialogue-wise by Phillip Stubs. Printed at London: By Richard Iones, 12. October. 1584. ESTC No. S1736. Grub Street ID 146149.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. Two wunderfull and rare examples, of the vndeferred and present approching iudgement of the Lord our God the one vpon a wicked and pernitious blasphemer of the name of God, and seruaunt to one Maister Frauncis Pennell, gentleman, dwelling at Boothbie in Lincolnshire, three myles from Grantham : the other vpon a vvoman, named Ioane Bowser, dwelling at Donnington, in Leicestershire, to whome the deuill verie straungely appeared, as in the discourse following, you may reade, in Iune last 1581 / vvritten by Phillip Stubbes. Imprinted at London: For VVilliam VVright, and are to be solde at his shoppe in the Poultrie, the middle shoppe in the the rowe, adioyning to Saint Mildreds Church, [1581]. ESTC No. S2352. Grub Street ID 146744.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. The second part of the anatomie of abuses, containing the display of corruptions, with a perfect description of such imperfections, blemishes, and abuses, as now reigning in euerie degree, require reformation for feare of Gods vengeance to be powred vpon the people and countrie, without speedie repentance. and conuersion vnto God: made dialogwise by Phillip Stubbes. London: printed by R.[oger] W.[ard] for William Wright, and are to be sold at his shop ioining to S. Mildreds Church in the Poultrie, being the middle shop in the rowe, [1583]. ESTC No. S126257. Grub Street ID 145427.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. The second part of the anatomie of abuses, conteining the display of corruptions, with a perfect description of such imperfections, blemishes and abuses, as now reigning in euerie degree, require reformation for feare of Gods vengeance to be powred vpon the people and countrie, without speedie repentance, and conuersion vnto God: made dialogwise by Phillip Stubbes. London: Printed by R. W[ard] for William Wright, and are to be sold at his shop ioining to S. Mildreds Church in the Poultrie, being the middle shop in the rowe, [1583]. ESTC No. S112627. Grub Street ID 132381.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. The anatomie of abuses: contayning a discouerie, or briefe summarie of such notable vices and imperfections, as now raigne in many Christian countreyes of the worlde: but (especiallie) in a verie famous ilande called Ailgna: together, with most fearefull examples of Gods iudgementes, executed vpon the wicked for the same, aswell in Ailgna of late, as in other places, elsewhere. Verie godly, to be read of all true Christians, euerie where: but most needefull, to be regarded in Englande. Made dialogue-wise, by Phillip Stubbes. Seene and allowed, according to order. Printed at London: by Richard Iones, 29. Maij. 1583. ESTC No. S95400. Grub Street ID 153414.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. The theater of the Popes monarchie: wherein is described as well the vncleane liues of that wicked generation, as also their antichristian gouernment, and vsurped kingdome: togeather with their horrible superstition, and blasphemous religion, as it is now vsed at this present, where Antichrist the Pope & his members do beare rule. By Phillip Stubbes. Imprinted at London: y Thomas dawson for Henrie Carre, 1584. ESTC No. S96194. Grub Street ID 153923.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. The theater of the Popes monarchie wherein is described as well the vncleane liues of that wicked generation, as also their Antichristian gouernment, and vsurped kingdome : togeather with their horrible superstition, and blasphemous religion, as it is now vsed at this present, where Antichrist the Pope & his members do beare rule by Phillip Stubbes. Jmprinted at London: By Thomas Dawson, 1585. ESTC No. S2912. Grub Street ID 147231.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. The anatomie of abuses: containing a discouerie, or briefe summarie of such notable vices and corruptions, as nowe raigne in many Christian countreyes of the worlde: but (especially) in the countrey of Ailgna: together, with most fearefull examples of Gods iudgementes, executed vpon the wicked for the same, as well in Ailgna of late, as in other places, elsewhere. Very godly, to be read of all true Christians, euery where: but most chiefly, to be regarded in England. Made dialogue-wise by Phillip Stubs. Printed at London: by Richard Iones, 1585. ESTC No. S124884. Grub Street ID 144183.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. The intended treason, of Doctor Parrie: and his complices, against the Queenes moste excellent Maiestie. With a letter sent from the Pope to the same effect. Imprinted at London: For Henry Car, and are to be solde in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Blazing Starre, [1585]. ESTC No. S117928. Grub Street ID 137595.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. [A christal glasse for christian women] [wherein they may see most wonderfull and rare examples of a right vertuous life and Christian death, as in the discourse following may appeare]. [S.l.: R. Jhones, 1591]. ESTC No. S526. Grub Street ID 149070.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A perfect pathway to felicitie conteining godly meditations and praiers, fit for all times, and necessarie to be practized of all good Christians. Imprinted at London: By Richard Yardly for Humfrey Lownes, 1592. ESTC No. S1141. Grub Street ID 133822.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A motiue to good workes. Or rather, to true Christianitie indeede. Wherein by the waie is shewed, how farre wee are behinde, not onely our fore-fathers in good workes, but also many other creatures in the endes of our creation: with the difference betwixt the pretenced [sic] good workes of the Antichristian Papist, and the good workes of the Christian Protestant. By Phillip Stubbes, Gentleman. London: Printed for Thomas Man, dwelling in Pater Noster rowe, at the signe of the Talbot, 1593. ESTC No. S111359. Grub Street ID 131224.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. The anatomie of abuses. Containing a description of such notable vices and enormities, as raigne in many countries of the world, but especiallie in this realme of England: together with most fearefull examples of Gods heauie iudgements inflicted vpon the wicked for the same as well in England of late, as in other places else where. Verie godly to be read of all true Christians euery where, but most chiefly, to bee regarded in England. Made dialogue-wise by Philip Stubs, Gent. Imprinted at London: By Richard Iohnes, at the sign of the Rose and Crowne next aboue S. Andrewes Church in Holborne, 1595. ESTC No. S117969. Grub Street ID 137636.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A christall glasse for christian women. Containing, a most excellent discourse, of the godlie life and Christian death of Mistresse Katherine Stubbes, who departed this life in Burton vpon Trent, in Staffordshire, the 14. day of December. With a most heauenlie confession of the Christian faith, which she made a little before her departure: as also a most wonderfull combat betwixt Sathan and her soule: woorthy to be imprinted in letters of gold, and to be engrauen in the tables of euery Christian hart. Set downe word for word as shee spake it, as neere as could be gathered: by Phillip Stubbes, Gent. Imprinted at London: [by J. Roberts] for Edward White, and are to be sold at his shop, at the little north doore of Paules, at the signe of the Gunne, 1600. ESTC No. S125546. Grub Street ID 144782.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A Chrstiall [sic] glasse for Christian vvomen containing a most excellent discourse of the godlye life and Christian death of Mistresse Katherine Stubbes, who departed this life in Burton vpon Trent in Staffordshire the 14 day of December : vvith a most heauenly confession of the Christian faith which shee made a little before her departure, as also a most wonderfull combat betwixt Sathan and her soule, worthy to be imprinted in letters of gold and to be engrauen in the table of euery Christian heart set downe word for word as she spake it, as neere as could bee gathered, by Phillip Stubbes gent. Imprinted at London: For Edward White, and are to be sold at his shop at the little north doore of Paules at the signe of the Gunne, 1603. ESTC No. S4927. Grub Street ID 148841.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A christall glasse for christian vvomen. Containing a moste excellent discourse, of the godly life & Christian death of Mistresse Katherine Stubbes, who departed this life in Burton vpon Trent in Staffordshire, the 14. day of December. With a most heauenly confession of the Christian faith which she made a little before her departure, as also a moste wonderfull combat betwixt Sathan and her soule: worthy to be imprinted in letters of golde, and to be engrauen in the table of euery Christian heart. Set downe word for word as shee spake it, as neere as could be gathered: by Phillip Stubbes Gent. London: Printed [by E. Allde] for Edward White, and are to bee solde at his shop, neere the little North dore of S. Paules Church at the signe of the Gun, 1606. ESTC No. S111354. Grub Street ID 131219.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A perfect pathway to felicitie, containing godlie meditations, and prayers, fit for all times, and necessarie to be practiced of all good Christians. At London: Imprinted by Humfrey Lownes, dwelling on Breadstreet hill, at the signe of the Star, 1610. ESTC No. S111315. Grub Street ID 131186.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A christall glasse for christian women. Containing a most excellent discourse, of the godly life and christian death of Mistresse Katherine Stubbes, who departed this life in Burton vpon Trent in Stafford-shire, the 14. of December. With a most heavenly confession of the Christian faith, which she made a little before her departure, as also a most wonderfull combat betwixt Sathan and her soule: worthie to be imprinted in letters of gold, and to be ingrauen in the table of euery Christian heart. Set downe word for word as shee spake, as neere as could be gathered: by Philp Stubbes gent. London: Printed [by E. Allde] for Edward White and are to be sold at his shop neere the little North doore of S. Pauls Church at the signe of the Gunne, 1612. ESTC No. S113855. Grub Street ID 133581.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A christall glasse for chistian [sic] women. Containing a most excellent discourse, of the godly life and christian death of Mistresse Katherine Stubbes, who departed this life in Burton vpon Trent in Stafford-shire, the 14. of December. With a most heavenly confession o the Christian faith, which she made a little before her departure, as also a moste wonderfull combat betwixt Sathan and her soule: worthie to be printed in letters of gold, and to be engrauen in the table of euery Christian heart. Set downe word for word as she spake, as neere as could be gathered by Phillip Stubbes gent. London: printed for Sara White, and are to be solde at her shop neere the little North doore of S. Pauls Church, at the signe of the Gunne, 1615. ESTC No. S123580. Grub Street ID 143065.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A christall glasse for christian women: containing a most excellent discourse, of the godly life, and christian death of Mistresse Katherine Stubbes, who departed this life in Burton vpon Trent in Stafford-shire, the 14. of December. With a most heavenly confession of th Christian faith, which she made a little before her departure: as also a most wonderfull combat betwixt Sathan and her soule: worthy to be printed in letters of gold, and to be engrauen in the table of euery Christian heart. Set downe word for word as she spake, as neere as could be gathered: by Phillip Stubbes gent. London: printed for Edw. White, and are to be sold at his shop neere the little North doore of S. Pauls Church, at the signe of the Gunne, 1618. ESTC No. S125773. Grub Street ID 144999.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A christal glasse for christian vvomen. Containing a most excellent discourse, of the godly life and Christian death of mistris Katherine Stubbes, who departed this life in Burton vpon Trent in Stafford-shire, the 14. of December. With a most heavenly confession of the Christian faith, which she make a little before her departure, as also a most wonderfull combat betwixt Sathan and her soule: worthy to be printed in letters of Gold, and to be engrauen in the table of euery Christian hear. Set downe word for word as she spake, as neere as could be gathered: by Philip Stubbes, gent. London: printed by W[illiam] I[ones]. for Thomas Pauier and Iohn Wright, 1621. ESTC No. S95403. Grub Street ID 153417.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A christal glasse for christian women. Containing a most excellent discourse of the godly life and Christian death of Mistris Katherine Stubbes, who departed this life in Burton vpon Trent in Stafford-shire, the 14 of December. With a most heavenly confession of the Christian faith, which she made a little before her departure: as also a most wonderfull combat betwixt Satan and her soule: worthy to be printed in letters of gold, and to be engrauen in the table of euery Christian heart. Set downe word for word as she spake, as neare as could be gathered. By Philip Stubbes, Gent. London: Printed by W. I[ones]. for Thomas Pauier and Iohn Wright, 1623. ESTC No. S125678. Grub Street ID 144912.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A christal glasse for christian women. Containing a most excellent discourse, of the godly life and Christian death of Mistris Katherine Stubbes, who departed this life in Burton vpon Trent in Stafford-shire, the 14. of December. With a most heauenly confession of the Christian faith, which she made a little before her departure, as also a most wonderfull combat betwixt Sathan and her soule: worthy to be printed in letters of gold, and to be engrauen in the table of euery Christian heart. Set downe word for word as she spake, as neere as could be gathered: by Philip Stubbes, gent. London: printed by William Iones, for Thomas Pauier and Iohn Wright, 1624. ESTC No. S95404. Grub Street ID 153418.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A christal glasse for christian women. Containing a most excellent course, of the godly life and Christian death of Mistris Katherine Stubbes, who departed this life in Burton vpon Trent in Staffordshire, the 14. of December. With a most heauenly confession of the Christian faith, which she made a little before her departure, as also a most wonderfull combat betwixt Sathan and her soule: worthy to be printed in letters of gold and to be engrauen in the table of euery Christian heart. Set downe word for word as shee spake, as neere as could bee gathered: by Philip Stubbes, Gent. London: Printed [by J. Haviland] for Iohn Wright, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Bible, without Newgate, 1626. ESTC No. S113500. Grub Street ID 133234.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A christal glasse for christian women. Containing a most excellent discourse, of the Godly life and Christian death of Mistris Katherine Stubbes, who departed this life in Burton vpon Trent in Staffordshire, the 14. of December. With a most heauenly confession of the Christian faith which she made a little before her departure, as also a most wonderfull combat betwixt Sathan and her soule: worthy to be printed in letters of gold and to be engrauen in the table of euer Christian heart. Set downe word for word as shee spake, as neere as could bee gathered, by Phillip Stubbes, Gent. London: Printed [by J. Haviland] for Iohn Wright, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Bible, without Newgate, 1629. ESTC No. S111355. Grub Street ID 131220.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A chrystal glasse for Christian women. Containing a most excellect discourse, of the godly life and christian death of Mistris Katherine Stvbbes, who departed this life in Burton vpon Trent in Staffordshire, the 14. of December. With a most heauenly confession of the Christian faith which she made a little before her departure, as also a most wonderfull combat betwixt Satan, and her soule: worthy to be printed in letters of gold,and to be engrauen in the table of euery Christian heart. Set downe word for word as shee spake, as neere as could bee gathered, by Philip Stvbbes, Gent. London: printed [by J. Haviland] for Iohn Wright, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Bible, without Newgate, 1630. ESTC No. S95406. Grub Street ID 153419.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A chrystal glasse for Christian women containing a most excellent discourse of the godly life and Christian death of Mistris Katherine Stubbes, who departed this life in Burton upon Trent in Staffordshire, the 14 of December : with a most heauenly confession of the Christian faith, which shee made a little before her departure ... set downe word for word as shee spake, as neere as could bee gathered, by Philip Stubbes ... London: Printed for Iohn Wright, and are to be sold at his Shop at the signe of the Bible without Newgate, 1632. ESTC No. S2911. Grub Street ID 147230.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A chrystall glasse for christian women. Containing a most excellent discourse of the godly life and Christian death of Mistris Katherine Stubs, who departed this life in Burton vpon Trent in Stafford-shire, the fourteenth of December. With a most heauenly confession of the Christian faith, which shee made a little before her departure, as also a most wonderfull combat betwixt Satan, and her soule: worthy to be printed in letters of gold, and to be engrauen in the table of euerie Christian heart. Set downe word for word as shee spake, as neere as could bee gathered, by Philip Stubbes, Gent. London: Printed for Iohn Wright, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Bible without Newgate, 1633. ESTC No. S111357. Grub Street ID 131222.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A chrystall glasse for Christian vvomen. Containing a most excellent discourse of the godly life and Christian death of Mistris Katherine Stubs, who departed this life in Burton vpon Trent in Stafford-shire, the fourteenth of December. With a most heauenly confession of the Christian faith, which shee made a little before her departure, as also a most wonderfull combat betwixt Satan, and her soule: worthy to be printed in letters of gold, and to be engrauen in the table of euerie Christian heart. Set downe word for word as shee spake, as neere as could bee gathered, by Philip Stubbes, Gent. London: Printed for Iohn Wright, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Bible without Newgate, 1634. ESTC No. S123298. Grub Street ID 142809.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A chrystall glasse for Christian vvomen. Containing a most excellent discourse of the godly life and Christian death of Mistris Katherine Stubs, who departed this life in Burton vpon Trent in Stafford-shire, the fourteenth of December. With a most heavenly confession of the Christian faith, which shee made a little before her departure, as also a most wonderfull combat betwixt Satan, and her soule: worthy to be printed in letters of gold, and to be engraven in the table of everie Christian heart. Set downe word for word as she spake, as neere as could bee gathered, by Philip Stubbes, Gent. London: printed for Iohn Wright, and are to be sold at his shop in Gilt-Spurre street at the signe of the Bible without Newgate, 1641. ESTC No. R187196. Grub Street ID 75529.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A chrystall glasse for christian vvomen. Containing a most excellent discourse of the godly life and christian death of Mistris Katherine Stubs, who departed this life in Burton upon Trent in Safford-shire [sic], the fourteenth of December. With a most heavenly confessio of the Christian faith, which she made a little before her departure, as also a most wonderfull combat betwixt Satan, and her soule: worthy to be printed in letters of gold, and to be engraven in the table of every Christian heart. Set downe word for word as she spake, as neer as could be gathered by Philip Stubs, gent. London: printed for Iohn Wright, and are to be sold at his shop in Giltspurre street at the signe of the Bible without Newgate 1646. ESTC No. R222103. Grub Street ID 96149.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A chrystall glasse for christian women. Containing a most excellent discourse of the godly life and christian death of Mistris Katherine Stubs, who departed this life in Burton upon Trent in Stafford-shire, the fourteenth of December. With a most heavenly confession of the Christian faith, which she made a little before her departure, as also a most wonderfull combat betwixt Satan, and her soule: worthy to be printed in letters of gold, and to be engraven in the table of every Christian heart. Set downe word for word as she spake, as neer as could be gathered, b Philip Stubs, gent. London: printed for Edward Wright, and are to be sold at his shop in Giltspurre street at the signe of the Bible without Newgate 1647. ESTC No. R221462. Grub Street ID 95608.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A crystall glasse, for Christian women. Containing a most excellent discourse of the godly life and Christian death of Mrs. Katherine Stubs, who departed this life in Burton upon Trent in Stafford-shire, the fourteenth of December. With a mose heavenly confession of the Christian faith, which she made a little before her departure, as also a most wonderfull combat betwixt Satan and her soul, worthy to be printed in letters of gold and to be engraven in the table of every Christian heart. Set down word for word as she spake, as near as could be gathered, by Philli Stubs, Gent. London : printed for William Gilbertson, and are to be sold at his shop in Gilt-spur-street, at the signe of the Bible without Newgate, 1660. ESTC No. R184750. Grub Street ID 74164.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. [A] chrystall glasse [for] Christian women. Containing a most excellent discourse of the godly life and death of Mrs. Katherine Stubs, who departed this life in Burton upon Trent in Staffordshire, the 14. of December. With a most heavenly confession of the Christian fait which she made a little before her departure: also a wonderful combate betwixt Satan and her soul, worthy to be printed in letters of gold, and to be engraven in the table of every Christian heart. Set down word for word as she spake, as neer as could be gathered; by Philip Stubs, gent. London : printed for W. Gilbertson at the Bible in [...] street without Newgate 1664. ESTC No. R232918. Grub Street ID 104549.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A chrystall glass for Christian women. Containing a most excellent discourse of the godly life and death of Mrs. Katherine Stubs, who departed this life in Burton upon Trent in Staffordshire, the 14. of December. With a most heavenly confession of the Christian faith which she made a little before her departure: also a wonderful combate betwixt Satan and her soul, worthy to be printed in letters of gold, and to be engraven in the table of every Christian heart. Set down word for word as she spake, as near as could be gathered; by Phillip Stubs, gent. London : printed for William Whitwood, at the sign of the Golden Lion in Duck-Lane near Smithfield, 1669. ESTC No. R184752. Grub Street ID 74165.
  • Stubbes, Phillip. A chrystal glass for christian women. Containing a most excellent discourse of the godly life and death of Mrs. Katharine Stubs, who departed this life in Burton upon Trent in Staffordshire, the 14th of December, with a most heavenly confession of the Christian faith, which she made a little before her departure, also a wonderfull combate betwixt Satan and her soul; worthy to be printed in letters of gold, and to be engraven in the table of every Christian's heart. Set down word for word as she spake, as near as could be gathered, by Philip Stubs, gent. London : printed for William Thackeray, at the Angel in Duck-lane, [1688?]. ESTC No. R222104. Grub Street ID 96150.