Publications of Henry Isaacson


  • Isaacson, Henry. Saturni ephemerides siue Tabula historico-chronologica containing, a chronological series or succession of the foure monarchyes, with an abridgment of the annual memorable passages in them, as also a succession of the kings and rulers ouer most kingdomes and estates of the world, with a breife chorographical description of them, & theyre seueral storyes epitomized, with a compend of the history of the Church of God from the Creation ... Lastly an appendix of the plantation and encrease of religion in this monarchy of Britayne ... By Henry Isaacson Londoner. [London] : Printed by B[ernard] A[lsop] & T[homas] F[awcet] for Henry Seile and Humphrey Robinson, & are to be sold at their shops in St. Paules Churchyard London, 1633. ESTC No. S122147. Grub Street ID 141704.
  • Isaacson, Henry. A treaty of pacification. Or Conditions of peace between God and man. By H.I. 1642. London: Printed for R. Thral, [1642]. ESTC No. R202596. Grub Street ID 79823.
  • Isaacson, Henry. A treaty of pacification or conditions of peace between God and man. Wherein is shewed the necessity of repentance with the severall parts of it, with other things fit for these disconsolate times. The second impression. Enlarged by the author H.J. London: printed by J.R. for Richard Thrale, & are to be sold at the Crosse-Keyes at Paules-gate, 1645. ESTC No. R222593. Grub Street ID 96553.
  • Isaacson, Henry. A spirituall duell between a Christian and Satan. Or, A conflict of a penitent sinner, with Satan, concerning the certainty, foundation, meanes, and perfecting his salvation. By H.I. London: printed by W. Wilson, for Richard Thrale, at Pauls gate, at the signe of the Crosse-keyes, 1646. ESTC No. R5619. Grub Street ID 126047.
  • Isaacson, Henry. The summe & substance of Christian religion, set downe in a catechisticall way, by H.I. Printed at London: by W. Wilson, and are to be sold by Richard Thrale at Pauls gate at the signe of the Crosse-keyes, 1647. ESTC No. R216506. Grub Street ID 91393.
  • Isaacson, Henry. The summe & substance of Christian religion, set downe in a catechisticall way, by H.J. Printed at London: by W[illiam]. Wilson, and are to be sold by Richard Thrale at Pauls gate at the signe of the Crosse-keyes, 1647. ESTC No. R178950. Grub Street ID 70574.
  • Isaacson, Henry. Divine contemplations, necessary for these times. By H.I. London: printed for Richard Thrale, and are to be sold at the Cross-Keyes at Pauls-gate, 1648. ESTC No. R222591. Grub Street ID 96552.
  • Isaacson, Henry. A treaty of pacification, or conditions of peace betweene God and man. Wherein is shewed the necessity of repentance, with the severall parts of it. Whereunto is added some divine contemplations fit for these disconsolate times. The fourth impression. Corrected by the author. H.I. London: printed by J. R. for Richard Thrale, and are to be sold at the Crosse Keyes at Pauls-gate, 1648. ESTC No. R178951. Grub Street ID 70575.
  • Isaacson, Henry. An exact narration of the life and death of the late reverend and learned prelate, and painfull divine, Lancelot Andrewes, late Bishop of Winchester. Which may serve as a pattern of piety and charity to all godly disposed Christians. Faithfully collected by Henry Isaacson. London: printed for John Stafford, neer S. Brides Church Fleetstreet, 1650 [i.e. 1651]. ESTC No. R206434. Grub Street ID 82959.