Publications of Thomas Moulton


  • Moulton, Thomas. [This is the myrour or glasse of helth, necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in, that wyll kepe theyr body from the syckenes of the pestylence: and it sheweth howe the planettes raygne, in euery houre of the daye and the nyght: with the natures and exposicions o the .xii. sygnes, deuided by the .xii. monthes of the yere. And sheweth the remedyes for manye diuers infyrmytes and diseases, that hurteth the body of man.]. [[London]: Imprynted by me Robert Wyer, dwellynge at the sygne of saynt Joh[a]n eua[n]gelyst in saynt Martyns parysshe in the felde besyde Charynge Crosse, in the bysshope of Norwytche rentes, [1531]. ESTC No. S94243. Grub Street ID 152556.
  • Moulton, Thomas. This is the myrrour or glasse of helth, necessary [and] nedefull for euery person to soke in, that wyll kepe theyr body from the syckenes of the pestylence. And it sheweth how the planettes reygne, in euery houre of the daye and the nyght, with the natures and exposycions of the. xii. sygnes, deuyded by the. xii. monthes of the yere, and after foloweth of all the euyll [and] daungerous dayes of the yere. And sheweth the remedyes, for dyuers infyrmytes and dyseases, that hurteth the bodye of man. [London]: Imprynted by me me Robert Wyre, dwellynge at the sygne of the seynt Iohan eua[n]gelyst in seynt Martyns parysshe in the felde besyde Charynge crosse, in the bysshop of Norwytche rentys, [before 1536]. ESTC No. S94241. Grub Street ID 152554.
  • Moulton, Thomas. This is the glasse of helth, a great treasure for pore men, necessary and nedefull for euery person to soke in, that wyll kepe theyr body from the sycnesses & dysseases. And it sheweth howe the planettes reygne euery houre of the daye & and the nyght, with the natures & exposycyons of [the] .vii. sygnes, deuyded by the .vii. monthes of the yere, and after foloweth of all [the] euyll & daungerrous dayes of the yere. And sheweth the remedyes, for dyuers infyrmytes & dyseases, [that] hurteth the body of man. [[London]: Imprynted by me Robert Wyre, dwellynge at the sygne of saynt Joh[a]n Euangelyst, in saynt Martyns parysshe besyde Charynge Crosee, [before 1536]]. ESTC No. S94242. Grub Street ID 152555.
  • Moulton, Thomas. This is the myrour or glasse of helthe necessary and nedefull for euery persone to loke in, that wyll kepe theyr body frome the syckenes of the pestile[n]ce? And it sheweth howe the planettes reygne in euery houre of the daye and nyght, with the natures and exposicio[n]s o the. xij. signes, deuyded by the. xij. monthes of the yere, [and] sheweth the remedyes for many diuers infirmites [and] dyseases that hurteth the body of man. [Imprinted at London: In Fletestrete by me Robert Redman dwellynge at the sygne of the George nexte to Saynt Duustones [sic] churche, [1540?]]. ESTC No. S112921. Grub Street ID 132666.
  • Moulton, Thomas. Thys is the myrour or glasse of helth necessary [and] nedefull for euery person to loke in. that wyll kepe theyr body from the sekenes of the pestylence? And it sheweth howe ye planettes reygne in euery houre of the day and the nyght with the natures and exposycyons of the .xii. sygnes, deuyded by the .xii. monthes of the yere. And sheweth the remedyes, for many dyuers infyrmytes and dyseases that hurteth the body of man. [Imprynted at London: In fletestrete by me Elysabeth [Pickering] late wyfe vnto Robert Redman dwellynge at the sygne of the George nexte to Saynt Dunstones churche, [1541?]]. ESTC No. S110061. Grub Street ID 130188.
  • Moulton, Thomas. The myrrour or glasse of helth necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in that wyll kepe theyr body from the sekenes of the pestylence? And it sheweth howe the planettes reygne in euery houre of the daye and the nyght with the natures and exposycyons of the. xij. sygnes, deuyded by the. xij. monthes of the yere. And sheweth the remedyes, for many dyuers infyrmytes and dyseases that hurteth the body of man. [Imprynted at London: In Fletestrete at the sygne of the George by Wyllyam Myddelton dwellynge nexte to Saynte Dunstones Churche, [1545?]]. ESTC No. S112922. Grub Street ID 132667.
  • Moulton, Thomas. This is the myrrour or glasse of helth necessary [and] nedefull for euery person to loke in, that wyll kepe their body from the syckenesse of the pestilence, [and] it sheweth how the planettes do raygne in euery houre of the daye and nyghte, with the natures and exposicio[n]s of the .xii. sygnes, deuided by the .xii. monethes of the yere, and shewed the remedies for manye diuers infyrmyties and diseases that hurteth the body of manne. [Imprinted at London: for Rycharde Iugge, dwellyng in Paules churche yarde at the sygne of the Byble., [before 1546]]. ESTC No. S94244. Grub Street ID 152557.
  • Moulton, Thomas. This is the myrrour or glasse of helth necessary [and] nedeful for euery person to loke in, that wyll kepe their body from the syckenesse of the pestilence, [and] it sheweth how the planettes do raygne in euery houre of the daye and nyghte, with the natures and expocio[n]s of the. xii. monethes of the yere, and shewed the remedies for manye diuers infyrmyties and diseases that hurteth the body of manne. [Imprinted at London: for Thomas Petyt, dwellinge in Paules churche yarde at the sygne of the Maydens head, [before 1546. ESTC No. S94245. Grub Street ID 152558.
  • Moulton, Thomas. This is the myrrour or glasse of helth necessary & nedeful for euery person to loke in, that wyll kepe their body from the syckenesse of the pestilence, & it sheweth how the planettes do raygne in euery houre of the daye and nyghte, with the natures and exposicio[n]s of th .xii. sygnes, deuided by the .xii. monethes of the yere, and shewed the remedies for manye diuers infyrmyties and diseases that hurreth the body of manne. [[London]: Imprynted at London for John Wally, dwellynge in foster land, [ca. 1546]]. ESTC No. S94246. Grub Street ID 152559.
  • Moulton, Thomas. This is the glasse of helth. A great treasure for pore men, necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in, yt wyll kepe theyr body from syckenesses, and dyseases: and it sheweth how the planettes reygne euery houre of the daye [and] the nyght, with the natures [and] exposicions of the. xii. sygnes deuyded by the. xii. monethes of the yere. And after foloweth of all the euyll and daungerous dayes of the yere. And sheweth the remedyes for dyuers infyrmyties and dyseases, that hurteth the body of man. [[London]: Imprynted by me Robert Wyer, dwellynge in seynt Martyns parysshe, at charynge Crosse. Ad imprimendum solum, [1547-49?]. ESTC No. S94248. Grub Street ID 152561.
  • Moulton, Thomas. This is the myrour or glasse of helthe necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in, that wyll kepe theyr body frome ye syckeuesse [sic] of the pestilence, and it showeth how the planetes do raygne in euery houre of the daye and nyght, with the natures and exposicio[n]s of the. xii. synes. deuyded by ye. xii. monthes of the yere, and sheweth the remedyes for many dyuers infirmytes and dyseases that hurteth the body of man. [Imprentyd at London: By [R. or W. Copland for] Ioh?n Waley, [1548?]]. ESTC No. S112923. Grub Street ID 132668.
  • Moulton, Thomas. This is the myrrour or glasse of helth necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in, that wil kepe their bodye from the syckenesse of the pestilence, and it sheweth how the planettes do raygne in euery houre of the daye and nyghte, with the natures and exposicio[n]s of the xii. sygnes, deuyded by the. xii. monethes of the yeare, and shewed the remedies for many dyuers infirmities and dyseases that hurteth the bodye of manne. [Imprinted at London: In Foster Lane by [William Copland for] Iohn Waley, [1560?]]. ESTC No. S123216. Grub Street ID 142732.
  • Moulton, Thomas. This is the myrrour or glasse of helth necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in they wyll kepe they body from the [...]ekenes of the pestylence. And it be weth howe the planettes reygne in euery houre of the daye aud [sic] the nyght with the natures and exposycyons of the xii. bygnes, deuyded by the xii. monthes of the yere. And the weth the remedyes, for many dyuers in[...]mptes and dyseases the hurteth the body of man. [London: A Vele, 1560?]. ESTC No. S94247. Grub Street ID 152560.
  • Moulton, Thomas. This is the myrrour or glasse of helth necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in, that wil kepe their bodye from the syckenesse of the pestilence, and it sheweth howe the planettes do raygne in euery houre of the daye and nyghte, with the natures and exposicio[n]s of the xii sygnes, deuyded by the. xii. monethes of the yeare, and shewed the remedies for many dyuers infirmities and dyseases that hurteth the bodye of manne. [London: T. Colwell, 1561?]. ESTC No. S120736. Grub Street ID 140364.
  • Moulton, Thomas. This is the myrrour or glasse of helth necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in that wil kepe their bodye from the syckenesse of the pestilence : and it sheweth how the planettes do raygne in euery houre of the daye and nyghte, with the natures and exposicio[n]s of the xii sygnes deuyded by the xii monethes of the yeare : and shewed the remedies for many dyers infirmities and dyseases that hurteth the bodye of manne. [S.l.: T. Colwell, 1561?]. ESTC No. S4793. Grub Street ID 148723.
  • Moulton, Thomas. This is the myrrour or glass of healthe necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in, that will kepe theyr bodye from the syckenesse of the pestylence, and it sheweth howe the planettes do reygne in euery houre of the day and night, with the natures and exposicions o the xii. sygnes, deuyded by the. xii. monethes of the yeare, and shewed the remedyes for dyuers iufyrmyties [sic] and diseases that hurtethe the bodye of man. [Imprinted at London: In Fletestraet benethe the Conduite, at the sygne of S. Iohn Euangelyst, by Thomas Colwel, [1566]]. ESTC No. S112925. Grub Street ID 132670.
  • Moulton, Thomas. The compleat bone-setter: wherein the method of curing broken bones, and strains, and dislocated joynts, together with ruptures, vulgarly called broken bellyes, is fully demonstrated. Whereunto is added The perfect oculist, and The mirrour of health, treating of the pestilence, and all other diseases incident to men, women and children. Also, the acute judgement of urines. Written originally by Friar Moulton, of the Order of St. Augustine. Now revised, Englished and enlarged by Robert Turner philomath?s. London: printed by J.C. for Martha Harison, at the Lamb at the east-end of Pauls, 1656. [i.e. 1657]. ESTC No. R208418. Grub Street ID 84670.
  • Moulton, Thomas. The compleat bone-setter enlarged. Being the method of curing broken bones, dislocated joynts, and ruptures, commonly called broken bellies. To which is added, The perfect oculist, mirrour of health, and judgement of urines. Treating of the pestilence, and all other diseases. Written originally by Frier Moulton. Englished and enlarged by Rob. Turner Med. The second edition. London : printed for Tho. Rooks; and are to be sold by Nath: Crouch, at the signe of the Rose and Crown in Exchange-alley neer Lumbard-street, 1665. ESTC No. R222704. Grub Street ID 96655.
  • Moulton, Thomas. The compleat bone-setter enlarged: being the method of curing broken bones, dislocated joynts, and ruptures, commonly called broken bellies. To which is added The perfect oculist, The mirrour of health, and The judgement of urines. Treating of the pestilence, and all other diseases. Written originally by Frier Moulton. Englished and enlarged by Rob. Turner Med. The second edition.. London : printed for Tho: Rooks, and are to be sold by Nath: Crouch, in New-Exchange-alley, 1665. ESTC No. R180773. Grub Street ID 71676.
  • Moulton, Thomas. The compleat bone-setter enlarged: Being the method of curing broken bones, dislocated joynts, and ruptures, commonly called broken bellies. To which is added, The perfect oculist, mirrour of health, judgment of urines. Treating of the pestilence, and all other diseases. Written originally by Frier Moulton, Englished and enlarged by Robert Turner Med. The second edition.. London : printed for Nath: Crouch, at the Rose and Crown in Exchange-Alley, near Lumbard-street, 1666. ESTC No. R228564. Grub Street ID 101234.