Publications of John Penkethman


  • Penkethman, John. A plaine and perfect tvvo-fold table readily shewing the interest of monyes, after the rate of 10 or 8 l. for thevse [sic] of 100 l. for a yeere most necessary aswell [sic] for the borrower as the lender. Printed at London: By G.P., to be sold at the Scriueners Shop in Cliffords Inne Lane, [1624]. ESTC No. S3300. Grub Street ID 147571.
  • Penkethman, John. The cities comfort: or, Patridophilus his theologicall and physicall preservatives against the plague, and all other infectious diseases: together with a caueat, or admonition to those that flie into the country: humbly presented to the right honourable, the Lord Maior of the city of London, with the Right Worshipfull, the sheriffes and aldermen and carefully commended by the author, to all the inhabitants thereof, and of all places neere adioyning. [London]: Printed by G. P[urslowe]. These are to be sold at the scriueners shop in Cliffords-Inne Lane, [1625?]. ESTC No. S94662. Grub Street ID 152850.
  • Penkethman, John. [A preparative to purchase or a table of compound interest at 8 per centum]. [London: G. Purslowe, 1625?]. ESTC No. S94665. Grub Street ID 152852.
  • Penkethman, John. The purchasers pinnace, or, the bargainees brigantine. Bearing each boarder to terra frugi, or thrifts territories. Substantially shadowed in a new inuented arithmeticall table. Plainely ... declaring the present worth of any rent, lease, or annuitie in possession or reuersion. Most vsefull aswell for the seller as the buyer, that neither of them may be ouer-reacht. Also, Penkethman his president, or, the new art of accompt: deciphered in the money-masters map. Which conteineth a two-fold index of interest money, at 8.P. and 10.P. per cent. ... Neuer to be altered vpon any future impression, ... Whereunto is annexed 1 A table shewing the remedies or allowances vpon all sorts of light or baser golden coynes; ... 2 A plaine direction for the easie computing of interest at 10.s. 13.s. 4.d. and per cent. ... Besides the authors admonition, conteining a caueat for the auoyding of sundrie erroneous tables extant, and diners [sic] needfull instructions touching purchas. At London: printed by Iohn Haviland, and are to be sold at the authors shop against the Rolles in Chancerie Lane, who for a wager will warrant and mainteine the same to be true and perfect thorowout. Let others, his apes or vsurpers of his labours, doe the like by theirs, if they dare, [1629]. ESTC No. S125510. Grub Street ID 144747.
  • Penkethman, John. A preservative poem or Patridophilus his precepts De arte præservandi. Illustrated with arguments and animadversions aswell pleasant as profitable. By due observation whereof, the sickenesse named the plague and all other infectious diseases may be assuredly avoided. Mos necessary, aswell for those that are fled from London and Westminster or the parts neere adjacent, and doe purpose to returne: as for those that are still resident. Digested under twenty severall heads which are presented by the page next folowing the epistle. London: printed by Anne Griffin for Willianm [sic] Leake, and to be sold at his shop in Chancery-lane, 1636. ESTC No. S94663. Grub Street ID 152851.
  • Penkethman, John. Artachthos or A new booke declaring the assise or weight of bread not onely by troy weight, according to the law, but by avoirdupois weight the common weight of England at what price soever, not exceeding five pound the quarter of wheate, shall be sold in the market and conteining divers orders and articles made and set forth by the right honourable the Lords and others of his Majesties most honourable privie Councell, for the making and assising of all sorts of bread lawfull and vendible, within this realme ... whereunto is prefixed a briefe and plaine introduction to the art of numeration ... And lastly hereunto is added. A true relation or collection of the most remarkeable dearths and famines which have happened in England since the comming in of William the Conquerour, as also the rising and falling of the price of wheate and other graine, with the severall occasions thereof. London: Printed by E[dward] G[riffine] and R. B[ishop] and are to be sold [at ye stationers shops, or at ye chamber of Iohn Penkethman .. in Simonds Inn in Chancerie lane] according to the direction in the frontispice, 1638. ESTC No. S114433. Grub Street ID 134145.
  • Penkethman, John. Accompts of merchandise ready computed. As also tables for the speedy measuring of timber, boord, glasse and land, resolving any question in division or rules of fellowship, and for buying or selling by the hundred weight. Supplyed at this new impression, with divers other usefull tables in their proper places particularly expressed: the whole worke being likewise diligently examined and corrected. By Iohn Penkethman, gent. London: printed by E. G[riffen]. for R[ichard]. Whitaker, dwelling in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Kings Armes, 1639. ESTC No. S125840. Grub Street ID 145061.
  • Penkethman, John. Accompts of merchandise ready computed. As also tables for the speedy measuring of timber, boord, glasse and land, resolving any question in division or rules of fellowship, and for buying or selling by the hundred weight. Supplyed at this new impression, with divers other useful tables in their proper places particularly expressed: the whole work being likewise diligently examined and corrected. By John Penkethman Gent. London: printed by T.W. for T. Whitaker, dwelling in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Kings-Arms, 1648. ESTC No. R210119. Grub Street ID 86325.
  • Penkethman, John. Accompts of merchandise ready computed; resolving any question in division or rules of fellowship, and for buying or selling by the hundred weight. With excellent tables for the speedy measuring of timber, board, glass, stone, and land, very necessary for all carpenters, joyners, glasiers, masons, and indeed for all those who intend to build. Also divers other useful tables in their proper places particulaly expressed: the whole work being diligently examined and corrected. By John Penkethman, gent. [The fourth edition]. London : printed by E[llen]. Cotes, for Ed. Thomas at the Adam and Eve in Little Britain, 1668. ESTC No. R181607. Grub Street ID 72130.
  • Penkethman, John. Accompts of merchandise ready computed; resolving any question in division or rules of fellowship, and for buying or selling by the 100 weight. With excellent tables for the speedy measuring of timber, board, glass, stone, and land, very necessary for all carpenters, joyners, glasiers, masons, and indeed for all those who intend to build· Also divers other useful tables in their proper places particularly expressed: the whole work being diligently examined and corrected. By John Penkethman, gent. London : printed by J. Macock, for S. Mearne, J. Martyn, H Herringman, and are to be sold by George Swinnock at the Crane at the lower end of Cheapside against Mercers Chappel, 1676. ESTC No. R224805. Grub Street ID 98292.
  • Penkethman, John. Authentic accounts of the history and price of wheat, Bread, Malt, &c. From the coming in of William the Conqueror, To Michaelmas 1745. And also a true relation or collection of the most remarkable dearths and famines, Which have happened within the said Time. Likewise The rising and falling of the Price of Wheat and other Grain, from time to time, with the several Occasions thereof briefly set down. London : printed for R. Davis in Piccadilly, MDCCLXV. 1745. ESTC No. T6641. Grub Street ID 291156.
  • Penkethman, John. A collection of several authentick accounts of the history and price of wheat, bread, malt, &c. From the coming in of William the Conquerour to Michaelmas 1745. With some occasional remarks. London : printed for W. Warden, and sold by C. Davis, over against Gray's-Inn Gate, Holbourn, 1748. ESTC No. T6640. Grub Street ID 291148.
  • Penkethman, John. Authentic accounts of the history and price of wheat, brad, malt, &c. From the coming in of William the Conqueror, to Michaelmas 1745. And also a true relation or collection of the most remarkable dearths and famines, which have happened within the said time. Likewise the rising and falling of the price of wheat and other grain, from time to time, with the several occasions thereof briefly set down. London : Printed for R. Davis in Picadilly, MDCCLXV. [1765]. ESTC No. T164226. Grub Street ID 202488.