Fulke Clifton (fl. 16151650)



  • Bookseller
  • Publisher


  • Freedom: 1615


  • Fulke Clifton
  • Fulk Clifton

Fulke Clifton, bookseller, 1615–1650; on New Fish-Street Hill, 1620; at the Lamb, on New Fish Street Hill, 1623–1640; under St. Margaret's Church at the Holy Lamb, 1627; in the Old Bailey, 1641–1644.

A Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers who were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667, by Henry Plomer (1907)

CLIFTON (FULKE), bookseller in London, (1) On New Fish-street Hill under St. Margaret's Church, 1620; (2) The Lamb, New Fish-street Hill, 1623–40; (3) Old Bailey, 1641–44. Took up his freedom March 29th, 1615. Chiefly a publisher of broadsides and political pamphlets, amongst which the following piece of Americana may be noticed: A Proportion of Provisions needful for such as intend to plant themselves in New England.