Stearne, John.
King David's case apply'd to King James and King William; in a sermon preach'd at Christ-Church, Dublin, on the fifth of November, 1691. By John Stearne, curate of St. Nicholas within the Walls; and chaplain to the right honourable Sir Charles Porter, Lord High Chancellor, and one of the Lords Justices of Ireland.
Dublin: printed by Andrew Crook on Ormonde-Key, and are to be sold by Eliphal Dobson at the Stationers-Arms in Castle-street, and by Robert Thornton, in Capel-street, 1691.
ESTC No. R42759.Grub Street ID 123963.
Stearne, John.
Seasonable thoughts in Passion Week. By J.S.
Dublin: printed by Joseph Ray, on Colledg Green, and are to be sold by the boolsellers in Dublin, 1691.
ESTC No. R184614.Grub Street ID 74075.
Stearne, John.
A sermon on the prayer of Moses, at the xii. verse of the XC. Psalm. By John Stearne, D.D.
Dublin: printed by Joseph Ray in Fssex-street [sic], 1695.
ESTC No. R221900.Grub Street ID 95977.
Stearne, John.
Tractatus de visitatione infirmorum, seu de eis parochorum officiis. Quæ infirmos, et moribundos respiciunt. In gratiam juniorum, & in visitandis infirmis minus exercitatorum editus. Authore. Johanne Stearne. S.T.D. & vicario de Trimm, in di?cesi Midensi.
Dublinii: typis Jos. Ray, impensis Jacobi Milner bibliopolæ in vico vulgo dicto, Essex-street, 1697.
ESTC No. R38183.Grub Street ID 120310.
Stearne, John.
A sermon to bring to remembrance God's wonderful mercies at the Boyn; preach'd on the second day of July, 1699 at St. Nicholas within, Dublin: by John Stearne, D.D.
Dublin: printed by Joseph Ray, and are to be sold at his shop in Skinner-Row, over against the Tholsel, 1699.
ESTC No. R221904.Grub Street ID 95979.
Stearne, John.
Tractatus de visitatione infirmorum, seu de eis parochorum officiis, quae infirmos, et moribundos respiciunt. In gratiam juniorum, & in visitandis infirmis min`us exercitatorum editus. Authore. Johanne Stearne. S.T.D.
Londini : prostant apud A. Baldwin, in vico dicto Warwick-Lane, M DCC. [1700].
ESTC No. R215705.Grub Street ID 90684.
Stearne, John.
Concio habita ad Reverendissimos Archiepiscopos, vere Reverendos Episcopos, et clerum inferioris Domus Convocationis, Ecclesiæ Hibernicæ, in ecclesiâ cathedrali Sancti Patricij Dublin IV. Nonas, Febr. A.C. 1703. A Johanne Stearne, S. T. D. Cancellario Ecclesiae Cathedralis, Sancti Patricij Dublin, Uno E Procuratoribus Cleri Dioeceseos Midensis: Jusu utriusq; Domus Convocationis Edita.
Dublin: typis Johannis Brocas, pro Johanne Forster, in vico Dicto Skinner-Row, 1704.
ESTC No. T100983.Grub Street ID 154897.
Stearne, John.
Tractatus de visitatione infirmorum, seu de eis parochorum officiis, quæ infirmos, et moribundos respiciunt. ... Authore. Johanne Stearne. S.T.D.
Editio secunda..
Londini : prostant apud A Baldwin, 1704.
ESTC No. T181687.Grub Street ID 218224.
Stearne, John.
Tractatus de visitatione infirmorum, seu de eis parochorum officiis, quæ infirmos et moribundos respiciunt. In Gratiam Juniorum, et in Visitandis Infirmis minùs Exercitatorum Editus. Authore, Johanne Stearne, S.T.D.
Editio nova..
Londini : prostant apud J. Bird, in Vico dicto Ave Maria-Lane, MDCCLXVIII. [1768].
ESTC No. T88649.Grub Street ID 308605.
Stearne, John.
A treatise of the visitation of the sick; or, of the duties of the parochial clergy. Which concern those that are dangerously ill. Published for the Use of Young Divines, and those who have not been much Conversant in this Important Duty. By John Stearne, D.D. Attempted in English by a country clergyman.
Exeter: printed by R. Trewman, behind the Guildhall; and sold by E. Score, Bookseller, in Forestreet, Bedwell Law, in Avemary Lane, London, and J. Wallis, Bookseller, in Plymouth, [1775?].
ESTC No. T100970.Grub Street ID 154886.