Publications of John Rider


  • Rider, John. Bibliotheca scholastica. A double dictionarie, penned for all those that would haue within short space the vse of the Latin tongue, either to speake, or write. Verie profitable and necessarie for scholars, courtiers, lawyers and their clarkes, apprentices of London, travellers, factors for marchants, and briefly for all discontinuers within her Majesties realmes of England and Ireland. Compiled by Iohn Rider, master of artes, and preacher of Gods word. [Oxford]: Printed by Ioseph Barnes, printer to the Vniversitie of Oxford, and are to be sold at the Tygers head in Paules Church-yarde, 1589. ESTC No. S124838. Grub Street ID 144141.
  • Rider, John. The coppie of a letter sent from M. Rider, deane of Saint Patricks, concerning the Newes out of Ireland, and of the Spaniards landing and present estate there. At London: Imprinted [by F. Kingston] for Thomas Man, 1601. ESTC No. S119815. Grub Street ID 139453.
  • Rider, John. Riders dictionarie corrected and augmented. Wherein Riders index is transformed into a dictionarie etymologicall; deriuing euery word from his natiue fountaine, with reasons of the deriuations: none yet extant in that kind before. Here also the barbarous words are ranged into a dictionarie by themselues, and many words added, neuer yet in any: with a briefe index of proper names, collected out of Stephane, Gesner, and others. By Francis Holyoke. London: printed by Adam Islip, 1606. ESTC No. S3875. Grub Street ID 148019.
  • Rider, John. Riders dictionarie corrected, and with the addition of above five hundred words enriched. Hereunto is annexed a dictionarie etymologicall deriving every word from his natiue fountaine, with reasons of the derivations, and many Romane antiquities, never any extant in that kind before. By Francis Holyoke. At Oxford: Printed by Ioseph Barnes, 1612. ESTC No. S115976. Grub Street ID 135668.
  • Rider, John. Riders dictionarie corrected, and with the addition of aboue fiue hundred words enriched. Hereunto is annexed A dictionarie etymologicall, deriuing euery word from his natiue fountaine, with reasons of the deriuations, with manie Romane antiquities, neuer anie extant in that kinde before. By Francis Holyoke. London: Printed by Adam Islip for Thomas Adams, 1617. ESTC No. S114558. Grub Street ID 134267.
  • Rider, John. Riders dictionarie corrected, and with the addition of above five hundred words enriched. Heerevnto is annexed a dictionarie etymologicall, deriuing euerie word from his natiue fountaine, with reasons of the deriuations, with manie Romane antiquities, neuer anie extant in that kinde before. By Francis Holyoke. London: printed by Adam Islip for Iohn Bill, 1617. ESTC No. S499. Grub Street ID 148894.
  • Rider, John. Riders dictionarie corrected, and with the addition of above five hundred words enriched. Heereunto is annexed a dictionarie etymologicall, deriuing euerie word from his natiue fountaine, with reasons of the deriuations, with manie Romane antiquities, neuer anie extant in that kinde before. By Francis Holyoke. London: printed by Adam Islip for William Leake, 1617. ESTC No. S500. Grub Street ID 148904.
  • Rider, John. Riders dictionarie corrected, and with the addition of aboue fiue hundred words enriched. Heereunto is annexed a dictionarie etymologicall, deriuing euerie word from his natiue fountaine, with reasons of the deriuations, with manie Romane antiquities, neuer anie extant in that kinde before. By Francis Holyoke. London: Printed by Adam Islip for Thomas Man, 1617. ESTC No. S114361. Grub Street ID 134076.
  • Rider, John. Riders dictionarie. As it was heretofore corrected, and with the addition of aboue fiue hundred words enriched. Hereunto is annexed a dictionary etymologicall, deriuing euery word from his natiue fountaine, with reasons of the deriuations; and many Roman antiquities, neuer an extant in that kinde before. By Francis Holyoke. To which are ioyned (as may appeare more largely in the title and epistle before the Latine dictionary) many vsefull alterations, emendations, and additions of etymologies, differences, antiquities, histories, and their morals By Nicholas Gray. London: Printed by Adam Islip for Iohn Bill [and F. Kyngston], 1626. ESTC No. S113416. Grub Street ID 133151.
  • Rider, John. Riders dictionarie as it was heretofore corrected, and with the addition of above five hundred words enriched. Hereunto is annexed a dictionary etymologicall, deriuing euery word from his natiue fountaine, with reasons of the deriuations; and many Roman antiquities, neuer any extant in that kinde before. By Francis Holyoke. To which are ioyned (as may appeare more largely in the title and epistle befor the a Latine dictionary) many usefull alterations, emendations, and additions of etymologies, differences, antiquities, histories, and their morals. By Nicholas Gray. London: printed by Adam Islip, 1626. ESTC No. S94899. Grub Street ID 153020.
  • Rider, John. Riders dictionarie as it was heretofore corrected, and with the addition of above five hvndred words enriched. Hereunto is annexed a dictionary etymologicall, deriuing euery word from his natiue fountaine, with reasons of the deriuations; and many Roman antiquities, neuer any extant in that kinde before. By France Hollyok[e]. To which are ioyned (as may appeare more largely in the title and epistle before the Latine dictionary) many lawful alterations, emendations, and additions of etymologies, differences, antiquities, histories, and their morals. By Nicholas Gray. London: printed by Adam Islip for [Willi]am Leake, 1626. ESTC No. S94900. Grub Street ID 153022.
  • Rider, John. Riders dictionarie as it was heretofore corrected, and with the addition of above five hundred words enriched. Hereunto is annexed a dictionarie etymologicall, deriuing euerie word from his natiue fountaine, with reasons of the deriuations, with many Roman antiquities, neuer any extant in that kinde before. By Francis Holyoke. To which are ioyned (as may appeare more largely in the title and epistle before the Latine dictionary) many vsefull alterations, emendations, and additions of etymologies, differences, antiquities, histories, and their morals. By Nicholas Gray. London: printed by Adam Islip, for Iohn Grismand, and are to be sold at his shop in Ivy-Lane, at the signe of the Gun, 1626. ESTC No. S94901. Grub Street ID 153023.
  • Rider, John. Dictionarium etymologicum Latinum, antiquissimum & novissimum nunc demum infinitis pen laboribus & continuis vigilijs compositum & absolutum à Francisco de Sacra Quercu. That is, a dictionarie declaring the originall and derivations of all words vsed in any Latine authors with the reason of their derivations and appellations; neuer any in this kinde extant before: ... Wherevnto besides the hard and most vsefull words in divinitie, philosophie, physicke, and logicke, ... Herevnto is also annexed the proper names adorned with their etymologies, illustrated, and explained, ... Lastly Riders Dictionarie I. The English before the latine compiled by Rider, is augmented with many hundreds of words, both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages, such as were and are with vs in common vse, but never printed vntill now ... Also the Romane calender. By the great industrie and paines of Francis Holyoke. Oxford: printed by Iohn Lichfield, and William Turner, printers to the famous Vniuersity, ann. Dom. 1627. ESTC No. S5195. Grub Street ID 149017.
  • Rider, John. Riders dictionarie, corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages, such as were and are with us in common use, ... The barbarous words which were many hundreds are expunged, ... In th end of the dictionarie you shall finde certaine generall heads ... Lastly, the names of the chiefe places and townes in England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. ... Also hereunto is annexed certaine tables of weights and measures, the valuation of auncient and moderne coines; as also a table of the Hebrew, Greeke, and Latine measures, reduced to our English standard and assise: and the weights used in physicke, ... Whereunto is joyned a dictionarie etymologicall, deriving each word from his proper fountaine, ... Now newly corrected and much augmented by Francis Holy-oke. London: imprinted by Felix Kingston. 1640. ESTC No. S1298. Grub Street ID 145744.
  • Rider, John. Riders dictionarie, corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages, such as were and are with us in common use, ... The barbarous words which were many hundreds are expunged, ... In th end of the dictionarie you shall finde certaine generall heads ... Lastly, the names of the chiefe places and townes in England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. ... Also hereunto is annexed certaine tables of weights and measures, the valuation of auncient and moderne coines; as also a table of the Hebrew, Greeke, and Latine measures, reduced to our English standard and assise: and the weights used in physicke, ... Whereunto is joyned a dictionarie etymologicall, deriving each word from his proper fountaine, ... Now newly corrected and much augmented by Francis Holy-oke. London: imprinted by Felix Kingston for Iohn Waterson, 1640. ESTC No. S122354. Grub Street ID 141905.
  • Rider, John. Riders dictionarie, corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages, such as were and are with us in common use, ... The barbarous words which were many hundreds are expunged, ... In th end of the dictionarie you shall finde certaine generall heads ... Lastly, the names of the chiefe places and townes in England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. ... Also hereunto is annexed certaine tables of weights and measures, the valuation of auncient and moderne coines; as also a table of the Hebrew, Greeke, and Latine measures, reduced to our English standard and assise: and the weights used in physicke, ... Whereunto is joyned a dictionarie etymologicall, deriving each word from his proper fountaine, ... Now newly corrected and much augmented by Francis Holy-oke. London: imprinted by Felix Kingston for Phillip Nevill, 1640. ESTC No. S94902. Grub Street ID 153024.
  • Rider, John. Riders dictionarie, corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages, such as were and are with us in common use, ... The barbarous words which were many hundreds are expunged, ... In th end of the dictionarie you shall finde certaine generall heads ... Lastly, the names of the chiefe places and townes in England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. ... Also hereunto is annexed certaine tables of weights and measures, the valuation of auncient and moderne coines; as also a table of the Hebrew, Greeke, and Latine measures, reduced to our English standard and assise: and the weights used in physicke, ... Whereunto is joyned a dictionarie etymologicall, deriving each word from his proper fountaine, ... Now newly corrected and much augmented by Francis Holy-oke. London: imprinted by Felix Kingston for Richard Whitaker, 1640. ESTC No. S110523. Grub Street ID 130555.
  • Rider, John. Dictionarium etymologicum Latinum, antiquissimum & novissimum, nunc demum infinitis pen laboribus & continuis vigiliis compositum & absolutum á francisco de sacra quercu. Or, A dictionarie declaring the etymologies, the originall and derivation of all words used in any Latine authors, with the reason of their derivations and appellations; never any in this kinde extant before. Whereunto, besides the hard and most usefull words in divinitie, philosophie, physicke, and logicke, ... Hereunto is also annexed the proper names, adorned with their etymologies; illustrated and explained with histories, proverbs, mythologies, &c. ... Lastly, Riders Dictionarie, (i.) the English before the Latine, compiled by Rider, is augmented with many hundreds of words, both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages, such as were and are with u in common use, but never printed untill now, to the perfecting of the worke. Now the sixth time newly corrected, and very much augmented by t. London: imprinted by Felix Kingston for Andrew Crooke, 1648. ESTC No. R220836. Grub Street ID 95088.
  • Rider, John. Riders dictionarie, corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words both out of thelaw, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages, such as were and are with us in common use, but never printed till now, to the perfecting of the worke. The barbarous words which were many hundreds are expunged, to the helpe of young scholars, which before they used in stead of good words. In the end of the dictionarie you shall finde certaine generall heads of birds, colours, dogs, fishes, hawkes, hearbs, numbers, stones, trees, weights. Lastly, the names of the chiefe places and townes in England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. which were never in Riders before. Also hereunto is annexed certaine tables of weights and measures, the valuation of auncient and moderne coines; as also a table of the Hebrew, Greek, and Latine measures, reduced to our English Standard ... Whereunto is joyned a dictionarie etymologicall, deriving each word from his proper fountaine, ... Now newly corrected . London: printed by Felix Kingston, for Andrew Crooke, 1649. ESTC No. R182721. Grub Street ID 72705.
  • Rider, John. Riders dictionarie, corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages, such as were and are with us in common use, but never printed till now, to the perfecting of the worke. The barbarovs words which were many hundreds are expunged, to the helpe of young scholars, which before they used in stead of good words. In the end of the dictionarie you shall finde certaine generall heads of birds, colours, dogs, fishes, hawkes, hearbs, numbers, stones, trees, weights. Lastly, the names of the chiefe places and townes in England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. which were never in Riders before. Also hereunto is annexed certaine tables of weights and measures, the valuation of auncient and moderne coines; as also a table of the Hebrew, Greek, and Latine measures, reduced our English standard and assise: and the weights used in physick, none of which were ever in Riders worke. Whereunto is joyned a Dictionarie etymo. London: imprinted by Felix Kingston for Thomas Whitaker, 1649. ESTC No. R40629. Grub Street ID 122398.
  • Rider, John. Riders dictionarie, corrected and augmented, with the addition of many hundred words both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages, such as were and are with us in common use, but never printed till now, to the perfecting of the worke. The barbarous words which were many hundreds are expunged, to the helpe of young scholars, which before they used in stead of good words. In the end of the dictionarie you shall finde certaine generall heads of birds, colours, dogs, fishes, hawkes, hearbs, numbers, stones, trees, weights. Lastly, the names of the chiefe places and townes in England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. which were never in Riders before. Also hereunto is annexed certaine tables of weights and measures, the valuation of auncient and moderne coines; as also a table of the Hebrew, Greek, and Latine measures, reduced to our English standard and assise ... Whereunto is joyned a dictionarie etymologicall, deriving each word from his proper fountaine, the first t. London: imprinted by Felix Kingston for John Waterson, 1649. ESTC No. R217996. Grub Street ID 92713.
  • Rider, John. Riders dictionarie, corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages, such as were and are with us in common use, but never printed till now, to the perfecting of the worke. The barbarous words which were many hundreds are expunged, to the helpe of young scholars, which before they used in stead of good words. In the end of the dictionarie you shall finde certaine generall heads of birds, colours, dogs, fishes, hawkes, hearbs, numbers, stones, trees, weights. Lastly, the names of the chiefe places and townes in England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. which were never in Riders before. Also hereunto is annexed certaine tables of weights and measures, the valuation of auncient and moderne coines; as also a table of the Hebrew, Greek, and Latine measures, reduced to our English standard and assise: and the weights used in physick, none of which were ever in Riders worke. Whereunto is joyned a dictionarie et. London: imprinted by Felix Kingston, 1649. ESTC No. R24076. Grub Street ID 107906.
  • Rider, John. Riders dictionary, corrected and augmented. VVith the addition of many hundred words both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages, such as were and are with us in common use, but never printed till now, to the prefecting of the work. The barbarou words, which were many hundreds, are expunged, to the help of young scholars, which before they used in stead of good words. In the end of the dictionary you shall finde certain general heads of birds, colors, dogs, fishes, herbs, numbers, stones, trees, weights. Lastly, the names of the chief places and towns in England, Scotland and Ireland, &c. which were never in Riders before. Also hereunto is annexed certain tables of weights and measures, the valuation of ancient and modern coins; ... Whereunto is joyned a Dictionary etymological, ... Now newly corrected and much augmented by Francis Holy-Oke. London: printed by J.T. for Andrew Crook, at the Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1659. ESTC No. R35146. Grub Street ID 117582.