Norden, John.
A pensiue mans practise. Very profitable for all personnes, wherein are conteyned verie deuout and necessary prayers for sundry godlie purposes. VVith requisite perswasions before euery prayer. VVritten by Iohn Norden.
At London: Printed by Hugh Singleton, 1584.
ESTC No. S121124.Grub Street ID 140723.
Norden, John.
A sinfull mans solace: most sweete and comfortable, for the sicke and sorowful soule: contriued, into seuen seuerall daies conference, betweene Christ and a carelesse sinner. Wherin, euerie man, from the highest, to the lowest: from the richest, to the poorest: and aboue all, the sorowfull sinner: maye take such sweet repaste of resolution, to amendment of lyfe, and confirmation of fayth: that (in respect of the heauenlie solace, therin faithfully remembered:) all the pompes and pleasures of this wicked worlde, shall be plainely perceiued to be meere miserie. Writcen [sic], by Iohn Norden.
Printed at London: By Richard Iones, 1585.
ESTC No. S110181.Grub Street ID 130290.
Norden, John.
A mirror for the multitude, or Glasse. Wherein maie be seene, the violence, the error, the weaknesse, and rash consent, of the multitude, and the daungerous resolution of such, as without regard of the truth, endeaour to sinne and ioyne themselues with the multitude: wit a necessary conclusion, that it is not the name, or title of a protestant, christian, or catholicke, but the true imitation of Christ, that maketh a Christian. By I.N.
At London: Printed by Iohn Windet, 1586.
ESTC No. S120153.Grub Street ID 139790.
Norden, John.
[A pensiue mans practise very profitable for all personnes.].
[London: R. Robinson, 1592].
ESTC No. S94486.Grub Street ID 152733.
Norden, John.
Speculum Britanniae. The first parte an historicall, & chorographicall discription of Middlesex. Wherein are also alphabeticallie sett downe, the names of the cyties, townes, parishes hamletes, howses of name &c. direction spedelie to finde anie place desired in the mappe & the distance betwene place and place without compasses. Cum priuilegio. By the trauaile and vew of Iohn Norden. Anno 1593.
[London: Printed at Eliot's Court Press, 1593].
ESTC No. S113229.Grub Street ID 132969.
Norden, John.
Surrey Jo. Nordenus deliniauit 1594 ; Carolus Whitwell sculpsit.
[S.l.]: Impensis Ro. Nicolson ..., [1594].
ESTC No. S5003.Grub Street ID 148907.
Norden, John.
A pensiue mans practise. The second part, by Iohn Norden.
London: printed by Iohn Windet, for Iohn Oxenbridge, 1594.
ESTC No. S125872.Grub Street ID 145086.
Norden, John.
Nordens preparatiue to his Speculum Britanniæ. Intended a reconciliation of sundrie propositions by diuers person tendred, concerning the same.
London: Printed [by John Windet], 1596.
ESTC No. S113317.Grub Street ID 133057.
Norden, John.
A pensiue mans practise, verie profitable for all persons, wherein are conteined verie deuout and necessarie praiers for sundrie godly purposes, with requisite perswasions before euerie praier. VVritten by J. Norden.
At London: printed by Robert Robinson, 1597.
ESTC No. S96136.Grub Street ID 153901.
Norden, John.
The mirror of honor: wherein euerie professor of armes, from the generall, chieftaines and high commanders, to the priuate officer and inferiour souldier, may see the necessitie of the feare and seruice of God, and the vse of all diuine vertues, both in commanding and obeying, practising and proceeding in the most honorable affayres of warre. A treatise most necessarie, comfortable and expedient for all English subiects, whereby their duties to God, their prince and countrie, their assurance and safetie, it liuely set foorth as in a glasse before them. The contents of the booke are in the next page.
Printed at London: by the widowe Orwin for Thomas Man, 1597.
ESTC No. S113322.Grub Street ID 133062.
Norden, John.
1598 Speculi Britan[n]iæ pars the description of Hartfordshire by Iohn Norden.
[London: printed by Thomas Dawson, 1598].
ESTC No. S113233.Grub Street ID 132973.
Norden, John.
A progresse of pietie, being the third part of the Pensiue mans practise, or, the harbour of heauenly hearts ease, to recreate the afflicted soules of al such as are shut vp in any inward or outward affliction. By Iohn Norden.
London: printed by V. S[immes]. for Io. Oxenbridge, and are to be sol in Pauls churchyard at the signe of the Parrot, 1598.
ESTC No. S94489.Grub Street ID 152736.
Norden, John.
Vicissitudo rerum. An elegiacall poeme, of the interchangeable courses and varietie of things in this world. The first part.
Imprinted at London: By Simon Stafford, dwelling on Adling hill neere Carter lane, 1600.
ESTC No. S113308.Grub Street ID 133048.
Norden, John.
A pensiue mans practise verie profitable for all persons, wherein are contained very devout and necessarie prayers for sundry godlie purposes, with requisite perswasions before euery prayer. Written by I. Norden.
[Edinburgh]: Printed by Robert Walde-graue, printer to the Kings Maiestie, 1600.
ESTC No. S5038.Grub Street ID 148920.
Norden, John.
The pensive mans practise. Or, the pensiue mans complaint and comfort. A treatise most necessarie for such as are any way afflicted. Wherein they may reape most sweete consolation and comfort, as well by sweete and familiar most godly directions, as also by comfortable praiers in whatsoeuer calamities. The third time corrected and augmented. By I.N.
London: imprinted by Arn. Hatfield, for Felix Norton, at the signe of the Parrot in Paules Church-yard, 1600.
ESTC No. S124807.Grub Street ID 144111.
Norden, John.
A store-house of varieties, briefly discoursing the change and alteration of things in this world.
Imprinted at London: [By Simon Stafford], 1601.
ESTC No. S113309.Grub Street ID 133049.
Norden, John.
A pensiue soules delight. The contents whereof, is shewen in these verses following. I. The pensiue soule recounteth in this place, Elizaes troubles, and Elizaes grace. 2. Here are expressed the stratagems of foes, Elizaes conquests, and their falls that rose. 3. Here is set forth Elizaes lenitie, and locust-Catholickes superbitie. By Iohn Norden.
London: Printed by T[homas] C[reede] for William Lugger, and are to be sold at the signe of the blinde Knight, ouer against S. Andrewes Church in Holborne, 1603.
ESTC No. S113318.Grub Street ID 133058.
Norden, John.
The surueyors dialogue. Diuided into fiue bookes: very profitable for all men to peruse, that haue to do with the reuenues of land, or the manurance, vse, or occupation thereof, both lords and tenants: as also and especially for such as indeuor to be seene in the faculty of surueying of mannors, lands, tenements, &c. By I.N.
London: Printed [by Simon Stafford] for Hugh Astley, dwelling at S. Magnus corner, 1607.
ESTC No. S113314.Grub Street ID 133054.
Norden, John.
A pensiue mans practise, verie profitable for all persons: wherein are conteined verie deuout and necessarie praiers for sundrie godly purposes, with requisite perswasions before euerie praier. VVritten by J. Norden.
At London: printed by Thomas Haueland for Richard Bradocke, 1609.
ESTC No. S125871.Grub Street ID 145085.
Norden, John.
The surueiors dialogue, very profitable for all men to peruse, but especially for all gentlemen, or any other farmar, or husbandman, that shall either haue occasion, or be willing to buy or sell lands: as in the ready and perfect surueying of them, with the manner and methode of keeping a court of suruey with many excellent rules, and familiar tables to that purpose. As also, the true and right vse of the manuring of grounds, or occupation thereof, as well in the lords, as in the tenants: being the true facultie of surueying of all manner of lands and tenements &c. Diuided into sixe bookes by I.N.
London: Printed by I. W[indet] for I. Busby, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstanes Church yard in Fleetstreet, 1610.
ESTC No. S120956.Grub Street ID 140566.
Norden, John.
The svrveiors dialogue, very profitable for all men to peruse, but especially for all gentlemen, or any other farmar, or husbandman, that shall either haue occasion, or be willing to buy or sell lands: as in the ready and perfect surueying of them, with the manner and methode of keeping a court of suruey with many excellent rules, and familiar tables to that purpose. As also, the true and right vse of the manuring of grounds, or occupation thereof, as well in the Lords, as in the tenants: being the true facultie of surueying of all manner of lands and tenements &c. Now newly imprinted. And by the same author inlarged, and a sixt booke newly added, of a familiar and pleasant conference, betweene a purchacer, and a surueyor of lands; of the true vse of both, being very needfull for all such as are to purchase lands, vvhether it be in fee simple, or othervvise by lease. Diuided into sixe bookes by I.N.
London: printed by I. S[tansby]. for I. Busby, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstanes Church yard in Fleetstreet, 1610.
ESTC No. S125439.Grub Street ID 144680.
Norden, John.
The surueiors dialogue, very profitable for all men to peruse, but especially for all gentlemen, or any other farmar, or husbandman, that shall either haue occasion, or be willing to buy or sell lands: as in the ready and perfect surueying of them, with the manner and methode of keeping a court of suruey with many excellent rules, and familiar tables to that purpose. As also, the true and right vse of the manuring of grounds, or occupation thereof, as well in the lords, as in the tenants: being the true facultie of surueying of all manner of lands and tenements &c. Now newly imprinted. And by the same author inlarged, and a sixt booke newly added, of a familiar and pleasant conference, betweene a purchacer, and a surueyor of lands; of the true vse of both, being very needfull for all such as are to purchase lands, vvhether it be in fee simple, or othervvise by lease. Diuided into sixe bookes by I.N.
London: printed [by William Stansby] for I. Busby, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstanes Church yard in Fleetstreet, 1610.
ESTC No. S113321.Grub Street ID 133061.
Norden, John.
A pensiue mans practise, verie profitable for all persons: wherein are conteined verie deuout and necessarie praiers for sundrie godly purposes, with requisite perswasions before euerie praier. VVritten by I. Norden.
At London: Printed by William Hall for Richard Bradocke, 1612.
ESTC No. S1319.Grub Street ID 145765.
Norden, John.
The labyrinth of mans life. Or Vertues delight and enuies opposite. By Io: Norden.
Printed at London: [By George Eld], for Iohn Budge, and are to be sold at the great south doore of Paules, and at Brittaines Bursse, 1614.
ESTC No. S110180.Grub Street ID 130289.
Norden, John.
A pensiue soules delight. Or, The deuout mans helpe. Consisting of motiues, meditations and prayers, for all persons and purposes, vpon what occasion so euer, either priuate or publike. By Iohn Norden.
London: Printed by Will. Stansby, for Iohn Busby, and are to be sold at his shop in S. Dunstanes Churchyard in Fleetstreete, 1615.
ESTC No. S120793.Grub Street ID 140421.
Norden, John.
A pensiue man's practise. Very profitable for all persons: wherein are contained verie deuout and necessarie prayers for sundry godly purposes, with requisite perswasions before euery prayer. Written by I. Norden.
Imprinted at London: By Iohn Beale for Thomas Pauier, 1615.
ESTC No. S119856.Grub Street ID 139494.
Norden, John.
A pensiue mans practise. Or The pensiue mans complaint and comfort. The second part. A treatise most necessarie for such as are any way afflicted. Wherein they may reape most sweet consolation and comfort, aswell by sweet and familiar most godly conferences, as also by comfortable prayers in whatsoeuer calamities. By I.N.
London: Printed by E. G[riffin] for William Aspley, 1616.
ESTC No. S120150.Grub Street ID 139787.
Norden, John.
The surueiors dialogue, very profitable for all men to pervse, but especially for gentlemen, farmers, and husbandmen, that shall either haue occasion, or be willing to buy, hire, or sell lands: as in the ready and perfect surueying of them, with the manner and method of keeping a court of suruey with many necessary rules, and familiar tables to that purpose. As also, the vse of the manuring of some grounds, fit as well for lords, as for tennants. Diuided into sixe bookes by I.N.
London: Printed by Thomas Snodham, 1618.
ESTC No. S113326.Grub Street ID 133066.
Norden, John.
An eye to heauen in earth. A necessarie watch for the time of death, consisting in meditations and prayers fit for that purpose. With the husbands christian counsell to his wife and children, left poore after his death.
London: Printed by W. Stansby for Richard Meighen, and are to be sold at his shop at Saint Clements Church ouer against Essex house, and at Westminster Hall, 1619.
ESTC No. S119831.Grub Street ID 139469.
Norden, John.
A pensiue mans practise. Or the pensiue mans complaint and comfort. A treatise most necessarie for such as are any way afflicted. Wherein they may reape most sweet consolation and comfort, as well by sweet and familiar most godly conferences, as also by comfortable prayers in whatsoeuer calamities. By I.N.
London: Printed by I. H[aviland] for William Aspley, 1623.
ESTC No. S121906.Grub Street ID 141472.
Norden, John.
A pensiue mans practise. Very profitable for all persons: wherein are contained very deuout and necessary prayers for sundry godly purposes, with requisite perswasions before euerie prayer. Newly corrected and amended by the author after aboue forty impressions. Written by I. Norden.
Imprinted at London: by Iohn Beale, for Thomas Pauier, 1624.
ESTC No. S125499.Grub Street ID 144735.
Norden, John.
The imitation of Dauid his godly and constant resolution in bearing all his trialls, troubles and afflictions being a king: whose example of faith, patience, hope, obedience and deliueries, thankfulnesse and prayer, is left euen for princes, potentates, and all true Christians to imitate. Collected by way of meditations and prayers out of the 27. Psalme. By I.N.
London: Printed by Iohn Haviland, for Richard Whittakers and George Latham, 1624.
ESTC No. S113324.Grub Street ID 133064.
Norden, John.
A table shewing the distances betweene all the cities and shire townes of England, that are comprehended in the same inuented and performed by Iohn Norden.
[London: E. Allde?, 1625?].
ESTC No. S3343.Grub Street ID 147607.
Norden, John.
The fathers legacie. VVith precepts morall, and prayers diuine: fitted for all sorts, both yong and old, times and seasons: morning, noone, and night.
London: Printed [by M. Flesher] for Iohn Marriot, in Saint Dunstans Church-yard in Fleetstreet, 1625.
ESTC No. S119833.Grub Street ID 139471.
Norden, John.
England an intended guyde, for English travailers. Shewing in generall, how far one citie, & many shire-townes in England, are distant, from other. Together, with the shires in perticular: and the cheife townes in euery of them. With a generall table, of the most principal townes in Wales. Inuented & collected, by Iohn Norden.
Printed at London: By Edward All-de dwelling neare Christ-Church, 1625.
ESTC No. S115200.Grub Street ID 134896.
Norden, John.
A pathvvay to patience, in all manner of crosses, tryals, troubles, and afflictions: inwardly for sinne, or outwardly by sicknesse, pouerty, enemies, imprisonment, banishment, slaunders, disobedience of children, houshold-crosses betweene man and wife, &c. With necessary prayers for euerie of them; as also for diuers other necessarie purposes. By I.N.
At London: Printed by E. A[llde] for T. Harper, 1626.
ESTC No. S119966.Grub Street ID 139605.
Norden, John.
A pensiue mans practise. Very profitable for all persons: wherin are contained very deuout and necessary prayers for sundry godly purposes, with requisite perswasions before euery praier. Newly corrected and amended by the author after aboue forty impressions. Written by I. Norden.
London: Printed for Ed. Brewster, and Rob. Bird, and are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard, and in Cheape-side at the signe of the Bible, 1627.
ESTC No. S113320.Grub Street ID 133060.
Norden, John.
A poore mans rest: founded vpon motiues, meditations, prayers. and expressing to the inward man, true consolation, in all kindes and times of affliction. By Io. Norden.
London: Printed by I[ohn] L[egat] for Robert Allott, and are to bee sold at the signe of the Beare in Pauls Church-yard, 1629.
ESTC No. S123221.Grub Street ID 142737.
Norden, John.
A pensiue mans practise. Very profitable for all persons: wherein are contained very deuout and necessary prayers for sundry godly purposes, with requeisite perswasions before euery prayer. Newly corrected and amended by the author after aboue forty impressions. Written by I. Norden.
London: printed for Ed. Brewster, and Robert Bird, and are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard, and in Cheape-side at the signe of the Bible, 1629.
ESTC No. S94487.Grub Street ID 152734.
Norden, John.
A good companion for a Christian, directing him in the way to God, being meditiations and prayers for euery day in the weeke; and graces before and after meate.
London: Printed by G. P[urslowe] for Richard Collins, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Three Kings, 1632.
ESTC No. S119834.Grub Street ID 139472.
Norden, John.
A poore mans rest: founded vpon motiues, meditations, and prayers. and [sic] expressing to the inward man, true consolation. In all kinds and times of afflication. By Io. Norden.
London: printed by I. L[egat]. for Robert Allot, and are to be sold at the signe of the Beare in Pauls Church-yard, 1633.
ESTC No. S94669.Grub Street ID 152855.
Norden, John.
A pensive mans practice. Or The pensive mans complaint and comfort. The second part. A treatise most necessarie for such as are any way afflicted. Wherein they may reape most sweet consolation and comfort, as well by sweet and familiar most godly conferences, as also by comfortable prayers in whatsoever calamities. By I.N.
London: printed by I. B.[eale] for William Aspley, 1633.
ESTC No. S125873.Grub Street ID 145087.
Norden, John.
A pensiue mans practise. Very profitable for all persons: wherein are contained very deuout and necessary prayers for sundry godly purposes, with requisite perswasions before euery prayer. Newlycorrected [sic] and amended by the author, aboue 41. impressions. Written by I. Norden.
London: Printed by Io. Beale, for Robert Bird, and are to be sold in St. Laurence-lane at the signe of the Bible, 1635.
ESTC No. S121965.Grub Street ID 141524.
Norden, John.
A pensiue mans practise. Very profitable for all persons: wherein are contained very deuout and necessary prayers for sundry godly purposes, with requisite perswasions before euery prayer. Newlycorrected [sic] and amended by the author, aboue 42. impressions. Written by I. Norden.
London: Printed by Io. Beale, for Robert Bird, and are to be sold in St. Laurence-lane at the signe of the Bible, 1640.
ESTC No. S121226.Grub Street ID 140821.
Norden, John.
A pensiue mans practise. Very profitable for all persons: wherein are contained verie deuout and necessarie prayers for sundry godly purposes, with requisite perswasions before euerie prayer. Written by J. Norden.
Imprinted at London: By John Beale for Thomas Pauier, 1640.
ESTC No. S114556.Grub Street ID 134265.
Norden, John.
A poore mans rest. Founded upon motives. meditations. prayers. Expressing to the inward man, true consolation. In all kindes and times of affliction. By Jo. Norden.
London: printed by E.G. for Andrew Crooke, at the greene Dragon in Pauls Church-yard, 1641.
ESTC No. R219338.Grub Street ID 93886.
Norden, John.
A poor mans rest. Founded upon motives. Meditations. Prayers. Expressing to the inward man true consolation, in all kinds and times of affliction. By John Norden.
The twentieth edition..
London : printed by J. R. for R. Scot, T. Basset, J. Wright, and R. Chiswel, 1684.
ESTC No. R181030.Grub Street ID 71825.
Norden, John.
Speculum Britanniae; an historical and chorographical description of Middlesex and Hartfordshire. Wherein are alphabetically set down the names of the cities, towns, parishes, hamlets, houses of note, &c. in those counties: with direction speedily to find any place desired, in the maps, and the distance between place and place without compasses. By John Norden. Illustrated with maps curiously engraved by Mr. Senex, and the arms of the principal persons interr'd in the county of Middlesex. To which is added, a preparative to this work, intended a reconciliation of sundrie propositions by divers persons tendred, concerning the same, by the said author.
London : Printed for Daniel Browne Senior and Junior, at the Black Swan without Temple Bar; and James Woodman, in Bow-Street Covent Garden, MDCCXXIII. [1723].
ESTC No. T136123.Grub Street ID 184417.
Norden, John.
Speculi Britanniæ pars: a topographical and historical description of Cornwall. With a map of the county and each hundred; ... also, thirteen views of the most remarkable curiosities in that county: by ... John Norden. To which are added, The west prospect of the ... churc of St. Germans; .
London : printed by William Pearson, for the editor; and sold by Christopher Bateman, 1728.
ESTC No. T127847.Grub Street ID 177514.
Norden, John.
Speculi Britanniæ pars: a topographical and historical description of Cornwall. With a map of the county and each hundred; in which are contained the Names and Seats of the several Gentlemen then Inhabitants: As also, thirteen views of the most remarkable curiosities in that county: by the Perambulation, View, and Delineation of John Norden. To which are added, the west prospect of the some-time Conventual churc of St. Germans; and a Table of the Distances of the Towns from each other: with some Account of the Author.
London : printed by William Pearson, for the editor; and sold by Christopher Bateman, 1728.
ESTC No. T49601.Grub Street ID 277382.
Norden, John.
The surveiors dialogue very profitable for all men to peruse, especially lords of mannors, Stewards of Mannor-Courts, Tenants, farmers and husbandmen. Divided into three books, carefully revised and corrected; together with an exact index.
The fourth edition..
London : printed for R. Montagu, at the Book Ware-House, the General Post-Office, in Great Wilde-Street, near that End of Great Queen-Street, next Drury-Lane, 1738.
ESTC No. T76843.Grub Street ID 299119.