Publications of Agent for the Royall Fishing. Simon Smith


  • Smith, Agent for the Royall Fishing. Simon. The herring-busse trade: expressed in sundry particulars, both for the building of busses, making of deepe sea-nets, and other appurtenances, also the right curing of the herring for forreine vent. Together with, sundry orders of the Netherlands, for the better governement of the royall fishing, as by the following treatise doth more at large appeare. All which hath bin perused by the Parliament committee, and is appointed to bee published for the generall direction of the whole kingdome. Written by Simon Smith, agent for the royall-fishing. London: printed by E[lizabeth]. P[urslowe]. for Nicholas Bonrne, at the south entrance of the Royall Exchange, 1641. ESTC No. R18521. Grub Street ID 74400.
  • Smith, Agent for the Royall Fishing. Simon. A true narration of the royall fishings of Great Brittaine and Ireland. Instituted Anno 1632, and prosecuted by the right honourable, Philip, Earle of Pembrook and Montgomery, and his associats, untill anno 1640, from the river of Thames. Whereunto is added a discovery o new trades, for the employing of all the poore people and vagrants in the kingdomes. By Simon Smith, agent for the royall fishing. London: printed by E[lizabeth]. P[urslowe]. for Nicholas Bourne, at the south entrance of the Royall Exchange, 1641. ESTC No. R9387. Grub Street ID 129475.
  • Smith, Agent for the Royall Fishing. Simon. A narrative of the royal fishings of Great Britain and Ireland, with busses for pickled herrings and barrel-cod, after the manner of the Hollanders. With further discoveries and helps for the management thereof in a profitable way for the undertakers. Published for the satisfaction of all therein concern'd. London : printed by W. Godbid in Little-Britain over against the Anchor-Inn, 1661. ESTC No. R223752. Grub Street ID 97525.
  • Smith, Agent for the Royall Fishing. Simon. A directory for the managing of the royal trade of fishing with nets, hooks, and line, in an experimental way, for all those that shall employ a stock therin. Set forth by Simon Smith, agent for the royal fishings of Great Brittain and Ireland. London : printed by William Godbid, over against the Blew Anchor in Little-Britain, 1662. ESTC No. R184336. Grub Street ID 73937.
  • Smith, Agent for the Royall Fishing. Simon. The golden fleece: or the trade, interest, and well-being of Great Britain considered. With remarks on the rise, progress, and present decay of our woollen manufactures. Also An Estimate of this Valuable Trade, fairly and clearly stated, and the great Proportion given up Yearly to Foreigners. By Suffering (or Conniving at) the illegal Exportation of British and Irish Wool, and Woollen Goods throughly Manufactured in Ireland, to Foreign Parts. Likewise Heads for a Bill, to put an effectual Stop to this matchless Evil, so injurious to both King and Country. To which is added, a scheme, or proposal, For taking away many burthensome Duties on some of the most Essential Necessaries of Life, viz. Leather, Soap, Candles, Painted Silks, and Starch, by replacing the like Sum, in Lieu of the said Taxes, on a small Duty on Wool, and to replace those Officers, that at this Time are employed on Leather, Soap, Candles, &c. to register the Wool of Great Britain and Ireland; by which Alteration, our Wool. London : printed for R. Viney, at the Bible in Cannon-Ally, St. Paul's; T. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster Row; A. Dodd, at the Peacock without Temple-Bar; and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1736. ESTC No. T63161. Grub Street ID 288452.
  • Smith, Agent for the Royall Fishing. Simon. The golden fleece: or the trade, interest, and well-being of Great Britain considered. With remarks on the present decay of our woollen manufactures, and the Impending Dangers that Threaten this Kingdom, by suffering (or conniving at) the Illegal Exportation of British and Irish Wool, and Woollen Goods thoroughly Manufactured in Ireland, to Foreign Parts. Likewise Heads for a Bill, to put an Effectual Stop to this Matchless Evil, so injurious to both King and Country. To which is added, A Scheme, or Proposal, for taking away those Burthensome Duties on Leather, Soap, Candles, Painted Silks, and Starch, which raise Net, but 473,427 l. and yet cost the Subject at least Three times as much; and to Replace the like Sum, by a small Duty on Wool; also to employ the same Officers in the Service of their Country, to Register the Wool of Great Britain and Ireland; by which Alteration, the following Proposal will clearly demonstrate, That no Rank or Condition of Men will pay One Shilling, where the. The third edition, with additions.. London : printed by H. Kent, for E. Comins at the Royal Exchange; J. Roberts, at the Oxford Arms in Warwick Lane; A. Dodd, at the Peacock without Temple Bar: and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1737. ESTC No. T108105. Grub Street ID 161064.
  • Smith, Agent for the Royall Fishing. Simon. The golden fleece: or The trade, interest, and well-being of Great Britain considered. With remarks on the present decay of our woollen manufactures, and the impending dangers that threaten this kingdom by suffering (or conniving at) the illegal exportation of British and Irish wool, and woollen goods thoroughly manufactured in Ireland, to foreign parts. Likewise heads for a bill, to put an effectual stop to this matchless evil, so injurious to both king and country. To which is added, a scheme, or proposal, for taking away those burthensome duties on leather, soap, candles, painted silks, and starch, which raise net, but 473,427 l. and yet cost the subject at least three times as much; and to replace the like sum, by a small duty on wool; also to employ the same officers in the service of their country, to register the wool of Great Britain and Ireland; by which alteration, the following proposal will clearly demonstrate, that no rank or condition of men will pay one shilling, where they. The fourth edition, with additions.. London : Printed by H. Kent, for R. Viney, at the Bible in St. Paul's-Ally, St. Paul's Church yard; E. Comins, at the Royal-Exchange; A. Dodd, at the Peacock without Temple-Bar, 1739. ESTC No. T145455. Grub Street ID 192195.